Why didnt you tell me to buy this when it was cheap!?

Why didnt you tell me to buy this when it was cheap!?
Honestly, where do one get pro info and become a millionare? Cause its not from here.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't believe it is at $47 what the actual fuck

Some anons shilled it on here when it was under a dollar, but I think most people avoided it because
> lazy
> on random pajeet exchanges

it's still cheap on bitgrail

should we tell him about PASC?

fuck you for making me look it's still $31

kucoin is 41



it's been shilled here since $1

Has even a single XRB been sold on Kucoin?

how are you guys seeing it on kucoin?


go look yourself jackass, are you that fucking lazy?

This. I bought in at $1.10 and again at $2, 100% thanks to Veeky Forums. Gotta weed through a lot of bullshit on here but there are many gems.

When it started some Ethereums worth were traded for $90/XRB

Fuck you retards told me this will drop as soon as it hits cuckcoin and binance. Now price on Bitgrails is higher as well ffs.

I should have bought but I didn't want another exchange.

>coin hits big exchanges
must drop, right?

really makes me think when i see posts like this kek

there were solid shill threads at $0.10, even made me register a bitgrail account, but i never took the plunge

The smart Veeky Forumstards have been shilling this since $0.10

Literally every time you got the same responses

>SCAM COIN SCAM COIN (Said the retard who's never even looked into it)

You lazy, ungrateful fucks fully deserve to miss out on this. The smart ones did their research and probably bought some or a lot.

this shit isnt showing on kucoin for me. Anyone else?

I wonder how high it will go when you actually can click it without having a link.

I literally linked it ITT already brainlet

I've earnt more than my annual wage over the last month because of biz shilling this coin

yeah okay
looks broken to me
I guess according to the trade history some tiny amount were sold for 40 bucks but still, looks broken
we'll see when it actually comes back on

I am one of those who offered you people the ticket to lamboland but no one would listen... It's not too late yet

Anything else to look at since xrb has passed now?


that link didnt work for me. Doing a search on kucoin right now shows nada.

there was also literally a guy on reddit giving away 1 XRB to everyone that asked less than a month ago. you literally had no excuse to not get involved


stay poor

here you go friend

how do i get this shit to paper wallet???

i dont want to keep it on a lame exchange like bitgrail

Yeah because it wasn't shilled to fuck all the weeks leading up to the bull run. You were probably one of those people whining about using BitGrail.

yes faggot, that's what I was just referring to

Why does it keep having spasms in the range of 20-30$? Fuck man, puts you on edge..

Same way I told you about RaiBlocks
You didn listen

Im tellin you about Byteball

Just so you're aware:

Wallet engineer left at 3am after finishing integration. Trading was never intended to go live right now. Hence why XRB is not properly listed. Someone leaked the links. Don't be surprised if deposits are delayed.

What price can we expect once it's on bigger exchanges?

I can see it contesting bitcoin cash but atleast 10x

When can we expect it to hit $100????

Will be easily $400 by the end of the year

biz was shilling the fuck out of this sub $1. I finally bit the bullet and bought a bunch at $1 and wasn't sure what to expect so you can't say you weren't warned.

check out DYN

Probably when it hits bittrex or something

Raiwallet.com is the web wallet

Or you can download the desktop wallet and make a wallet there

Told you stupid faggots when it was under 2k sats late November and I only got 2 replies both calling it a scam.

Jacking off to Link and Bazinga

What do I buy next?

Fuck biz. Fucking hate this board

>Wait for big exchanges
>Wait for dip
>Only goes up

Easily $4000 by eoy.

No no no, easily 4 million EOY