How long have we got left?

Seriously tho, how long will this market remain in this highly profitable state? One year, two years?

I’m not talking about these small periodical crashes, but how long until this market takes a big hit and stagnates to the point where 50% a year is huge?

I say we got one solid year left.

No one knows

until people seriously use crypto irl

Fug dude, any more of her

Shitcoins will always be around for gambling, even during the 2014-2015 bear market we had a lot of pumps

I think once large institutional investors enter the market and screw things up in some way
probably before 2020

No one knows. You gotta make trades like the clock is ticking. You gotta find the Googles and hold onto them but also make money off the AskJeeves in the short term.

they're already among us

Two months.

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

I want to stick my tounge between her buttcheeks

probably a few years for the bigger coins, maybe longer for alts (although definitely in far fewer quantities)

I believe we are in the infancy of crypto, and that means we are early adopters. However, when the total marketcap hits 1 trillion, I believe we will see some correction, and hopefully a bunch of shitcoins will be flushed out of the system.

Still got the next 2-3 years to really make it and enjoy the ride. Come 2021 it will get very hard to make these gains.

Veeky Forums is fucking me up with all this ass

It's only now just starting to really take off with normies flooding into exchanges, so much so that they're going through growing pains and having to pause registrations. Personally I think we're going to see a huge alt run into late Winter/early Spring during which time BTC will stagnate but never really plummet because it's the medium currency normies will need to use to get alts in the first place. As the alt mania dies down there will be a rush to sieze profits and money will move back into BTC causing another huge BTC bull run which will power through the Spring into Summer. We have at least another year, and it's going to be a phenomenal one.

it doesn't matter, we are all millionaires by then

Will the market ever stop being this volatile? Will it start to be more akin to stocks in 5-10 years from now?

maybe you'll find a dictionary and you can look up how to spell tongue


There's no way to regulate decentralized exchanges. :^)


I'll be glad when they enter and short the fuck out all these vaporware coins normies keep on buying because "next bitcoin dude" xDDDDD

start accumulating as much zcl as fast as you can. exchange announcements coming soon.

cryptos move 5x faster than stocks because its a 24 hour market, you'll always have moonshots in crypto just like you have in stocks but the larger market caps do them over days instead of minutes

Are you serious? This is just somewhat beginning, exchanges can't even keep up with all the new registrations..

We're gonna get flooded with new money this year

>t. bagholder
RIP in peace. Was warning you faggots yesterday that shit was priced in.

Tell us that u bought at 850k sat?

Think crypto will still be in a highly profitable state as long as ICO's keep coming with innovative tech and actual "WORKING" products. As for shit coins with no real function they will eventually fall and correct to what they should've been in the first place. Remember, crypto as we know it still has A LOT of issues and problems that need solving, and as long as these exist which will be for a while, crypto will remain highly profitable.

i want to put my penis between your buttcheeks friend.

Considering how tedious it is to buy most coins at the moment, I wager that this phase will last atleast until you can buy all major coins straight with FIAT.

Which will occur via the BANCOR PROTOCOL(tm)


at least 2.

retard alert
goldman already fuds to buy btc low and sell during pumps

Read this thread, and then you'll see where we stand

he's definitely a brainlet, but he's right about institutional investors. I think he's confused them with institutional speculators.

When market cap breaches 5 trillion
Crypto will become just like stocks
Regulated for poor people, wild west for rich fucks
Youll need $1m just to play, to even leave a trace

you have 3 months left, then its game over
back to playing cards with your friends in basements

The more times passes the harder it gets, don't be fooled, methods that worked will no longer work because more people exploit them so they don't land the same results.