Your coin will recover, do not panic sell. These are 5 min charts from the last alt crash showing you it will go up just as fast as it fell. You don't want to be stuck selling at the all day low.
Your coin will recover, do not panic sell...
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks user. Iron hands
what should I buy right now?
iron handed checking in
Short term, I don't know. But ICX is the most promising long-term hold.
Finally a sane one
My hands are shaking user
Guys just hodl, if you sell your shitcoins at every little down the bubble will explode and you will loose everything
This. There couldn't be a better time to buy ICX.
Trick when the market bullruns start slowly pulling back into a stable reserve currency, eth is a good choice. Then you have capital to buy the dips.
Sorry everyone, bitcoin went so high because I decided not to sell my coins. Had I have done that, they would be +50% by now
With what, I don't have anything left. As a poorfag you have to go all in, they said. Don't diversify, they said.
I have to ride this out, this is my last shot at making it.
I just did, I had been waiting a few days, but I think this is close to as good/bad as we're going to get. Can't wait for Bitcoin to die.
What are you in right now?
this time you will get rekt hard if you dont sell. BTC going to 20k
Depends on how poor you are, but I'd still diversify somewhat. Don't go all in in any one thing. But in two or three? That's wouldn't be that bad imo.
No it's not. Things will be back to where they were by the end of the day.
Poorfag here, but im going all in on this one now. Been waiting for a good entry point as it has been setting new ath's every single day. I'm in for the long run, cant wait for the end of the month!
DBC, FUN and ICX. Pretty lucky, DBC is saving me right now, total only down 2%.
Wise user..listed to him.
Sorry all, I sold my BTC to get into VEN/ICX/REQ two days ago. (still holding small ETH/LTC)
Should have warned you guys.
Yeah, thought the same, I'd probably have picked ARK for my single all-in and get fucked.
BNB was apparently a fucking God tier choice this time around. It's actually up in BTC during all this.
I’m all in on XLM. Idgaf it’s going to the moon.
BNB has a utility to reduce transaction fees, what with bitcoins retardedly high fees BNB is a good buy for people trading BTC, hence why it basically benefits from these booms
This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal..
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
>fear of toilet witches
is there a place like Veeky Forums without the pajeetery? like honestly, the mods need to add flags and remove the poo, because its getting a bit much with the bots and the spam
I fucked up. :(
Came home late, saw all my alts down as fuck.
Panic sold. They all start going up immediately, buy myself back in at a higher price.
You live, you learn. I'm still a beginner at this but today was not a good day..
You are a good bro
I really hope you are baiting.
be honest are you from reddit
I'm not.
Came home, saw all my lost gains. Remembered I read yesterday on Veeky Forums that BTC will moon and all alts will drop. Thought then that I would just hold through it but when I saw how much they had dumped I panicked, because surely they will drop more....nope.
Whatever algorithms people use to trade seems tailor made to get money from noobs like me. :]
Hopefully I will do better next time.
nope, been on Veeky Forums since 2006. Never touched reddit.
What's good about ICX?
mfw lost 15% of my stack because I thought the dip will continue and sold at literal bottom
lesson learned
I'm new I don't understand
Its already going up, if you switched some alts to btc its time to come back
i doubt you even know what's the lesson. the lesson is don't swing trade if you can't TA
well, technically I was right, sold at slightly above 2000 (ETH), instead of placing buy order got ADA at the dip (good call) and ICX (horrible one). Lost some ETH in the process, slept over the dip to 1800 (I was super tired and had no buy order because I was in shitcoins instead, kicking myself over that) and shamefully repurchased now at 2100+. My stack wasn't that huge anyways (I was at 13400, now at 11400 - poorfag reporting it) but hurts anyways, was at over $4k at trx top, now barely above $2k and my stack decreased.
Homegrown Korean ETH.
That's a terrible way of describing it, but it gets the point across. Asians are all incredibly nationalistic, they'll hoover up anything domestic that isn't complete dogshit.