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Make a magic school faggots.
Anyone else find this one good for world building by the way?
What is this thread for?
Cucking Your Obese Aunt
>necromancer update when?
waifu husbandry cyoa when?
No lifesigns from the scientist in about ... two months. At least. And when he did, he said he's working on something new.
The scientist is a girl
Husband(o)ry cyoa when?
husband waifury cyoa when
agreed gas all faggots
Is tok considered spam now?
If now why are post being deleted?
Depends on how the mods are feeling, and which ones are looking at the time.
Tok is best author.
When was tok NOT spam?
I don't understand what this would be. Being a husband to your waifu?
Husbandry: The care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals.
Raising you waifu and training her, the halal way. The way it's supposed to be.
I have something in that vein.
as much as like this, i would die before even reaching my destination.
I think you would surprise yourself by how much you want to actually live when faced with a survival scenario. All rules of morality and humanity tend to go right out the window when faced with impending death.
Life gets pretty simple when the answer to many of your problems is simply following basic fight or flight responses
Any CYOAs with tomboy waifus?
there's one reverse trap one in the making.
Is it me you're looking for?
(hello) Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.
>tfw you make an inflammatory shitpost expecting loads of (you)s and a flame war about the topic in question but all you get is an empty feeling inside due to lack of replies and people not giving a fuck about your bullshit
heres your (you), i know that feel and i can tell you it does get better. we all kill threads or dont get replies sometimes, its ok.
nobody is gonna reply to stale ass shit if youre gonna tokpost at least make up something original
my post about fucking tok's corpse or smth got me 3 yous before mods slammed their greasy fat fingers over the delete comment button
Sure healing might not be able to heal mental deterioration, but what if you also had the soul school... For example what if we say emptied a soul out of a body and placed one of our own's soul into it... I'll need power 5 and control 3 or so to make sure nothing goes wrong.
School : Restoration , Soul
Casting : Reagents + Writing
Power Source : Mana
Limiters : Extra Casting Requirement - Writing , Research
Enchantment : Secondary School - Soul
Extra magic : Power Shift
Boons : Master of Disciples
Modifiers : Practice , Ritual
[3power 2control] [Potential, + 1C from practice, +1C+2C from writing , +1P+1C from ritual] [-1P for soul]
That should do it. With power shift it only matters my total power+control. I cast spells by writing complex runes, using an alchemical potion as ink. First dozen times I do it, I'd suck at it. Obviously. After some practice, I'll bring it up to a Power+Control of 5. With more practice before casting, I'l bring it up to P+C of 6. If I make it into ritual circles, I can bring that up to 8. If I use a super complex and big ritual circle, I can bring that up to 11 with writing's boons.
Now the plan is to mix restoration and soul magic to stuff my soul into a soulless body, and to do that for each of my best students. My masters will have -1 power usually so that leaves them with P+C of 10 which is perfect. With master of disciples, I can make sure that as they learn more, they're more and more loyal and dedicated to ensuring I, and their fellow masters, gets new bodies and survives. Well, we'd have to get in a good bit of research and start by practicing on animals, and then the terminally ill/death row inmates.
And it shouldn't be hard to get people to want to learn. Who doesnt want to learn healing powers and talk to the recently deceased. Hospitals and police would be filled with our people. And of course some politicians want second lives too. And of course so do mages from other schools... I'm sure there's a bargain to be struck here.
I'll go to Delphia Shiri
does anyone have that monster cyoa?
You'll have to be more specific.
Is this like Dark City the cyoa
Well, I went through this mostly blind because it seemed like choices were final as you made them in world, so let's see how I did
I picked south Eastern Riverlands because it seemed like raids were less threatening than some of the other shit and I was less reluctant to fight through them.
I locked in Great beast for transport because they're cool, I have plenty of pasture, it added a little defensiveness, and I figured my companions and I could sleep on its back if the floods came before we could build shelter.
