This thread is directed to people with not a lot of money like myself. So please if you are a whale close this thread immeditely. Thanks.
Ok guys heres the deal: if you just started if have below 10k this is what you should do: dont try to trade ethereum neo or any of that top10 garbage.
We need something high risk high reward in order to x2 our money and then jump into the next moon mission.
Put 50% of your money on HTML coin, 50% on XP. You should be fet your x2 in 3 days or even earlier.
Dont confuse HTML5 with HTML. The one you need to get is HTML and you can get it on trade satoshi and Bleutrade.
You can buy XP on tradesatoshi and CoinExchange.
Enjoy and good luck.
Dupping money (poorfags only)
Holding these 2 and ECA. Comfy as fuck.
XP is free money. It's mooning in this sea of red.
They already mooned, too late man. I don't buy high.
Sauce, OP?
And what do you guys think of KIN, COLX, DENT and ELIX?
>people with not a lot of money like myself
Nice that you should be giving the advice then
Don't listen to OP
t. whale
They said this same thing when HTML hit 10 sats and when XP hit 20 sats. Whatever man.
Hes right tho, if you dont have a lot of money you need a high risk coin.
Also OP said whales are not welcome here so idk why you read his thread.
KIN is good, get rid of everything else
I'm not really a whale but I've turned $4k into $140k since July and I didn't do it by flipping shit coins.
Dont trust someone who doesnt have money.
Dont trust someone who has a lot of money either.
Do your own fucking research instead of making "Shill me on"-threads and make money.
who's this crippled cutie ?
What's going on here
These two coins are particularly good so maybe this is one of those rare good advices from biz. I was lucky enough to buy both of these and eca when they got first shilled here two days ago and I'm up 45%.
That's HTML5, check HTML Coin.
Oh yeah woops
You're legit trying to sell people a coin that has x1000 in the last month with XP. You got early bags you want to unload but the buy volume isn't there. It's a shitcoin.
LINK is dipping, just buy that for ez 5x this month.
What does xp mean?
>reading comprehension
It's the coin he's chilling.
Youre retarded, XP while keep going up because its the cheapest coin in the top 50 on cmc. Link was 17 cents not so lo g ago, what would you say if I said "im not buying now because you bought before me". Completely retarded. If everyone thinks like you we wouldnt have market.
Oh brother. Merely pretending are we?
Go to coinmarketcap and search XP. Learn to use cmc for everything.
fucking git newfag
ECA is gonna turn my 1k into 20k+
HTML is already at 25 SAT you missed it.
how do I DMOR? what kind of things do i look for?
colx hit 78 sats
if i was a loser like u i wouldnt have bought at 30 sats
She looks perfect if not for the wheelchair.
$500 poorfags
Read the whitepaper, check the team, twitter, etc
How many vertabres do I need to break to get a girl like this?
>tfw my only source of income is bitcoin mining at $4.50 USD a day