Reminder: Chads always win.
Reminder: Chads always win
that is one ugly motherfucker
Not really a chad. He’s clearly insecure by growing a beard to cover his block face, takes steroids, hires hookers to give off an image of a ladies man, lied that he’s self made, and lied that he almost made the navy seals.
Why this nigga look like a cartoon character? I'm fucking dying
I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.
All of this. Also he had 3 heart attacks.
At least he doesn't spend is life fagging about on Veeky Forums
Remember, it only costs 0$ to stay real, this dude is fake as fuck and has no spine
Not the real dan twitter
Most likely due to steroid use.
Plus that he's insecure about being like 5 feet tall. :( He's more like Charlie Sheen, a rich beta douche wannabe alpha.
kek'd when he bragged on Twitter about
>just bought a shit ton of BTC
then it immediately tanked hard..
I thought that too but every girl I know thinks he is the sexiest guy ever. It's like Benedict Cumberbatch, guys think he looks weird but girls think he is the hottest man on the planet.
I haven’t meet any girls that know who he is just man children.
Some biz cuck used to post this picture every damn day back in April. Looks like he's back. We really are taking the bull market of fall again
way too many insecure betas in here. hating on a dude just for being better than you at life..lul
cya nerds
Pick one.
Cumberbatch has a decent voice and personality.
That man child is also a 100% liar and con.
lmao is this the wannabe SEAL faggot that begged a cop to give him a gun while the vegas shooter was in the middle of his rampage?
>every girl (male) I know
The thing is, his portfolio is actually great. But this guy probably sank at least half a million into crypto, so he'll make tons more money than I will even though I'll have higher percentage gains than him.
If you want a conservative, decent portfolio, have BTC as 40-60% of your portfolio.
This almost exactly my portfolio
I knew I was a fucking chad
>tfw that's my normal portfolio when shit isn't obviously pumping
girls are attracted to rich/famous people? What???
This, beards are for uggos. Zero exceptions. Just Google "beard" "disappointed" or "unattracted" to find dozens of threads of chicks whose bf shaved and she lost all interest. It's fucked.
>implying manlets don't run the world and cuck lanklets on the daily
Spoiler alert!
Neither my gf, her friends, or any other girl I ever used to talk to thinks thus.
If you need proof life and circumstances are unfair, know that this little shitskin didn't get shot up in the Vegas shooting
Whatup shorty I cant hear your REEEEing from all the way up here.
Y'all need to find some new women. My gf loved my long beard, shaved it off and wow, she still loves me.
If you're looking for superficial you'll find superficial.
Its so easy to be Chad if you re white and not below 178 cm.
>weak chin or jaw
grow a beard, if no beard try mono
>lanky af
Lift weights, get 1/2/3/4 for reps and train neck
if you are white in america and poor kys, you are competing with literal baboons who get their diversity points in uni
You are preaching to a stable full of autists who think the sole purpose of women is procreation and that every single woman in existence is a lying cheating whore who only is with you for money.
It’s a bit sad really, you’d think the /bizraelis would be less /r9k
Sorry lanklet I’ll try to have her back home by midnight!
Does it make you sad that majority of women won’t ever wanna be with you because of your height? I know I’d be pretty mad too
pretty sure chad thinks that too, except he has money and gets women
She said to tell you “you were right honey it does taste salty!” She said you would know what that meant. Kek!