So as we all know, traps aren't gay. Feminine penises are sexy.
Now that we all agree on that, how many BTC do I need to find a hot trap?
I've been looking all over my city and no luck, only finding old men dressed in drag.
Plz help.
So as we all know, traps aren't gay. Feminine penises are sexy.
Now that we all agree on that, how many BTC do I need to find a hot trap?
I've been looking all over my city and no luck, only finding old men dressed in drag.
Plz help.
maybe just one will last you a year or two
import someone from another country that speaks decent english
>how many BTC do I need to find a hot trap?
Its not about cost its about location.
best traps are white, I'm from a third world country, traps here would probably look disgusting.
Sexual degeneracy at those levels will only lead your life and soul to ruin, you're no better than furries yiffing, or any of the other hopeless causes.
PS if you're into a chick for the dick, you're gay.
Or at least bi.
Gender is a social construct
i will use my crypto gains to remove every single of you degenerates from this planet
you disgusting faggots know whats coming for you, I assume
no thank u
Godspeed, user. Godspeed.
Traps are fucking gay and you're a faggot fuck you
I'll use my gains to shill trap propaganda all over Veeky Forums. My discord has 250 strong members ready to be paid to shill. I'll turn you all into cute traps.
You underestimate my ambition.
>You underestimate my degeneration.
>the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Traps are gay. Dubs confirm
Trap is marketing term for sheMALES
I will go trap for crypto
250 members
your 100$ dogecoin gains mean nothing here
we reichblockers run the show now
Very feminine traps don't exist because of skeletal framework, sorry OP, they only exist in 2D.
In 3D they have large hands, feets and shoulders.
That's a girl.
Hey I guess /pol/ and /isis/ aren't that different at all
Atleast there is one thing you guys can agree on
Also good job for saving isis pics on your computer faggot
tfw that picture is a girl lmao
Don't look for traps, become the trap.
that'd be actually even hotter
Be the trap you want to see in the world. I'm gettin hella surgeries with my gains
>reddit and Veeky Forums convincing depressed kids to nurture a mental illness instead of actually bettering themselves
>many of these kids will never pass, the ones who do will be nothing but objects to others
Do ya'll really not realize this? Humans get old, and there is no future for being a degenerate... If you are so obsessed with sex itself you are an idiot anyways.
The worst thing about the LGBTQ commu ity is that they literally steal children, as they produce none. These people need to be genetically removed from our society.
t. passable trap who realized it was a self destructive, selfish and meaningless investment of my time(lost two potential wifes because of this garbage)
Hahahaha faggot retard soyboy
>the ones who do will be nothing but objects to others
Just like women.
>Implying I won't recruit more
I will have 1000 soldiers shilling for pay on Veeky Forums.
Get rekt.
Cherry Crush isn't a Trap REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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