Pic related is always funny. Posting for those who haven't seen it Fuck it feels amazing. Ynnari were a mistake and should be Bretconned. Well done user, you're doing the Archon's work.
Yeah man it's the most fun I have every week. The Ynnari guy's got the tism and acts like the biggest douche canoe to everyone he beats, wiping the floor with him with just DE always makes him sperg and gives me an awesome sense of deep satisfactionand an erection.
Christian Williams
Wait is this song about Macha taunting her virginity?
Angel Brown
>Ynnari shouldn't exist Why? The triumvirate is awesome. The Yncarne is the prettiest mini of the game.
Colton Baker
>That second spoiler Do you whack off onto his Yvraine model to assert dominance?
Jaxon Fisher
Ynnari as a Eldar soup+ faction should be deleted.
Jose Jenkins
Ynnari are scum. I salute you. Worshipping david bowie and not wearing shoes. Remove suicide cult thots.
>the triumvirate is awesome yeah except for the fact that it depicts Ynnari instead of what the miniatures look like, which is to say -lady Malys -a croneworld eldar prince -a pre-fall hero like Eldanesh
Oliver Moore
How could one man be so wrong. The Yncarne is the most overdesigned pile of shit is recent years Fair enough.
No, that's literally every single death guard model
Joshua Moore
They're the second most overdesigned piles of literal shit.
Joshua Bailey
I tend to agree, the cheese of having 5 commander units is too much, they are far more points effective than normal battle suites and that is the issue
Jonathan Murphy
But Commorragh is literally the diamond dogs album
Cooper Hill
Anyone got a link to the March 2018 White Dwarf? Specifically after the Genestealer Cults rules for Necromunda
How tall are the armigers compared to a deff dread? I'd love to "metal gear rex" one of them and use it as a deff dread.
Mason Carter
Thanks, kind user. Excited to try these out!
Hunter Lopez
Fair point but they look so bad overall that no single failure is as obvious.
Eli Carter
I'm at work but for small dense peices like that it's super easy with bluestuff. I have it set up for 5 at a time. All you need to do is clean up the mold line after it sets, ezpz.
Easton Harris
Thanks frend, what army(s) do you play? Have you had any good games with frends lately?
Not him but I might do this. Kabalites look rad as fuck with those helmets.
Eli Morgan
I don't know how big deffs are but if it helps chibi knight carapace comes up to a real Knights face
Nathan Richardson
I don't have any pictures on hand but they should be slightly taller than a redemptor dreadnought.
Andrew Gomez
>HALT ARCH-MAGOS VENTURE PREPARE FOR YOURSELF FOR THE STING OF MONARCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I should make a tantalus Flying Cocoon. And does anyone know of any models they look like the ventures?
I’d love to see them. I browse just about every thread except for ones that go on during them early mornings in CST, if you do manage to post them. My bits always turned out too thick, the details would be fine, but there would be an extra mass of green stuff in the middle. I am using generic oyumaru from eBay if that affects anything. I am totally willing to try oyumaru casting again(my resin/silicone mold casting was an utter failure.) since it’s pretty easy set up.
Cooper Sanders
Definitely bigger in a way that matters.
That said if your opponent wont fight it because of that, they are a git
Hunter Torres
So i bought the Dark Imperium box and am soon looking to expand my Death guard army
Any suggestions on models I should get. Any models I should avoid?
Thinking about getting a tally man and a prince of nurgle
Nolan Rodriguez
>tfw practically no one at my store paints >feel like a dork for trying
Caleb King
Found a YouTube video doing size comparisons. Sadly, no one does size comparisons against deff dreads.
That depends on what you're looking for in your army. Are you looking for highly optimised, or fluffy, or somewhere in between?
Robert Peterson
How hard will Ahriman fuck up the dark elder in their own Codex?
Brody Scott
Well, once I'm done converting it would be much smaller. Basically stick his torso between his legs.
Sebastian Harris
mortarion PBC's are ridiculously hard to kill for what they cost
Noah Davis
fuck em, they know they should be painting, they are just mouthbreathers who don't have any commitment.
try to set up an escalation league with a 3 color minimum
Blake Thompson
mortarion is a good starting point, enjoy playing one of only two armies with a primarch while you can.
Liam Reyes
Depends. People will tell you all sorts of things, but without knowing what you want out of it the advice will suck.
In short....how competitive is this army aimed at being? Scale of 1-10, 1 being "whats competition" and 10 being "I will crush the ITC under my maggot ridden boot"?
Charles Bailey
Lead by example user I believe in you your painting is good
Nathan Smith
Somewhere in between. I mostly do casual play with a few friends.
Gabriel James
You can't fuck up the dark eldar, you can only fuck up specific dark eldar that nobody cares about because they got fucked up.
Jackson Rogers
Inspire them, user. See if you can get the store to do a monthly painting contest or something, or even just a show off.
Sebastian Jones
Right now id say a 5 or a 6. I mostly do casual play with friends but at some point id be interested in competitive.
Zachary Bailey
Looks like you're after having a couple different builds. I can't help with the optimisation, but for your casual games with friends I say pick what you like and make it work >T. I play centurions and whirlwinds in my fun marine list
Cooper Hernandez
I think yvrainne fucked the deldar up pretty good.
