Nobody cares.

nobody that doesn't own any, you faggot

If that were true he wouldn't have sold all of his

That includes charlie lee faggot

He had major issues.

is this real life?

Only retards who don't want to make money hold Litecoin.

Charlie is a low-T beta bitch
You'd have to be a fool to be investing in LTC.

LTC are bunch of losers omg Digibyte invited them to speed competition and they blocked them...fuck this shit lol are they 15 yo?

He sold all of his coins then claims he knows it has not left the station yet...


you are just a fucking copypasta of a dying breed.

go fuck yourself, it's been a waste of time.

dude he took some profits, he didnt premine so hes fine by me anons. his name will be ruined if he cant get LTC up to 700 bucks this years lol.


Charlie Lee is the most honest man in crypto and the only person I would trust my money with long term.

Don't get me wrong I still play shitcoins but everyone knows Charlie Lee is taking us to the promised land.

dumped my bags after holding for a month. fuck this coin

lol i bought ltc at 50 bucks at the end of november, went 10x then went into ripple, xlm, trx, rdd, req, and link. whatever you say fomo fuck.

Charlie is literally a retarded soyboy manchild.

>some profits

that's a half truth at best. Charlie completely cashed out at ATH right before Litcoin crashed, lol

Go back to your cave, shitty centralized coin REEEEEEE

Yeah he only mined it himself for years. If he were serious he would have held at least 50 %.

who cares honestly? its not a premine.. he bought in to his own coin with his own families money....

>Buying into LTC now

The Lightning Network will drive Litecoin below $10. The Litecoin escape hatch is closing and you'd better jump through it, quickly.

>who cares honestly?
Well obviously not the bagholders, who are deluded into thinking Charlie did it for moral reasons. Seriously, everyone else in crypto is laughing at you for being this naive.

>he bought TRON at 20 cents
>he bought Ripple at $3
>he bought XLM at 93 cents

this charlie guy is such a schizo. seriously LTC is fucked

lol im not naive but i think he can dodge taxes and take profits if he wants to. he has mad hundreds of early miners LTC that didnt do shit besides run a couple graphics cards for a couple weeks. Its not our fault people bought after a 1,000x bullrun and expected it to surpass bitcoin or some retarded shit. Ltc will moon. When BTC hits 50k u will see LTC at 1k.

> own my own coin
> pump my coin
> dump my coin
> repeat

xlm at 93cent wow! that shit is gonna be worth 100$ each in 2019


yea exactly oo jeez XLM is $1 i better hop on right now itll be $10 by next week. this is what people think who bought ltc at $460 lol.

Charlie is a good guy, when all these shitcoins die LTC BTC AND ETH are the only ones going to still be alive

I held my pile of litecoin for 5 years and finally dumped it last week to jump on the Tron train. Best decision I've ever made. But now I'm thinking I need to go all in on litecoin because if it does take off, it will be huge

I finally just got fucking approved on Coinsquare.

It sucks to buy crypto in canada.

I put 250 CAD on Coinsquare to see how it functions.

Should I just dump it into LTC while it's down?

LTC is a shitcoin too, mong

LTC is dogshit.

Try and cashout your jerkoff coins.

FB will very soon announce BTC & LTC integration in Facebook Messenger through atomic swaps. Connect the news. This is gonna be HUGE.


How do you know this, Great Prophet?


So faceberg won't just make their own coin? Sure buddy.

price when he cashed out was ATH because people interpret his dump as fail of a coin, and after these spread rumours it's normal price stopped in growth

In a month of two these rumours will be past, + there is HUGE coming for ltc this year

Nope. Why would he? This is what is gonna get him on the first page in the history books. You think money is his sole purpose? Fame is one above that. He is gonna be the one that will change the 21st century banking system.

Don't believe my word on it, but read between the lines of his goddamn own Facebook post. It has decentralisation and fighting the system almost highlighted..

You redditors are fucking delusional. Superjewberg only fucking cares about money. Hence the reason he fucked the winkletossers. You think that reptilian ego maniac would do anything to increase their net worth? Get fucked dreamer

Cool story bagholder.
This shitcoin will soon fade out of relevance.

That's right! He made is profits and is now perfecting the Coin, and It works, in fact as a currency, secure and fast. What are you gonna do with the shitcoins? Only gambling