Does this alt-right twitter guy have a point?
Does this alt-right twitter guy have a point?
He has a point
Been having these thoughts also
living with my parents is a nightmare for me. they are straight out of a sitcom, like george's parents on seinfeld
furthermore why would I want to be a burden on them when I can support myself as a grown man. they deserve a nice retirement without a reminder of their biggest disappointment in life every day
Right? I might move back in with my mother.
>living with your parents
what the fuck
what the fuck to this post in particular
guess you answered your own question
It's not a permanent move back user. Enjoy time with your mother and move back out with some spare dosh.
>implying everyone can go live with their parents
Yeah, some people get the boot at 18 friendo. Or earlier.
40 bucks a day is absolutely nothing
not that a dirtpoor neet who posts his own twitter shit on Veeky Forums would understand that, have fun investing in link because Veeky Forums told you to
he didnt use any points at the end of his sentences desu
You'll find that a lot of alt right people have their head in the right place with business things.
It's morality that shoots out the window and general class.
That being said - I agree with his point.
There's a whole new generation of income earners that could be moving the wheels of international commerce with crypto that are just wasting cash.
I just feel glad to be in it rather than not.
I was on a business trip with a guy that was like "Oh you do crypto? I was watching this coin that sky rocketed when it was released - but I didn't invest"
But then proceeds to tell me how good his retirement was.
It's time to stop watching the game and hop in and play.
he does
median US income is $47,589
you fucking beta fags... have you ever heard of budgeting?? also I'd like to actually live out my life using my gains instead of dying alone as fuck like you bitches
I mean I guess.
Do your parents not love you?
glad my memes are popular
I fucking hate the alt right. They have no clear ideological ideas. Why the hell is money the only thing that matters to that loser, shouldn’t being a self reliant adult be more important to him?
Yes. I lol at 30 something year olds calling people losers for living with their parents. So many of us are making X5 their salaries doing fuck-all all day while they wage slave for Mr.Noseburg just to say they don't live with their parents.
Not me retard
living with your parents saves you money, but there's no need to be an alt-cuck fedora about it
Yea he's right. I live with my parents.
But I'm communist so I force them to invest in crypto too so we can grow together.
>implying my mom doesnt pay my rent
>implying LINK isn't a worthless shitcoin
after i graduated i lived for 2.5 years with my parents while working for Deloitte. saved nearly 75 grand. would do again in a heartbeat
Living with your parents makes you a shut in retard with a narrow perspective on life.
Those people are the worst to interact with. They commonly are completely incapable of cooperating and are narcisstic. A detriment to their environment.
yes its a good idea to save money and invest it
What age is it considered respectable to move out?
>people always ridicule me for living with my mom in my twenties
>meanwhile i save a shitload of time and money
>less stress means i have more time to focus on studying medicine, trading crypto and a little job on the side
>decent change of becoming a crypto millionaire soon
>meanwhile "succesful" people my age are wagecucking their ass of just to pay rent on some shitty apartment, and never even have time to contemplate something as studying something they like or crypto
that's what happens when your hip to all the jewish tricks
Obviously, though it has nothing to do with his political beliefs.
lol he's right that the only reason to rent an apartment is to fuck women in a box that does not contain your parents
>incapable of cooperating
When I work everyone comes to me for help so I can't be that awful.
Yes he have, westerners are retarded on that regard.
At least you have a reason to not feel guilty when they get old and need you take care of them.
It's weird seeing USA imploding.
Some of you anons are allright, just get out before it ends.
when you have a good reason and good means to
>40 bucks (50 links)
the absolute madman
Link is loved by a lot of the alt-right twitters (Hubris, Love Poasting, Cartlon)
He is totally right.
In my family, at marriage but we are pajeets
yes he's right. It doesn't make sense to waste $ on frivolous shit right now when that $1k will be worth 10x in a year or two. Just neet it up for a bit and then cash out and live well.
I dont even know what his point is.
Why is he trying to greentext on Twitter?
Weev is the only personality on the alt-right even somewhat worth listening to when it comes to crypto and that's probably because he's part jewish.
i enjoy the independence living by myself tho, walking around naked, playing music late, etc. i enjoy seeing my family in the holidays but i wouldn't want to live with them
hes not jewish
Fucking bitches is your biological imperative
Imagine making millions and dying a virgin. How pathetic is that. You think you'll bring your money to your grave?
Meanwhile the Chads that reproduced and made modest incomes will have many children to spread their name and legacy across the world, and beyond
Virgin crypto nerds lose to Normie Chads once again
>does this alt-righter who lives with his parents have a point?
jesus christ, biz
If you make five times an average persons salary why not spend 5% of that on rent?