Ethan Brown
Your issue may be that you're using greenstuff. I'm using milliput, as I find the excess bits around the moldine are easier to clean up using it as it's got a lot of give for a hobby knife, where as greenstuff is a lot rougher to get rid of.
Samuel Fisher
>-lady Malys
Her origins and description are sexist. She is perpetually half naked and she used to be a highborn whore for Vect.
>-a croneworld eldar prince
Chaos Aeldari in the craftworld faction? No.
>-a pre-fall hero like Eldanesh
Ruins the mythical theme and mystery of those ancient times, not to mention that he is dead.
Carter Lewis
Then what this guy says, You can take basically whatever you like the look of, because DG are lucky in that they dont have much that actually truly sucks. Some stuff is more or less points efficient, but that isn't going to matter much for you.
What models do you like? Might be easier to find out what appeals to you and then make sure you build something solid from that.
Anthony Martin
Thanks for the advice anons. ill just stick with whatever catches my interest.
Kevin Rogers
She caught Vects attention for being a tactical genius and military mastermind far outstripping her rank and "married" her for her mind. They later "divorced" because she realized she was better than him in almost every way and he was, as you would imagine after the 15th black hole in a box, ostensibly a man-child. She now has almost enough power in the dark city to topple him and he barely stays one step ahead. How is ANY of that anything but female empowerment?
Jack Thomas
what I'm saying is those designs are wasted on those three Ynnari idiots
Jose Hall
This is canon.
.M41 - The Trials of Ghoroi V
>Third Sphere Expansion coalition is engaged by Eldar raiders over the quagmire world of Ghoroi V. The vast majority of the Tau fleet is crippled or destroyed. The only survivors to reach the planet’s acidic swamps are the three Firebase Support Cadres intended to reinforce a far more numerous army. Though they are at first assailed by the same Eldar slavers that decimated their comrades in orbit, the Tau drive them off with a combination of shared targeting data and relentless missile bombardment.
>Though the Eldar raiders sustain such heavy casualties that they abandon the fight, the trials of the Tau stranded there have only just begun. When the surviving battlesuit cadres are finally evacuated from Ghoroi, their members have bonded together with an impromptu ta’lissera ritual. Their rescuers are surprised to see the foetid mangrove swamplands around them choked with the scaled and segmented bodies of several hundred mega-predators whose appetite proved stronger than their wits.
>A Tempting Lure
>Having tormented Dal’yth space for many seasons, a host of Drukhari raiders launches an assault upon the colony world of Shi’yen, a sparsely defended frontier outpost with a large population consisting almost entirely of various T’au client races. They sweep into the desert planet’s great habitat-spheres, butchering with impunity. It is only when the raiders are fully occupied with their slaughter that the Dal’yth Fire caste springs its trap. Macro-camouflage arrays and wide-span refraction fields are deactivated, and scores of Breacher Teams emerge from concealed positions to deliver a brutal barrage of fire into the flanks of the startled Drukhari. Though losses amongst the T’au’s vassal races are substantial, the devastating impact of the sudden ambush all but obliterates the foe.
Bentley Richardson
> Tau.png Tau Portal The Battle of Va'yun was a battle waged between the Tau and Eldar Corsairs during the Second Sphere of Expansion. It began when a band of Corsairs lured the forces of Commander Dawnsword into a deadly trap on Va'yun, seeking to capture the Ethereal Aun'Fyr. However the arrogant aliens underestimated the discipline and technology of the Tau and were driven off after a savage fight.
Fire Warriors > Kabalites
Brandon Jackson
Oh no the haemonculi are gonna have to fire up the cloning tanks... what ever will we do lmao
Maybe that vatborn swill, but I dare you to say that to a trueborn member of the True Kin and escape with all your blueberry scented blood still inside you.
Christian Myers
It's a good way to start out, branch into hadcore stuff later but you want an army you like instead of what's the flavor of the month >See: the difference between Ork / Deathwatch players and eldar / Tau players
I want to write a story where an Archon is presumed dead and cloned but returns to a Commoragh that has already welcomed his clone as the real him so he has to create a competing Kabal from the ground up and they end up being massive rivals that, for all intents and purposes, run identical Kabals.
Luis Jackson
>Though losses amongst the T’au’s vassal races are substantial
lel Another example of, Tau got along just fine but the aux/allies, not so much. First anti-nid coalition now this
Jose Johnson
Just chop it at the knees
Cooper King
Yvraine fucked everyone Vect wanted fucked and only plays the revenge card to inadvertently assure compliance of everyone else in the dark city
That would be a fun read. His raider gets shot down and crashes and he has to footslog it through the webway and when he gets back an his upstart haemon has replaced him with an false clone that the haemon controls?
I would read it
Juan Moore
>This is what Malys actually believes Oh boy I can't wait for her failing yet again
Actually, Vect is fuming over what Yvraine did and he tried ti surpass knowledge of her escape.
She undermined his power in the Dark City and now he isn't really in control. A significant portion of the city is now drowned in the Shadow Realm.
The GS 2 says that she is an ideological threat to him and the Drukhari way of life since with what she offers, the Kabals and the pain economy are worthless.