Super serious question. How to kill the Bitcoin?

Super serious question. How to kill the Bitcoin?
We don't need or want it anymore.

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Just keep de-shilling it everywhere and it will slowly but surely die

Let every alt coin have a fiat trading pair. Solved.

all we need to do is drive the btc dominance down to less than 20% which will happen quickly through

Honestly will beat my meat in public if this happens.

if bitcoin dies will ether suck up a healthy portion of that market cap or what?

most likely or ripple unfortunately

lol why want you butthurt nocoiners for it to die? >muhh transaction cost
stop being poor. get a segwit address. wait for lightning.
you guys are so fucking retarded.



better hurry OP

We don't need tk help it as it will just die of natural causes. It's the circle of life. Just continue trading alt coins and forget its even here.

XRB for your transactions to fucking reach the place you need them, when you need them.

This ETH and BTC clog is more proof that XRB is needed more than ever. Fucking hate missing out on moon missions, fuck.

3 teams have it working on main net seamlessly between themselves, it has been years since it was proposed but it is actually so close to release they're playing with transactions on the mainnet already

Still wont be shit compared Raiden, Ripple etc.

I wonder if they ever simulated using it with 200k backlogged transactions and 40 dollar fees?

You don't.

altcoin shills are so cute

go sell your btc for a coin you truly believe in if you've actually got any conviction. Then go neck yourself in 2-3 years when you realize what a horrible mistake you made

By killing all the normies

>tfw no big alt gains right now
I just bought everything at stagnant dips, so I think I will just hodl this time.


>Try to transfer bitcoin to an exchange in 2021
>$300 fee, takes a week and a countries worth of electricity.

Good luck with that, the regulations to get Bitcoin/Eth etc are killer enough

>bitcoin dies
>alts dump so hard because of whales leaving left and right (this will happen dont pretend it wont)
>total crypto market back to what it was in 2015

lmao, btcucks are actually using this insane resource cost as a point of pride now, check out this retard:

>300 fee to transfer several million dollars worth of crypto

fine by me desu

XRB has so many attack vectors and can be DDOS'd for chump change.

>fiat trading pair
user banks already blocked crypto, you see the disconnect here

miners take percentage not a flat rate kek dont think itll only cost you 300 to send a couple million

You're the one that said 300 bucks. 1 bitcoin will likely be a couple million by then, so that's not all that bad to move 1 btc :)

Yea yea nice fud. Why not show this to devs who put bounty on it?

>40hr transactions
>50$ fees
>Uses more electricity then mid sized country
>Future of finance


BTC breakout imminent guys

>40hr transactions
>50$ fees
blatant lies.

>Uses more electricity then mid sized country
most powerful and secure network in the world

>Future of finance
most definitely

stay salty that you keep getting fucked with your shitcoins.

blatant lies.

Because the bounties are for bugs and they already know about this attack vector.

If you do the maths it's between 1k-20k an hour to DDOS raiblocks currently.

right it won't be shit like those two centralized coins you mentioned
the mempool and tx fee doesn't affect the code only the time and cost to enter the 2nd layer
if you're a poor fag and want to spam the 1st level blockchain with $5 transactions you can play with your shitty small coins or whatever
if you want to play with $5 in bitcoin making micro transactions you'll have to do so in the LN

*cough* XLM *cough*

Seriously, XLM will become the new standard for transfering fiat to crypto.

>We don't need or want it anymore.

Why not? I hold it and feel comfy af. It is a very good store of value. It stagnates or goes down for a few weeks/months, and then go up to ATH. Why not like it?

There will also be lightning network.

Is XLM just as centralised and fucked up as XRP?

True. The BTC pairing is what gives it relevance.
Another option is creating a bunch of alt coin pairings, so the BTC one is no longer special.

When ICO?
It sounds like it’s gonna be kind of expensive

not a real cryptocurrency
literally what?