Is anyone unironically holding this shitcoin right now?
Is anyone unironically holding this shitcoin right now?
Me............................... since 2015. I hesitated investing into alts and now I'm scared it's never going to moon again. I'm crying right now, please help me Mommy where are you Mommy help me please Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy
I have been conflicted all day on whether or not to go all in.
I would have but
A) my alt entry positions are too glorious
B) last time i listened to buttcoin fudders nothing happened until a week later
yeah, btc cucks who have been on the sidelines watching every alt moon left and right and starting threads about >muh king >get out of alts now >bend the knee etc, only for btc to still be at 15k with no real sign of any movement happening
Accumulated 3.94. Ready to make my first 6 figures.
me... got most of 'em for free so fuck it.
bought a handfull at $320 and fucking happy I did..
shit moves fast when it does move
if your alt position are good don't sell them for fear of another btc rally that won't happen until more normies buy in. the last btc bull run occurred from normie fomo that has since died so i see no reason for another altocaust to occur any time soon. also with btc dominance decreasing by the day even if the btc rallies a bit it wont have as great an affect on alts as it did in december
>he doesn't know the only reason for the alt rally was Wallstreet using them to accumulate bitcoin
>also with btc dominance decreasing by the day even if the btc rallies a bit it wont have as great an affect on alts as it did in december
that's circular
that's ironic
The bleeding started already
Internet Explorer of the crypto
i am but only because i just 6x'd on tron and dont want to lose it
buying bitcoin is no longer an asymmetric play. If the coiner fantasy plays out and btc becomes a global currency, you're only going to be looking at 4x / 40x max for 1T / 10T respectively, and desu, that's never going to happen
It made sense to buy @ sub 5K and sub 10K during the hypetrain but now I don't know why the fuck you'd be holding BTC
probability for a low-cap alt to 10x, much less 4x, is significantly higher IMO; risk basically equivalent that BTC / random alt goes to 0
BTC is a hedge when you're holding alts, most brainlets on Veeky Forums don't realize that
3,5x up to pass the apple marketcap
Meanwhile ICOs like dragon 40x in a few months
After going through last fall I will always have btc as my heaviest bag.
72% of my portfolio in it
Yep. Anyone who has been around since before 2017 is still holding the king.
Only newcoiners salty about btc moves harming their shitcoins are hating.
>i dont know why you would keep your money in something (relatively) safe instead of constantly chasing low mc moon missions on yobit
Its cute you only have chump change and desperately need to build your stack. Really shows what kind of investors the anti-btc newcoiners are... Gamblers.