Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2143: So Long And Thanks For All The Yous Edition

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>Would the Wyld Hunt try to attack Lookshy to get at a pair of young Anathema?
...user. Lookshy IS the Wyld Hunt in the Scavenger Lands.

They're a Dragon-Blooded stronghold, even if they fight off the Realm, and they follow the Immaculate Philosophy.

So, uh... go with Great Forks, unless you want to fight off 3,000 dragons on their home turf.

>Rosie -400
>You are a hunk of metal, you are also fully able to move like a human.

I would replace “You are also” with “that’s also”.

Actually, in the canon period of exalted, Lookshy doesn't give a fuck about hunting down anathema who don't cause them trouble. Even if they're actually IN lookshy. That being said, go back even two decades and that isn't the case, apparently.

Do you consider "may you live in interesting times" perks to be a good thing, or a bad thing?

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Actually Lookshy doesn't hate Celestials.

From the Scavenger lands book.

>The Anathema: While the Solar Exalted are not hunted or shunned in Lookshy, their arrival is not considered good news. Peaceable Anathema have come to Lookshy and found cordial accommodations for the length of their visits, but their unpredictability combined with the raw power at their disposal makes them difficult to befriend.

Still Great Forks is better if as it puts Lookshy between you and the Realm while also being a nicer place to live in general. Perhaps start in Lookshy for the Armor discount and head home to Great Forks afterwards.

They're technically bad things, but life's much more fun with them, so I take them anyways.

It is very contextual.

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While generally true, the Immaculate Order is very much active in Lookshy and environs. If you want to get away from the Hunt, you are better off heading to Nexus.

It's a good thing buddy, once you enter the jumpers life normal becomes boring. I mean once you've fought dragons, aliens, and eldritch abominations why would you want normal?