Where we at Arkies?
Where we at Arkies?
Sold mine today when I saw that the developers had deputized some guys from Veeky Forums to do their fucking job.
Nigga please.
biz_classic will take this to the moon.
This is Veeky Forums coin
>This is Veeky Forums coin
The Veeky Forums coin is called Link and it's fucking mooning.
>This is Veeky Forums coin
No this is BIZ Coin
wdym? Look up what a 'bug bounty' is. Lots of companies pay community Devs for finding and fixing bugs
ARK is my only coin that hasn't gained since I bought it last month. REQ, XRP, XLM and LINK have absolutely coined it since.
What's taking arkie so long? I sold Quantstamp at like 1000 sats for this and that rocketed too. JUST
>contracting and paying devs bounties is a bad thing
>ARK is my only coin that hasn't gained since I bought it last month.
Literally untrue on all fronts.
Why lie so blatantly?
it will. only weak hands are selling.
spoiler: it will never moon
deluded and reporting in sir
I got in late, but I'm actually starting to consider using REQ gains later this year to load up on more ARK if it takes off first.
Sold 500 at the top will buy back when it dips 50% like always
Just sold nearly all my remaining ARK, if you've been following this project closely you'll have noticed several red flags emerging. Red flags such as :
>Dev team not interested in communicating with anyone despite one of the white paper's objectives defined as increasing consumer adoption. Community is kept afloat by the delegates who appear to be getting increasingly frustrated with the devs
>The network has been going down repeatedly for the last few months. It is kept alive by a system called "Noah" (lmfao they actually try-hard named their damage control system) which is essentially a snapshot of prior to the crash. No word on when this fucking major issue will be getting fixed
>Little price action despite the whole market booming
The desperation on the sub-reddit is palpable. Delegates rush around desperately trying to fill in the blanks that the dev team have left. Anybody with a position in ARK needs to think long and hard on whether they should market sell this right now.
>The network has been going down repeatedly for the last few months. It is kept alive by a system called "Noah" (lmfao they actually try-hard named their damage control system) which is essentially a snapshot of prior to the crash. No word on when this fucking major issue will be getting fixed
Wait what. Please explain further.
He's got no clue what he's talking about. Nodes do go down and it's an issue, but the snapshots don't work the way this guy thinks. A minority of the network is affected at one time, and the chain as a whole is consistent and there's no rollbacks like he implies.
Also, it wasn't named by the team either.
Ok good, because rollbacks would be ...very bad.
All bought between Dec 17th and Dec 23rd
>the city of (You)
Read this thread. It's very worrying
The fact is it's broken. The only reason I stuck with ARK for as long as I did is your guys efforts over at biz_classic. Having seen a few screenshots of you trying your hardest to reason with the uncaring devs over at slack as well as the general feeling of doom surrounding the sub has made me jump ship.
It's up in sats and about the same in dollar.
When you said month I thought you meant 30 days ago though.
>investing this little
>getting mad you have a
>lose $11 dollars
>post on biz
You had literal months to accumulate for a move up. Ark is forming a cup now anyhow, so cool your rooster.
Been holding since launch. Losing hope at this point. It has been the poorest performer this season in my portfolio. I am tired of waiting. I have made great gains over this time, but the market is moving much faster than this dev team. They are facing serious competition now and their ideas are no longer novel or interesting. I told myself I would give them until the end of January to make a wave, if not then I will be exiting this failed mission. I will probably hold a small bag, just for sentimental value, but this shit is getting heavy. Like seriously, what the fuck are they doing? We need more than a wallet.
>The only reason I stuck with ARK for as long as I did is your guys efforts over at biz_classic
Even after the devs said they have no fucking clue what the token is suppose to be used for I stood by. I cashed out most around the last peak. Sucks because I was holding this coin for so fucking long, wish I would have sold all of it before it crashed and went bear the last time. Still a 2x at least...
in software open source and having the community contribute is generally considered a good thing. look at linux for example.
>inb4 linux sucks
I wish I'd cashed out at 62k, but only to rebuy low.
You can't predict drops like that Bitcoin wreckage though. Who knows where it would have gone if not for that (probably sideways).
I bought at $2.5 and still holding. currently it's 23% of my portfolio.
ARKIE reporting in o7
dumped ark. put into xlm when it was 30 cents. never looked back. the growth on this coin compared to the booming that is happening is fucking retared. same thing with vtc. dumped that shit and now im in ICX at 2.50. Yeah these coins might moon but it will be nothing compared to the gains of ICX or VEN.
So I heard Jeannu is official animu girl of ARK?
Actually it's down in sats for me, that purchase was at 50,000 and it's currently at 47,000. I see your point about 30 days though.
I'm not mad. You'll notice I never insulted ARK here , I asked what's taking it so long and lamented my luck. What has the size of the investment got to do with anything? I invested around $500 in these 5 coins and now I'm at $1450 two weeks later so I'm happy with the performance.
Have you noticed that almost every other Veeky Forums coin has skyrocketed in these two weeks, it been the single best period in the altmarket in a long time, maybe ever. That's fair ground to wonder why ARK is stalling.
It wasn't just the loss, it's the lack you could have gained on other coins. Since I said I sold Quantstamp which is on its way to x4 and I put $100 in ARK that's more like a $311 you've missed out of.
But anyway yep, heard a few anons say the TA is looking good so here's hoping.
Neo has a fucking community dev team, city of zion. Moon man will take us where we need to go its in his name.
>dark knights come around, your folio can look bleak, but shimmer of hope comes out in force, Our moon. Mr moon man.
>I asked what's taking it so long and lamented my luck.
You can't win every time. 3/4 is not fucking bad.
Also consider that most of the recent coins that had big moons were under a dollar. Ark is somewhat established. There are no quick gains here, you're investing in a potential future product.
I got in to it quite late (around $3.25) and knew I was going to have to hold for a long time to see exponential gains.
If you want to take out your Ark and gamble it on shitcoins that MIGHT moon go ahead, but hindsight is a bitch and you most likely wouldn't have jumped into the right things at the right time.