Veeky Forums majors

I'm still in high school but i'm wondering what major could help me make the most money. Excluding STEM because i'm a complete retard when it comes to that type of stuff

I'm a mangement information systems student in a business school. It's split between business classes like accounting/data analytics and computer science courses, but more focused on business mathematics instead of science mathematics. I like it.

Pick something that you like to do, or you’ll end up as a NEET 1337 crypto trader like 50% of Veeky Forums

no matter the piece of paper you get printed with the word "degree" on it if you don't know how to suck dick for a job.

I'm in college for computer engineering, hate every second of it but w/e

Pretty much the only thing i like in school is Humanities (History & Geography) and i have very big doubts on those getting me rich.

are you indian or asian? cause in highschool those are pretty much the only people who did whatever their parents told to them to do

doesnt even sound like you know what you want to do, going straight out of highschool into college you will have a bad time

I never said i'm diving in right after graduating high school, but i need to start thinking what i'm gonna do with my life.

Get a business degree, then a CFA. If you are here, you clearly like investments already. Start a project involving cyrpto (anything will do for a resume) and hope it will catch on as a long term industry. You'll be loaded, unless of course the poor decide to kill all the bankers, which may happen if the ultra-greedy don't smarten up soon. It's called insurance, dummies.

Just do Systems/Industrial Engineering, it's the easiest one and still has a lot of well paying jobs.

Electrical Engineering with a Computer Science minor opens up the money world to you. I have acquaintances who even ended up in the finance world. Not quite sure exactly what the fuck they are doing though.

t. college dropout

by crypto, I mean "block chain and distributive ledgers etc" Keep an eye on new jargon and figure out the easiest way to fit that jargon into your resume in an honest way. Also remember that this advice was given to you by a down and out millennial, and when you are super wealthy remember that a poor person tried to improve your life just because they care about other people, and you should remember to help the little people in this world when you are rich, you absolute fucking ingrate.

>excluding stem
Sorry about the brain problems. If you're not going to study STEM don't go to college.

Here are your options
>Get a trade and make decent money
>Become a self trained artist and just barely get by
>Start a band and just barely get by
>Sell drugs and risk prison
>Become a con man and risk prison

All other options will be automated sooner than not so don't think you can flip burgers into retirement. Essentially anything that doesn't require human creativity (higher than critical thinking which machine learning is mastering see alpha go) is going to be a machine job being automated by the stem people.

Hope you strike it lucky on a shit coin because it doesn't look good for you.

Forgot to say my major was computer science and I wish I never went to school and instead studied on my own. The resources are available for free. The piece of paper was just a way in the front door to gain experience. But experience is what gets you a job after. Literally nobody will give a shit what your GPA was 5 years ago in college.

Become a history teacher with millions in crypto.

yes because that's a literal meme degree like biology. there's plenty of based stem majors like electrical/electronic/comp engineering or geology cos muh rocks

bit biased cos im an electronic engineering student but its pretty based so far

Crypto gets you rich, degree lets you do something you want to do

Honestly don't go to school unless you're a savant or have an Adderall script.
Get a plumbers license

College is a waste of time for 95% of people.

It's a field that should really fall under a trade rather than was degree. Study under somebody for was year and maybe take an accreditation course for your language of choice at the end of it. Regret getting the degree but it would have made finding work a lot harder were I self trained.

I really want to study physics because I really enjoy it and find it interesting but it seems like all physics graduates just end up working in a different field in the end. Do you think it's worth studying at university?

I'd consider learning a trade but im clumsy as fuck. No way

Not unless you're going for a PhD.

I plan to get a PhD

Just do comp sci at a no-name school. Even if the curriculum is shit most employers don't care/won't know the difference. I'm struggling at a top 20 school while my friends who went to literally-who university and breezed through every class are making six figures.

Or just do what suggests and study on your own. May be a little harder to get your foot in the door but it could pay off well.

Coins board here bro, take this shit elsewhere

Political Science Major, History Minor

Second degree in education

Teaching high school and padding my crypto account until I can quit

took comp sci, dropped out after 3 years, it was misery

Become a Certified Project Manager.

I bet you've had a few pretty huge dicks already.

You know it my man ;)

For cryptos, I would say Economics and Comp Sci

don't go to college, wtf are you doing.

Don't study something you dislike unless you're retarded or a sociopath, you'll hate school and yourself if you do it.

same, but for computer science/SE, he said no stem tho