How to get out of crypt quietly?
I have about a million dollars in crypto on my desktop wallet. How do I get out of it without leaving a trace?
My home country is socialist as shit and will probably take more than half of what I currently have.
How to get out of crypt quietly?
I have about a million dollars in crypto on my desktop wallet. How do I get out of it without leaving a trace?
My home country is socialist as shit and will probably take more than half of what I currently have.
take your laptop move to a different country
Then move. Or pay your taxes. Or don't cash out. There is no realistic alternative.
t. international tax adviser
Can I get an email contact?
> socialist country
> owning half a million $
Dude you‘d live like a king after cashing out!
convert into BTC
flip some gold bought with BTC
take lots of planes/trains/automobiles back with cash
Tell me what is wrong with that idea
buy XMR mining rigs with it?
Welcome to the reality: You can't cash out of crypto.
Is there a way to do it without raising any red flags? I just don't think it's fair that I've spent the past few years building up my portfolio and then have the govt come in and take the majority because they say so.
They're probably gonna spend that money on refugees and other bullshit. While I never got anything for free in my entire life!
Feel ya.. not having a million but greedy af country. If i ever hit the jackpot i gotta pay half to the government
localmonero maybe?
Try to sell crypto for cash.
Id rather not say. All I can tell you is that my country cares more about the entire world than for its own citizens.
Is this why I never see anyone on this board talking about cashing out? You are all afraid of paying taxes on your "free" money?
and get gutted like one too. Theres a reason everyone who lived in a commie country risks life and limb to leave
Yeah exactly, you do actually have a millions in crypto. You are much better of just fucking paying an accountant to do it right than fuck around get screwed.
>Id rather not say. All I can tell you is that my country cares more about the entire world than for its own citizens.
The USA? We applied a hotfix for that about 1 year ago. It's still installing.
Ah, the typical snownigger. So full of himself, so greedy and bitter. I'm guessing you're a stormcuck to boot, crying how Hitler didn't eradicate your nigger """men""" in lebensborn like the loyal cuck you non Anglos are
Jos näin on niin maksa se vitun 34% pääomatuloveroa. Ei oo paha.
he probably meant sweden, US capital gains tax is like 15%, a lot but doable
It's obviously Germany you imbeciles.
OP, you don't want to risk to get fucked. You either pay the taxes or you move. It's that simple.
Tai sit pitää ne rahat siellä kryptossa ja ottaa vaan pieniä määriä ulos jos tarvitsee. Tää on kuitenkin krypto_rahaa_ hei.
Easy to get caught. Risking jailtime
>crypto market rumors about regulation started looming then too
roll back this fucking update
>Or just keep the money in crypto and only take out small sums if you need. This is crypto_currency_ after all.
I tried doing it legally 5 years ago during the last bubble. I made about 10000$ usd and the accountant said they would probably take no less than half. So I kept it and now it's grown to well over a million. But still the same problem. No one takes bitcoin IRL anymore. When retailers did I was buying stuff and reselling for cash locally. Other times I'd gladly take a loss of up to 30% by buying and reselling TVs to people. But that proved too risky and time consuming. I had the cops pay me a bust because they thought I was dealing in stolen goods. I wasn't but I couldn't explain to them why I was buying for higher and selling for less.
What about selling locally in 20k batches?
Pay your taxes and live in your first tier socialist communist country. Then you can fix it from the inside. Rofl
Belgium right? 33% tax on diverse income is a bitch.
It's simple: don't cash out.
If you do you'll not only get taxed, but you'll become a person of interest as well.
Don't cash out until you don't have to. If you're broke and dying of hunger then that's a different story and you should cash out an income-like amount per month and just pay the taxes on it.
But before you do that make sure to obfuscate your total holdings in the blockchain.
You can't cash out. Nobody will pay you real money for virtual memetic tokens.
It's literally impossible to cash out.
Go back to your sun burnt shithole Omar. Nobody wants you here. All you do is rob and rape and if we speak up we get thrown in jail. Actually you know what I'm probably going to invest my fortune into weapons so that I can hunt you brown menace down.
SKATT MANN ei pidä tästä
Life is expensive in France
>paying taxes
Good goyim, better use the honor system or we'll send you a threatening letter!
Just tell them you are stupid. It’s not against the law to be stupid. Plus stupid people get tons of free money from the gubmint as part of their socialist communist de-evolution program so stupid people sit around and breed
More than working people cuz muh overpopulation.
As for cashing out there are a few institutions that will let you cash out but they are back loaded. You can sign up now and get waitlisted Like TenX . Google around.
yeah, this.
memorize the passphrase so you can recreate the wallet anywhre anytime and fucking leave.
What do I do, then? I invested 5k last June and am up to 80k now and want to cash out when it reaches 100k. Will anyone be willing to buy?
you can use lokal bitcoin automats?
Ignoring the letter puts you in contempt. Contempt is criminal. You must honor the gubmint !
Say you accidentally sent it all to the wrong wallet address and lost it all
>implying I even have a home address anymor
Never tried a bitcoin atm? totally works
Move somewhere else and obtain residency or citizenship there...
You know what’s the best about crypto nobody can force u to give up all u have to do is put it in a wallet and that’s it.
U can hold it until u get ur residency in the new country then cash out there
I have thought of this also but the irs was ssking for public wallet addresses. My guess is they will start monitoring the addresses in the future. If they’d se any activity they will fuck you up. But that is down the road.
