Listen up FATTIES, get out of the crypto game now and get into REAL ESTATE, where REAL MEN make money.
Listen up FATTIES, get out of the crypto game now and get into REAL ESTATE, where REAL MEN make money
I have a rental property that's making me $800/mo and the mortgage is $500/mo. I've gained about $15,000 in a year equity on it. I paid $25,000 for this "opportunity".
I've put about $13,000 into crypto and I'm sitting at $50,000 4 months later. Real estate is for idiots. I'm going to sell my rental for more crypto.
Stay poor loser OP.
yeah real estate with 10k. what am i gonna buy with 10k a village in congo which has net yearly income of 300 dollars? fuck off
you look dyel as fuck
Your arm development is fucking terrible. You look like you got a nice ass though no homo. p-post it.
fuck you, post a picture of yourself
big woman ass, get off the soy
>Implying Veeky Forums is not my main board
Do you even lift?
maybe real estate in SEA or something. there should be another population boom soonish, i guess.
nice twink body. If you asked me nicely I would maybe fuck you
I bet your boipussi is delicious. Drop that thing.
You look like shit
Fuck off with your little boy physique
This is how a man should look like. (Me during my cut)
I'm from Veeky Forums here, we have these little gaybois come through all the time, its great
think about how much fun it would be to wrestle this twink down and expose that big round ass while he struggles worthlessly before you bury your dick inside it
the finer things in life
Bro you have the skin of a child. You look tissue soft and that physique is babby tier.
Didn't post a picture of yourself, fatty
>wide hips
You were SO CLOSE too.
Your post is shit, but I won't criticize your boddy because I don't want to post mine right now. Keep lifting buddy, looking great.
All while he begs you to stop, and then after a while he begs you to continue.
Until you shoot your load in his warm boipussy.
He would probably give you 2 btc after too.
I used to frequent Veeky Forums too. Now I just roid, work out a lot and try to get rich with vechain.
Thanks bro, at least you're not a fag like most in this thread.
user did 15 push ups and 10 sit it b4 he took that pic just took look swol
>no delts
>no traps
>posing Your ass like an Instagram whore
Soyboy detected
where's your timestamp?
no timestamp = not you
You need to work on them forearms boy. Otherwise 10/10 thick solid tight.
>my boomer dad inherited a rental property and he's making $1200/year in passive income while he sleeps
It's winter and I've stopped lifting for a while
I look like a fatass right now mate
That pic is from last summer
I'm in both with 95 of .y wealth beimg in real estate. Most recent purchase was a few months ago for 2.3 mil 7 term year lease with 1 million dp 7% roi. It's nice but I really did wanna put 1 down but oh well
lmao dis is me. op is a fat fuck that accepted a challenge to post his pic then he bitched out. if you don't post a pic itt you're automatically a fat fuck
cheers mates
my nigger
vechain the most patrician coin of all fucking time. obvious gains
p hot desu senpai will you tongue my brapper while yanking my fat hog and trying to make that sucker cum?
post dick or gtfo
looking good brah
hello, im the guy who baited you into posting that pic, but i'm not the OP of this thread, this is my first post here. thanks for providing the memes, guy
>baited you
wrong. you accepted an agreement and then bitched out of it. i baited you into proving that you're a fat fuck. thanks for playing, sweetie
yeah, two days in a row lol. i'll get you again tomorrow big boy
>i challenged someone
>he blew me the fuck out
>i'm too insecure to post my pic
>i won
>i'll get you again tomorrow big boy
if our paths happen to cross then you sure will
own a house and rent it to tenants, currently theyre on a 2 year lease and they more than cover my mortgage and property tax
the value of the house appreciates and i earn money on it every month (the difference between the cost to me and the rent I collect)
not a noob, crypto is great, but so are other assets, looking to realize more gains in crypto and cash out to buy another property and rent that one out as well
yes, the guy not posting his pic is the insecure one, not the guy jumping at every opportunity to show his naked body to other men
Birdchested bitch.
