Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

Endless shitposting, edition.

>Dark Eldar preview:

>Latest sisters news

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:

sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F10t6_FO9mTaG8FHY4B7v6hOQgwc3gXxUiIOrMYt16I6M%2Fedit

Attached: endless shitposting.jpg (670x738, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>not taking a sacea vanguard detachment with a fireblade, 3 marksmen, and marker drones
Its like you guys hate markerlights

Anyone else disappointed that GW announced Sisters of battle before female Space Marines? They missed a great chance to introduce them with Primaris and now they could have done it at AdeptiCon. How long they are going to keep ignoring over 50% of their player base? Sisters of battle are also a sexist faction played by alt-right, why else would they want them so badly if not, so they can objective them? I hope GW gets on the right side of history and releases female Space marines soon since there is no reason why there can’t be female space marines since lore can be changed and only loser neckbeards care about Warhammer lore.

Attached: gcr6RvV.jpg (682x1024, 249K)

Reposting for more advice:
Alright lads, put togther a 2k mephit list using the new necron dex:

Necrons 2klist , mephrit 1995
10 warriors 120
20 warriors 240
10 blasters immortals 170

Overlord, res orb, warsythe 130
Cryptek, chonometer, Staff of light 95
Destroyer lord, warsythe, phylatracy [Voidreaper] 131

4 destroyers 200
5 wraiths 275

[Heavy support detachment]
Cryptek, cloak, staff of light [voltaic staff] 85
3 Heavy destroyers 171
Anahilation barge, gauss cannon 153
C'tan shard 225

Idea would be everything fast sticks together to get 4+ RP, and to deliver the D.lord and the shard into CC, whilst the warriors deal with DS and back feild objectives. Immortals are in there for any TEQ stuff

Any feedback?

Baitposting in full force already.

Reposting for rating in the new thread.
T'''''au Sept for Darkstrider, 5+ overwatch and +1 to wound strat. Shieldd rones camp beside the Broadsides and one unit is held in reserve for manta-dropping on the COldstar Commander when he moves into the enemy lines.

Attached: Tau 2kpts Codex2.png (561x872, 43K)

Nice bait.
I assume you will get some serious replies. :capplingemoji:

Yeah they're really playing the thread title to the hilt

>only neckbeard losers care about the lore
neckbeard losers are 100% of their customers

Duke Nukem reporting for duty!

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