Sell it to Veeky Forums for 70% of the price.
Just pay the taxes you stupid nigger
Well with 1 million I would def leave for another country, no question.
>i don't think it's fair that the government...
welcome to real life kid
In my country gambling is a tax free event, what if I put all my money into fun fair before cashing out?
Crypto. Turning moronic liberals into republicans one moon mission at a time. Now you see why rich people cheat insane tax rates all the time.
Get a consultant. He can tell you how you can create a company somewhere in panama or shit like that for few thousand bucks. You just cash out the money to the company you own then. You can put in the rest of your money as well and do not have to pay taxes
Go on vacation to a major American city. Find people buying btc for cash and sell to all of them until you’re done. Use the cash to buy property in the us.
>I made about 10000$ usd and the accountant said they would probably take no less than half. So I kept it and now it's grown to well over a million.
If you've held it over a year tax rate is a lot lower in most countries.
You can easily sell that small an amount of bitcoin without budging the price more than 1%.
>Buy citizenship in Peru
>Buy a large plot of land
>Surround your compound with claymore mines and trip wires
>Hide the bodies of anyone dumb enough to approach
>Never pay taxes for anything ever again
What kind of person becomes a tax collector anyway?
When governments realize the tax system doesn't work in crypto, the which hunts will start, and those who tried to do the honorable thing and used an accountant to pay taxes will suffer the most, since there will be documented evidence the courts will try to use falsely and maliciously.
Our system is corrupt and evil, it is not honorable to do what seems honorable. There no picture of ceaser on my coins, only my fiat.
This stupid meme stopped being funny the second time it was used.
Mate if you're from an EU country, move to Malta. Seriously read up on our tax rates, especially capital gains tax. Also, most of our authorities are really easy to bribe. No kidding
The ones that try their hardest to be good little subjects always get raked over the coals in the end
Don't you mean Chile.
Flip to XMR, Buy physical 'goods' on dark web. Sell physical 'goods' in real life for cash.
Taxes for cashing out in Chile are around 25% of your profits.
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Show more on map for buying bitcoins with cash
You're not anglo shitskin
to where is the real question? Every time I think someplace in america sucks I remember that 99% of the world is worse in aesthetics, freedom, and culture. I live in white suburbia and even when its boring it sure as fuck beats living in eastern europe where my family was from
>memorize the passphrase
Thats fucking next tier.
pay you taxes retard.
>moving to peru
Yeah no.
Is this for real or just shilling for ledger/trezor?
seems to conveniently come ATH
>Its not that hard to memorize 24 words.
I mean most people on this board probably had to memorize shit like the periodic table of elements in high school.
>pay your taxes if you're retarded
Fixed that for you.
northern/western europe and east asia top USA imo. USA is good if you're rich.
Yeah, Jews cucked you good. Befitting of the obedient dogs you snowniggers are. I am fyi east Asian, you know, the guys always topping the iq charts you faggots love posting? You're just worthless. Barely above niggers
Eastern euro is fucking GOAT mate, what are you on about?
Or just hold for a year & then cash out tax free. There were numerous threads about cashing out in DE lately
>I am fyi east Asian
Can you POO IN LOO?
>What kind of person becomes a tax collector anyway?
my father is a tax collector. a loyal and decent man. tax evaders are filthy scum and must rot in jail.
hiding your income is equal to stealing food from a baby or sick old people.
Hejsa din fordrukne svensker.
This nigga has a million dollars he doesn't want to pay taxes on. If he doesn't mind shit winter weather, the midwest is comfy AF and he can get a good house with lots of natural parks nearby to visit. Also asia is a meme, if you're not a chink in china people will straight up spit on you. I don't even blame them, fuck kikes and their multikulti BS
Its shit if you're poor.
>Indians are east asian
snownigger detected
Your father is a professional thief employed by the top mafia.
>>Indians are east asian
>implying not all asians are streetshitters
>Fixed that for you.
they are going to get ya. your ass gonna bleed in that jail.
Transfer crypto to payoneer/payeer card and withdraw cash from ATM overseas.
just do some e-laundry
I do this:
crypto to webmoney, then charge a virtual mastercard with it
many virtual mastercards let you put 50K on them, so you just need to create a few
Have you ever even fucking been there? Roads are shit. The government does nothing. Blatant corruption is the norm. Cops will straight up demand money when they stop you. The people are all assholes who will pretty much try to fight at the drop of a hat if you so much as look at people the wrong way. Only retards romanticize the shitholes in eastern europe/russia. Yeah its "white" but it might as well be africa because everything is falling apart and everyone doesn't care unless they get money in their pocket
OP, are you in the EU? Schengen? if so move to italy for 6months to a year. Do you owe taxes to your fatherland if you live in Italy for a year and cash out crypto while in Italy?
what did he mean by this
Wait till you hit 6 figures in crypto.
Buy physical gold
Republicans try to con their way out? I thought they were the good guys but clearly they're just niggers.
So you didn't get educated? No health coverage? Some socialist country you live in. Explains your retardation though
Just kiss your 5k money good bye. You put real money to buy virtual money. You cannot cash out. You can only hope virtual money will become real, but it will never become real because bitcoin doesn't scale. Sorry, you lost 5k.
collecting taxes is equal to theft
They just don't want to have to feed a bunch of lazy niggers and white trash.
This is the fud Veeky Forums spreads, jesus christ, no wonder you fucks lose money on this market.