I picked rations after the fact because shit like equipment and skill lists and Hans needing double rations were impossible to predict and work with
That said: 4 rations, spare parts, 2 hardware, basic tools, and an anvil. The rest I don't need
I fudged equipment after the fact in a similar vane. Metalworking tools, traps, a doctors Bag, 2 crossbow, and a box of ammunition
I took Husbandry, Trapping, Medicine, Pottery, and Tailoring as my skills because I didn't want to have to rely on companions to understand how to do somethings and with these I can eat by snaring fish and domesticating the large grazers that pass by, make waterproof clothing, make bricks and fabric for buildings, keep the great beast healthy, and resist disease and spoilage better
Sculpture seemed a fine hobby, although it really makes more sense for me to work with clay than stone
I do like Autumn, and I'm already depressed, so only upside there.
Islands are the dream to go with here I think because I'm living somewhere with a load of storms and very little supernatural
Tranquility will probably make my life more pleasant, and about the most advanced tech I'm bringing are the medical supplies, which are limited use so I'd have to go without anyway by the time my inner Luddite kicks in.
I grabbed a straw hat because I'm a lazy bastard and I'd never get shit done without it.
Jack and Hans are ideal companions because I basically need warm bodies who can help me get stuff done
I picked up a trained parrot because I have an almost superhuman lack of directional sense and training a bird to guide me towards the giant animal is a good way for me to live longer
I'm grabbing efficient team as my prep perk because my companions are going to need some guidance
Rough terrain, Bad weather, Hostile Natives, and Discord are going to suck hard, but I'm more prepared for them than anything else
I'll grab stormy morning for my omen because they all sound like things I don't want to deal with and at least rain I understand.
Might as well sign because if I walk out the door and end up stuck in the past anyway it's not going to go better for me. Sure I could advance tech in a few fields, but I don't get magic asspull funds to survive in a city to do it, so I might as well stabilize and invent shit from the ass end of nowhere.
I'm guessing healing doesn't work on yourself?
Is there anyone home?
there's already a CYOA called 'Dark City.' It's unrelated to the movie and I don't feel like posting 16 pages.
It just seems kinda of similar to it
Post the gifs instead, you turd.
Cyoa related
That CYOA you originally referred to is definitely inspired by Dark City. They even have Rufus Sewell in one of the images.
What's the best CYOA ever made?
If by best you mean the most commonly liked, then this.
Otherwise, it remains subjective
don't have them, not going to go out of my way to get them.
The best part is that I didn't even think about that CYOA while making Multiversal Adoption so it's a subconsious prequel.
>Innocent vs Smug
Innocent Cosoma every time!
>Let the shitstorm commence
Also, Liss's text is cropped out from the right
How is this even a choice
Wtf was it that warranted a delet that fucking fast?
>Liss's text is cropped out from the right
Ohhhhh. I understand now.
Pardon my retardation, kind sir. I hadn't realized it was OC.
Devourer a cute
I don't know how that crop happen. Have some OC. The Magi Case and Witches n' Inquisitions whenever I finish them.
I stand by what I said
>Choose one girl to disappoint
I like Cosoma better, but I don't think I could ever be anyone's 'knight in shining armor'. I'll go with Liss.
I haven't visited /cyoag/ in about a month now after I got burnt out reading CYOAs all day every day, hopefully I can get back into that comfy feeling I used to enjoy.
>instantly figure out how they could cuck you
>go to write it down to keep the meme alive
>too much effort
>somehow this isn't
You've managed to snag a close victory over the sheer inertia of my laziness. Feel a brief moment of pride in yourself.
>and so, the epic struggle between user's fear of cuckoldry, the endless ennui in user's life, and the obliviousness of CYOA makers continues. Lying dormant, but always present, an invisible hand guiding the threads to their ultimate destiny
So my choice is between a shy qt romantic, or a bitch?
It's like Return of the Jedi but the story is actually good
Perfect VR(+Immortality) is both the only choice that matters and the worst choice for mental health.
>Someone reposts my old cyoas.
Ah shucks. Although man do they need a revamp.
>this is OC btw
I was just thinking about this today, I'll do a build later if I get a chance.
Does anyone have the CYOA where you get enhancements for various parts of the body?