There are literal FUD REQ threads with fucking Hindu characters.
Fuck that shit man, I'm fucking comfy in this. REQ bros, come in here.
REQ Vs Pajeets
FUDding pajeets getting REQt
imo this is a good sign. req will go up soon
i really wonder how this can be a real industry.
is this for real? are they like minions to do the dirty work?
>Up 440% on 30 day chart
These guys... they are so salty.
comfy as fuck
I don't know, I don't care. I just know that pajeets are literally FUDing REQ.
what time is the announcement today?
100k+ stack here since 0.04. Not touching these bags for a long time.
just wait until it gets listed on Coinbase, then the fud will stop
It happened already. It was a JS code library. More transparency to the project, and proofs that the team is not fucking around.
>Comfy with REQ
>Even comfier with pajeet food
not concerned in the least. maximum comfy.
ty user
that looks pretty good actually
Don't listen to these assholes. Hold until this shit hits $20, then sell one or two when you need a six pack. Cheers.
You are seeing things you paranoid fag, it probably is dirt on your screen.
Are you fucking retarded?
>being this new
You never know if someone is THAT fucking retarded. There's always that 1% of chance that he is either stupid or a pajeet.
Looking good rasheen
REQ is my by far comfyest hold right now. Bought at the ICO and I'm not fucking selling until $5, because this is how cryptos evolve from internet meme money to the most versatile payment system ever created.
It's pure genius AND it's backed by yCombinator, one of the biggest networks of seriously great software developers. It CANNOT fail, and because of this people are POURING cash into it right now.
Please make your future wife and children a favour and don't stay poor, GET REQ!
its even funnier when you got in at .06.. fud no good here homies
>tfw all req bros have green ids
Here's another two. Go fuck yourself
i do it for the memes
Pajeets get REQt