He's a self-hating jew but he's still a jew even if he won't admit it.
Truth. Is life worth living if you just play it safe all the time?
Why would you waste 5% on rent when you could just live at home?
What I saw is that those kind of people create an artificial environment where they have their own sphere of expertise and will not let anyone double in that role. They will fight tooth and nail for exclusivity in that sphere, to the point of being physically aggressive.
It has a kind of positive side, as they get up to scruff in obscure topics quickly, but ultimately destroy every place they encroach upon.
Perhaps this isn't you, but I've meet enough people like that to consider it much more probable than not.
All caps? Chill my dude.
Why spend anything ever when you could save and invest it?
Maybe for enjoyment of life?
Why is Veeky Forums so divided on LINK? Why do some people here not have LINK? Isn't LINK needed for all smart contracts to work? Why do you guys not hold it
lmao @ being so poor at $1000/mo hurts your crypto gainz.
>he doesnt survive on rice and beans, living in a cot with one pair of clothes and 2008 smartphone and showering at the local library to put the rest in Crypto
Nah, I try to teach anyone anything that wants to learn it. I really want to quit working but my office doesn't have coverage and this is the busy part of the year so they don't have time to train a replacement. I've told my supervisor to give everyone else hours over me but I'll work when needed. Main reason I haven't quit is because her husband died last year and she's having a tough time, I'll probably quit after April as things will slow down.
I'm 28, living with my parents, and going all in on crypto. It's inconvenient for dating but I'm going to have more money than anyone I know by the time I'm 30.
Kek'd hard, the age of the autismos is upon us.
Get out fatcat chad
same as But I'm a southeast asian.
Yes but aren't you missing out on essential life skills?
But, it's not real money?
Yes it is.
I've personally been posting like that, on Veeky Forums, before reddit even exist, and I have never visited reddit
What now?
What if we hit a bear market for a bit? $1k is .5% of my current portfolio but it would not surprise me a bit to see the market hit a slump soon. I might get my own place when I hit five million. My parents can afford it, they're retired early(because my dad also made good investments, he went hard into Amazon 15 years ago) and we also get along really well.
>essential life skills
you mean money?
30, moved home to save money. Was able to invest and make 1 million, but it's hard sometimes not having privacy anymore. Rent is 1500 or more here usually.
You mean learning to clean, do laundry, buy gorceries and cook?
Anyone can do it if they have to.
If you get along with your parents, living at home is the absolute best. Especially if you live in a country with a massive property bubble like Australia.
admit it, if it weren't for crypto you'd be a poor loser.
>Admit it, if it weren't for the things that make you not a loser, you'd be a loser
$1000 a month. where does this fucking faggot even live
>admit it, if it weren't for being good looking and having a happy, stable upbringing you would be a loser
>Nah, I try to teach anyone anything that wants to learn it. I really want to quit working but my office doesn't have coverage and this is the busy part of the year
This is the literal line said by most of the people of that type. I'm hearing that practically verbatim from my friend whenever we see each other.
In his case, he can declare willingness to teach, but only at face value. When someone would take that up, he makes the experience as unpleasant as possible, so as to later brag how essential he is in the office.
Again, perhaps your the person not conforming to my stereotype, but you'd be a far outlier within the population of people I've interacted with.
California is that way.
Pay more than 3k dollars a month here in socialist Europe
I live in the NorthEast and you need 1000-1500
>admit it, if it weren't for crypto you'd be a poor loser.
not really. i saved up quite a bit of money even before crypto. besides that i'm almost a doctor.
$1000 seems low to me. Miami here.
>makes the experience as unpleasant as possible
One of my coworkers comes and has me tell her how to do something(or show her how to do it) at least 10 times a day when we're both working there. There's other people in the office and the types of things she asks most of them could answer just as easily. She could easily go to someone else if that were the case.
>inb4 she's flirting and you're autistic
She's got a live in boyfriend so I'm pretty sure that's not it.
OP is right. I’m sitting on just shy of a million and I’m still living with my parents. Literally completely content.
She wants to fuck but don't do it.
This tbqhfam
No, I've lived on my own before. Only thing it taught me is that being poor sucks.
Yeah but when was the last time you got laid
He won't answer
this is accurate
good u agree
> he's Jewish because I say he is and I say he is because he's smart and only jews are smart
he isn't jewish
He's got a point, to be fair, although he's also being an asshole about it. People should get better at budgeting and planning for their future freedom, in my opinion.
However, it only annoys me if the same people blowing money on stuff I think is stupid or wasteful then go and moan about being poor. If spending money in whatever way makes you happy and helps you enjoy life, more power to you. You can't have it both ways though.
Most smart people are half jewish