Things no-coiners say

>Things no-coiners say

>too lip bubbs


> Get a real job

inb4 "its a bubble"



>It's a ponzi scheme
>What's a bitcoin worth? Nothing, it's fake money
>Coinbase won't verify me
>None of this has any real world use
>BTC is king

Did I miss anything?

>my roommate
its all a scam bro

meanwhile im up %2000

Referring to Ripple as "wripple" and "whipple"

I'm not even making that up.


money is backed by gold but what is backing Bitcoin?

Crypto has no intrinsic value. At least the dollar is backed by the government.


Hey man, long time no speak! How are you doing anyways? I heard you won the lottery or something haha

2 of these are correct

>coinbase won't verify me
No coiner here. Am having this problem.

>Why not just go to a casino?

>monopoly money

Literally all my dad says

>son it's a bubble
>son pull your profits it's a bubble
>son here's an article from a guy in the philipines - he confirms it's a bubble
>son you ever seen bubble boy? that's you
>son you ever watched bubbling porn? It's a bunch of girls wearing bitcoins
>son your mother and I are going to go see Michael Bitcoin live in concert

fuck off

hey, you come out of the closet recently or something? no? oh well heard you did and you're into this whole internet scam and sheit

>Backed by the government

I've actually heard that a ton of times. It's no wonder normies stay poor.

>in a day???
>that's more than i make per week

>money is backed by gold

People say this?

>Michael Bitcoin

Money hasn't been backed by gold since the 70's

Heh bubble pron one is pretty good.

>>son your mother and I are going to go see Michael Bitcoin live in concert

alright, that's pretty good

What the fuck are you doing on biz?

>son your mother and I are going to go see Michael Bitcoin live in concert

medium kek

i was repeating what i heard

>bitcoin is going to get replaced by X anyway


>but what if the world loses electricity?

>user you need to go to college and find a high paying job. financial security is very important
*portfolio up 1200%, drop out of college, laugh at the idea of ever working
>well thats nice but money isn't everything, you know

>What the hell is Ripple?
>What's Stellar?
>What's a Request Network?

Fuck off

>implying such a thing as "free" money exists

>never took an econ class in his life

> You can never cash out
> Anyone can just copy it
> Don't go to prison

>I thought Bitcoins were illegal

"Cash out now"
Literally word for word, first time was 5 years ago lol

>Michael Bitcoin

And this is 100% why I want a Rolex, so I can flex on boomers

>"Bitcoin is/was/will be hacked, man!"

>I heard that bitcoin is going through some legal problems right now

>Oh great you made 20k but what if it dissapears tomorrow?

>what if the guy who made bitcoin decides to cashout? :^)

>It's a tulip, you're an idiot.

>Look how many times it has crashed, don't start crying when it crashes again

>It's the dotcom bubble all over again

>It's not physical, it has no value

>Might as well play the lottery than gamble it all on fake internet money

>I read an article that says all governments will ban it, good luck with that

I don't respect people who don't work for their money

>Reply here if you support cryptocurrency so >that I can ban you.

>Edit: For those who are confused, we are an >anti-capitalist, communist subreddit. We seek >to abolish capital. It should not be hard to >follow why we are against crytocurrency as a >concept, ignoring the myriad of other shit it >has going against it.

>So here's an addendum to my original >statement: If you are a liberal, are a >libertarian, or support capitalism in any >capacity, reply here so that I can ban you. >Thank you for your cooperation.

trying to explain to them fiat, inflation, and purchasing power is hard enough. By the time we get to bitcoin they're already scrambled


Reading through all of those comments (the mod's especially) is so cringey...oof.

>This really feels like a bubble
>Have you ever heard of the tulip market?

Bitcoin is a pryamid scheme.
>kill me

"I will never buy bitcoin until it's regulated by the government"

Yeah people say this all the time. Their minds are fucking blown when I bring up Wikipedia and explain that money is backed by "faith in the government" and that it is printed based on the decisions of the central bank. People seem kinda shellshocked by this and then don't want to think about it anymore.

To add:
>what if someone hacks it
>the person that runs it could disappear
>what if the bitcoin goes down
>how do you know the code does what it says (SEC literally said this in a hearing)
>pyramid scheme/ponzi stories about monkies
>texts and calls when bitcoin drops 10% on the news "are you ok?"

My dad saw ETH drop 10 bucks today and literally walked in my room and said
>so how you feeling now?
he literally equates any droppage in cryptocurrencies to be a crash or its going down, he doesn't understand that's what happens in investing all the time, what to worry about are the big fucking drops and even then you need to fucking research what the coin has going for it to know to pull out or not. He thinks you just throw money and hope for the best

Do you think Rippletits fell for the XRP scam?


>son you ever watched bubbling porn? It's a bunch of girls wearing bitcoins


>so this is a scam bro trust me im an investment banker

2 weeks later

> oh hey bro so this is looking pretty good how do i join?

Another 2 weeks

> hey bro i cant get verified anywhere can i give you money and you buy in for me?

2 weeks later

> finally verified sick bro let me know what coins to buy ( buys ATH panic sells ATL fomos buys ATH) quits.

10mins later

> its all a fucking scam get out bro

Literally about 10 of my friends not lying. Stay salty cunts

>Isn't that used on the darkweb?

Mom did this every time BTC dipped since last year.

She also told me SELL NOW every time more of my stock options vested. When they were up 4x, 10x, 20x, and 200x lol

She means well

>not real money

"Bitcoin was created by the mafia"

>My dad saw ETH drop 10 bucks today and literally walked in my room


>why would i buy bitcoin it just crashed.

That’s shit Veeky Forums says

>did you hear about bitcoins?

Oh hey user how do I get into this Bitcorn thing?
How do I put money into blockfolio?
Gonna buy me some drugs user?
Got a job you fucking neet.

>All you're doing is just GAMBLING.

>That's all there is to it. It's not trading or exchanging or anything.

>You're gambling.

2000x Monopoly money is still Monopoly money

normies say anonymous can hack it. MY FUCKING SIDES!

t. normie

>every company is going to have its own private blockchain

I met a mexican chick who worked for a bank who thought both the USD and CAD were backed by gold still.

I don’t have enough to buy a bitcoin.

>are they physical coins?

>I love my money tree

>"what do you want for christmas this year kids?"

>"I think I'll take this august off"

>"Land Rovers look cool, but they're more of an ego stroke. Honda Pilot is better and more practical"

>"Lol, my loser cousin couldn't stop bragging about the $2,500 he made on 'bittcoins' last year at Christmas"

>my 1 Bitcoin package just turned into 13!

>What is bitcoin mining?

"You should only invest in tangible things."

>50 GBP bitcoin packages

you mean cripple

My brother was interested in getting into crypto and i explained the exchanges to him etc and showed him coinmarketcap. The first thing he said was 'I'll buy Ripple because it's only $3 so I can buy a lot of them.' This is how normies think.

>You should trade Forex instead it's less manipulated than crypto
>Constantly e-mails me articles about crypto bubble and Warren Buffet buying Heinz Ketchup shares in 1800
>Sends me more articles about stock market bubble, housing bubble, bond bubble

I'm seriously thinking of ending this friendship. This is the only person who I've told. I'm starting to realize this guy just parrots whatever he reads and agrees with

What's worse is the people that know USD is a fiat and try to say it's backed by the might of the USA.

Worst one I keep hearing is "can't pay rent or buy food with it"

why didn't I think of this..
is this the genius of Normans?

>Dude you should invest in stocks instead coz it's safer.

Yeah man coz I suddenly only want 5% gainz now.

I bet he uniroically trusts everything the msm puts out.

wtf is a package?