Show em boys, under $2k only
Poor mans portfolio
I swear your my one aussie cunt friend who is such a newbie to crypto that you diversify 100 fucking dollaroos. what the fuck.
I started with €500 3 months ago and I'm on 8K now, not amazing, but some tips I'd give you are 1) Add at least another 300$ worth of btc to your portfolio 2) Find a good project that you believe is undervalued, preferably an ICO 3) Go all in and hold it until you're happy to exit without regret or FOMO. Best of luck.
Up $90 on XLM from .21, have 5 shares of ENG at $5.66 cause I’m a fucking idiot. Wanted to sell it and dump it in Link but it’s not even a .002 transaction which is minimum on Binance lmaoo.
Forgot pic
Normally all in on VEN with $800, now all in on a stuck POE transaction because I wanted to use the arbitrage opportunity.. Gah.
get in ICX before the end of january if you want to get out of the 2k club
Making fast gainz
I really need to spend an afternoon collecting all these various small amounts of shitcoins and selling them for something decent.
People talk about putting $1K at the start... I put $440. But I got in XRB too late, and now I'm looking at something that will grow with the same percentages.
Thanks m8
times are hard for this slav
Down a bit today but incredibly comfy
Eurofag here.
Dropped 100 euro in November. Here we are.
AMA about your path to being independently wealthy.
That is, began with 100 euro in nov.
Looking forward to my net worth doubling over night :^)
You fucking no coiners need to buy some more coins.
Sell your old shit you don't use, buy crypto.
Suck dick for money, buy crypto.
Waiting until DBC pumps and then I'll invest my gain's in the next big shitcoin
>net worth
Do you even know what that is
Started with 0.00
At 1900~ atm
0.11 btc
140 knc
10 lux
Can't post now, still at 4K USD, will post later today when all my alts have dipped
Yeah, I put my net worth of 180 dollarydoos on crypto
You mined?
Spent about $100 on XRP and $50 on BAT.
No, airdrops.
Started with 910
I make it ?? Huuuurrrrrrr
Poe coming to kucoin don't sweat it
Thanks bruh
how mad are you for not dropping more?
Mad bruh shoulda went all in to XP and CND
I have had no more to drop. I am a poor student/wageslave.
Come January I will invest another 2-3k.
The only thing I'm mad about is finding Raiblocks at 0.2 and saying "Man come January I'm gonna put in at least 100, this has potential" and that everyone else thought the same way but sooner.
That would've been the easiest 15k of my life.
He wasn't talking to u bruh
Poorfag reporting in, planning to hold till the end of January because of lack of time I have right now. I've started with 180eur yesterday though.
He was brah.
Is me.
FUCK my unupdated old portfolio in delta app is 2500. Need to learn holding
Mine is
850 bucks in, 40% Xlm for short-mid term, 30% Ven and 30% rlc hopefully by tonight (currently hodling eth)
am i gonna make it?
My bad bruh I'm dyslexic numbers and letters confuse me I have to use text to speak to type haha
Come to think of why am I trading lol bruh
so buying in 2 weeks is fine? am currently holding some other shit
Yeah bruh buy xp
any thoughts on Siacoin or DigitalNote?
I think I'm set for some good times ahead otherwise.
dyslexics gotta retire too
Fuck you and your arbitrary rules
Tfw just got in today
I got £115 of bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin.
What do I buy more of? I like Litecoin but don’t know why.
You like it because it seems cheap, stop being emotional and buy real shitcoins
Brainlet here, how the fuck do you configure blockfolio? I don't even know how to add initial funds without going to the reds in any other currency which makes absolute no sense whatsoever.
don't worry its just that btc pumped hard and (most of) all the other alts took a hit because of that
Most people were waiting for a moment to cash out
If you dont liquidate alts for bitcoins on an early bull you guys are retarded
I have a good feeling about holding ether for Q1 of 2018
Where do you look for airdrops? Bitcointalk essentially banned them.
Started with 400 bucks. Sold some NAV for ICX the other day. All in all I have almost doubled. My goal is 10k in June
Why would you ever go into BTC? Even during it's (recent) wildest bull runs good alts still outperform it. It's been years since BTC was a good choice.
>diversifying your pocket change
all-in strategy is the only way to leave the balancelet club.
Not with stinky linkies my friend. Even the whales are starting to dump it.
Download Delta
>he believes LINK FUD
feeling okay
I had 2000 three days ago if I count
>all in on ENG
its 6000 now
a few not shown cos of space