I don't care about fundamentals at all
I enjoy helping fud the newfags when the market takes a shit.
I FUD promising coins for the sole purpose of accumulation.
I'm afraid to cash out.
greed overtook me, dear savior
> was all in on tron
> had a bright idea to go all in on small cap ATH instead
> tron 2.5xs
> my coin crashes 20%
> if i held, i could pay my student loans.
thank me later
I sold 15% of my fun stack at 775 sats
You’re a shill gathering social patterns of people who don’t understand
ive fudded the shit out of link for weeks, when i actually hold some
i think btc is a shitcoin that should die a slow painful death and i hope that it kills btc maximilists
i am having FUN
I panic sold LINK yesterday, again.
I'm jealous of everyone on Veeky Forums even though I know 90% of this board is LARPing faggots
I bought SALT at $13
Sold at $11 because of FUD
Bought back in at $13 because of shilling
So this is how it feels to buy high sell low
hahahah motherfucker
I sold my whole portfolio for SALT, and every one of those coins mooned
i can't stop touching my penis.
I never bought BTC and I'm years in crypto.
decided to hodl ltc
I come here only for the memes.
bought coss at 25 cents in October. Held even when it fell to 5 cents. Sold 2 weeks ago for 30 cents and now its mooning with new UI coming out next week.
Moment you sell, it will moon to $27. Still not sure if it's worth hodling but I don't wanna fuck up again. Who else here /highbloodpressure/
bought 20$ of BTC at 19K and sold at 13K
i gambled away 8.4 btc in 2015
Now i only have 0.2 left
I only have $125 worth of cryptos.
I don't really know what all this is about I just want to get in on making ridiculous amounts of money doing essentially nothing except hyperfocus on magic internet money
I panic sold and traded trying to minimize my losses and ended up losing $500. What do you do when everything is crashing?
If things have already dropped past 20% just HODL even if they drop to 40$ you gotta strengthen those arms and practice ur bag carrying
This. The gains just make it worse too.
I keep all of my crypto on and its now been offline for 2 days
I sold my LINK at the bottom.
This only works with BTC shitcoin.
I’d rather not have to pay 40-50 bucks to cash out 500 bucks here and there
sell it
I bought the wrong dip
My housemate called me a retard when i first bought in. Now i remind him everyday what the value of portfolio is, and give him shit quite frequently. The cope is unbelievable right now
I'm still a nocoiner.
That's funny because I bought at the bottom. Not selling for a very long time
i pretend to be poor while making $250k/year
I used to shill BTC like a retard newfag back, some months ago. Now I despise it and throw all my shit against it. I even have a folder for each coin I like to fud like "BTC FUD".
I hold half of the deposit in USDT
i did the same to by housemates and one actually bought in and has tripled his money, the other two are coping hard
>not making 1mil a year
stay poor poor fag
I want XLM to replace BTC
i got my buddy into litecoin last month and we made a bunch of money together and then he was trying to get me into ripple but i sortof put it off and then it mooned and now he keeps telling me about his huge gains and im salty as fuck
sold 303 XRB at $1
>done about 13k raiblocks with faucet and bounties
>sold months ago under 1000 satoshi
i constantly FUD and act like the sky is falling whenever a coin drops 15%
not for any particular reason. it's funny and it gets the (You)s
dont do this
ripple is crashing so dont be salty
that must feel terrible.
I thought we were going to beat the bankers.
I was tempted to sell my trx when it started dipping an hour ago.
good. i fucking told him to sell yesterday and he said no
plx sto dooing it in my comfy XLM treads plx
Its the Veeky Forums way
This literally wouldn't happen if Veeky Forums didn't post asses every other thread.
I always FOMO in at ATH and lie about my behaviour on Veeky Forums
i do it exclusively in XLM threads
whenever you see this justed little green boi, it me
>I HODL Litecoin
>I buy the meme, sell the news
thanks, i will
You have given me a good laugh. So, thank you for that one. I needed it.
I sold XLM at a 50% loss in September
I never buy coins that don't have a subreddit btw
I notice macro trends and spread FUD by connecting the dots. Sometimes I throw in a lie to stress people out.
i keep most of my portfolio in eth because i'm too much of a pussy to go all in on alts
I hodl btc and nothing else
I have $100 to drop right now. What should I buy?
even BTC is better than ETH
At the big dip, I bought more Asiacoin.
I signed up on yobit specifically for this and my transfer isn't confirmed yet
It's not crashing.
I have disdain for plebs who don't know what a satoshi is and envy that they are making more money than I am
This is real
I'm trying to be better than that, but this is really frustrating
chads always win I guess
I claimed and sold all the BTG from my hodling normie friends after the fork
they have no idea
Read this as I was touching my penis
I sent 1.5 eth from bitstamp to binance 6h ago, i still didnt receive them. Did i fuck up biz?