>the guy not posting his pic is the insecure one
correct. you forgot to tell the whole story
>the guy who calls others fat, gets challenged, and then backs down when he realizes that the other guy is more fit is the insecure one
there we go
you need to eat something skeleton
I think exercise is part of being a man good on you kid. But don't be a trap faggot. But some muscle on those trap arms and take some creatine or something. Do the 5 * 5, jesus do you work out with your sister or something?
This isn't OP, the pic does belong to another skinnyfag who I called out though.
Posted in previosu thread. In on homo train.
yes, and in fact, the second time you issued the challenge, I was still planning to post my own picture, completely oblivious I was talking to the same person from yesterday. then it turned out to be you AGAIN and I realized how big of a mistake I had made!
>no timestamp
>accepts a challenge
>gets destroyed
>hey guys i won
It is, I was at 165k dollars today, now a bit lower.
I will go to 2.5 million. Then I will never have to work, get hgh for life, eat the best food, look like a god and read/play the piano all day.
With an acid session every 2 months.
I will be the Übermensch.
I could probably kick your ass, bud. Pic is me with my gf.
I'm in class, and no one else has a timestamp.
THis is my avi on the misc. Username is beanzandtoast. Call me out over there and I'll gladly respond, you sad bitter neet
>no timestamp
Careful if you're going on slin and gh. I'm natty, had thought about a few cycles when I was older but its not worth it. Misc and steroidology has soem good members who tonnes of advice if you are.
I'll be going on test when I'm 40 though, absolutely.
>and no one else has a timestamp
not a single person nutted up and posted a timestamped pic of themselves. every single person on this board is fat, it seems
I said I'm in class you handicap. What is wrong with you. Jesus.
Go over to misc and call me out. Gave you my username. I'll gladly respon to your neet ass over there
>in class
>can post incessantly on a cartoon porn imageboard
hows gender studies workign out for you?
23, have been on for 5 years. I study pharmacy, and get checked regularly. My doc knows everything and I am in perfect health.
No slin, just low dose gh, and low dose steroids.
Being 250 with abs is a good feel m8.
Do you even lift faggot ? Put on some mass before you talking like that you fucking spaghetti-armed faggot.
you'd be better off visiting Veeky Forums instead of Veeky Forums
where's your pic, fatso?
Ahaha you fucking dyel
Im studying medicine you retard. In seminar about clinical endocrinology and its boring af. You're a pajeet troll, done with you from here.
Im aware. Med head here. Once you get your bloods done go for it. And it really isnt. At my biggest I was 220lbs with abs, around 11%. It was insanely uncomfortable having to eat that much. Watch your DHT levels too, don't wanna go bald. May need to get finasteride if you start balding. Best of luck.
it's 2018.
Why the hell do people make such a huge deal about lifting? It's a waste of time in my opinion. I'm not a fatty or skelly and I'm naturally fit. There's no practical use to lifting in the current year really, and when it comes to attracting females it's all about face and soical skills, height is more important than being ripped also. Whenever I see these little 5'6" jacked gorilla monkey guys I can't help but laugh. Lifting won't help, it's not even that healthy for you. Face, I.Q, and soical skills are the only thing that matter in life.
I have a beer belly and a double chin, and still get loads of pussy. What now, fuccboi?
*breathes in*
You sound hilariously FA. You are so estranged from the real world. Pick you alts, get off biz, and go outside and become normal for a bit.
op is a total faggot idiot but complaining about skin being smooth and youthful, you're a total faggot as well
Real men dont shave their chests you fucking idiot. You do know shaving that shit came from the gay community. And yes your arms are like twigs. U not ripped at all, u look like little soyboy wanna be.
I enjoy eating, I would be fat as fuck if I didn't train. When I eat without thinking I comfortably hold 240-250
But I will go down a bit, just because it is healthier.
I'll get them checked next time, haven't in some time. But luckily most people in my family have godly hair genetics, my dad has a full head of hair at 65, my grandpa still had 99% of his hair when he died at 85.
Oh and I look good without hair, so even that wouldn't be too bad.
But thanks for looking out.