>wake up
>refresh blockfolio
>you now have $10m
what do you do with your life?
Wake up
wake up again
Wait until Blockfolio's glitch fixes itself
cash out give 50% + tip to the IRS
Get divorced give 50% to my wife
Tell my family and be guilted into giving them the rest.
Assume someone has fat fingered a trade on ED and go to work as usual
go back to sleep
wonder where all of my link has gone
Cash out 9 m and keep the 1 m to make another 10 m.
>Buy average size house
>Travel the world
>Kms cuz I've got nothing left to live for
put 1m in 5 coins with low market cap. chances are you'll be even richer
Put 9m in LINK, cash out 1m. Buy a Porsche, not a retarded useless lambo.
I'm moving to a country where I can buy some live in maids. Get some nice teen girls to do everything for me. Preferably Asian or Latinas
obsessively make thousands of copies of private keys including on glass etchings and low orbit satellites.
Cash out one million, try for the 100
>giving money to freeloaders because muh bloodline
give 50% to Wounded Warrior and other 50% to St. Jude Children's Hospital
>cash out
>3mil to buy a few decent normal sized homes in various locations
>give 2mil to family
>1mil to settle any debt, leftover spent on toys
>put 3mil in savings
>1mil on crypto
>put all gains into savings until i can fund my master plan
Figure out what coin a moron fat fingered on Etherdelta.
what use is 10mil when you can't cash out
>cash out
There are better programs to donate to if you want to help vets. Go local.
>get accused of rape from some thot you didnt see for 10 years
>loose it all
also pay the taxman
gamble it on shitcoins till im back to 0 that's what's going to happen anyway tbqh
Is this thread a direct spin-off of that one from yesterday?
every fucking time
cash out 9.5 mil. Travel Asia and Europe with my homies, doing drugs and fucking whores in the finest hotels. after I squander it all in 6 months use remaining 500k to repeat process
i commit suicide
>move to Croatia
>take half and use that pot to pay myself a $100k USD salary a year
>take 25% and use for investments for passive income generation
>take the last 25% and put into savings
Need this fuckyou money so bad want to get out of pedoland and pajeetville (aka canadastan) where we are run by criminals, mafia, and pedophiles in our governments and agencies. On top of it all it's fucking frigid.
Croatia is my home country and it's too beautiful there and I could live like a king on a $100k a year salary with an apartment in the capital city and a beach house on the coast to go for swimming and parties in the summer.
>waking up less than 5 times every morning
godspeed user
germanfag here and i have no other home country i could go to escape the shitskins
ive been to croatia on vacation its beautiful
im unironically contemplating moving to hungary when i made it
To retire comfortably today, it's $22M you would need.
Play again
How many years of living do you plan?
stay safe Germanbro, the biggest impetus for me getting into crypto is the following:
dirt world hordes invading Europe and being given the marching orders and financing by the EU. The clear and obvious agenda for those who do not have their head in the sand is to flood Europe with muslims and create a new slave class while driving down living conditions for the native population
banks being bailed out in 2008, they literally stole money from not just America but the whole global economy to prop up their "too big to fail" banks when it was clearly the plan to hold everyone hostage from the start
I'm tired of jew trickery and their agenda to fuck us over (Christians). This is why I know we will win, if other people are in this for the same reasons as me then it really is a revolution and people like me don't fall for their FUD and see right through it.
10mil invested reasonably should earn you enough yearly to beat inflation
>implying crotia isnt run by mafia
Sure, if you're going to live like a poor, not vacation.
160 with Stem Cell and other Anti Aging treatments.
of course it is, which is why most people are poor and they have a huge brain drain with young people because you can't get a decent job without being connected.
my plan is to come in with my fuckyoumoney from Canada and buy property and have passive income generation. That way I don't have to rely on other corrupt fucks to get a job and have an income. You can live like a king there if you have money since living expenses are cheaper (minus gas and electricity and computer hardware)
But I intend on having best of both and still keeping distribution channels open to Canada to import shit. I plan on running a crypto operation and collecting money and living there with my earnings.
This. Happens all the fucking time, it doesn’t even faze me anymore.
Lemme guess u bought some coin in ED.
If anyone actually has this just get a habit of trying to do magic, like putting finger through your palm or levitate or breathing through your nose with your nose closed (better to do 2-3 of these in case you fuck up) on wake up, then you know you are inside a dream and can go fuck your waifu
Thank me later
[spoiler]this is a retarded explanation just go to lucid dreaming websites, you can learn it even if you dont wake up 5 times[/spoiler]