What if Doom Hell invaded 40k? How long would 40k last?
What if Doom Hell invaded 40k? How long would 40k last?
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How is Doom hell any different from Chaos?
Doom Hell just seems like the Khorne side of Chaos.
One stormtrooper could probably deal with it.
“OH HEY GUYS, how’s it goin’?”
Pretty much this. I don't think anyone would notice a difference.
>Daemons that have fixed physical forms
>Hell is a real, physical place with consistent rules instead of being a technicolour clusterfuck where the physics are made up and the rules don't matter
[laughing inquisition]
Supposedly, mudroom made it canon that ALL Wads ever made for Doom are canon, and that Hell is just chock-full of really really weird, and utterly mind boggling shit.
>hdoom is canon
Hell is literally just the Chaos
Maybe a little more Khorne based, but still
How will perpetual energy work out?
I mean if i understood the lore correctly a laser beam fired from hell energy would essentially just keep on going.
How would that work? Would the light be considered solid as it hits its target, as perpetual energy doesn't convert to other forms (heat, light, whatevs) or would it just be instantaneously melted?
Given that all Wads are canon, Hell is basically everything about Chaos taken to fucking eleven and beyond. Terry Traps are quite literally Slaanesh taken to the absolute limit.
It's common sense. Even someone like me, who isn't even into 40k can see the parallels between Hell and Chaos.
>Hdoom is canon
I uh..need to become a Space Marine and conquer Hell.
It's not explicitly stated - one of the runes says that countless dimensions get found, invaded, and absorbed into nuDooM Hell.
>not la tailor girl
>or even Amazing Space Amazon
Of course, this all assumes that you'd even find the layer of Hell where Hdoom takes lace, and that you simply won't end up in some variation of a Terry Trap or another horrific fate.
You are already in Hell. You cannot go lower. If you don't end up in HDoom you just gotta kill every demon until they bring you to it.
>Every WAD is canon
Does that mean the school shooter Wad is canon as well?
The news seems to think so.
Yes. Nobody ever said Hell had to make sense user.
I still don't understand what a terry trap is
Does that mean Demonsteele is canon too?
Yes. Nocturne In Yellow as well.
Watch this and you'll understand;
>make WAD about me dating my waifu
>me and my waifu are canonically together
Would these terry traps be considered the realm of slaneesh or tzeentch?
Probably both, given that they are simultaneously insidiously complex and diabolical in the ways that they can manifest, and they also manifest in all forms as some manner of horrible, horrible soul-destroying rape. Of course, I doubt even the Forces Of Chaos would want anything to do with Terry Traps or the beings related to them. Even evil has standards after all.