Trade Stations

post em while we wait

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very comfy user

Living the life user nice

>watching bberg
>listening to pakis, pajeets, and every other foreigner with "british" accent all day

>that headline

I listen for them to dance around the topics of debt, QE and housing market. There is an approaching storm.

Normies will butt fuck us if true

I have a huge bag of almonds in the drawer there so I can sit here at all times. I drink tea/water for liquid and my bathroom is right outside the door. I have a kettle and a blender in here too.

great utility

this desu. its why I watch as well; we all know it, and they're all trying very hard to ignore it but the issues keep poking through

I trade from a 10 year old busted laptop using public wifi

t. Homeless user

I should mention that the ram and cpu is so bad that it can barely load Binance

The good thing about this is it pretty much forces me to HODL because I can't make quick trades. Each buy takes probably 15 minutes of loading times/refreshing, etc.

I hope it gets better user
if that one breaks I reccomend a lenovo thinkpad x220, about $100 used

how did you become homeless?

There will be rewards for your sacrifice

Well well well I was just about to post mine, haha all I use is an x220 just another poorfag trying to make it

>not linux

do you have that pit in your stomach too?

I use a tethered t430 to trade on the road while my wife drives lol, great laptops

Yeah I use a thinkpad but an older model. Great laptops. This thing has survived water damage, drops, etc. And my parents kicked me out and I lost my job. I have 800 USD in crypto that I'm trying to turn into something to get a place


reportingn in


You're disgusting.

yes user, though its gone from an uneasy stomach to a general anxiety/excitement. Crypto trading has become lucrative enough to keep me comfy and I'm just so worried and doing my best to prepare for the coming shit storm

sort yourself out.

>only 2 monitors

looks comfy

Dat /comfy/ microphone

THIS IS user

holy fuck

what is all that shit?

vitamins, helps me make superior trades

>not using catalog

vitamins are a requirement for max gains, but so is being organized user

how do you cash out and live off the money?



Great taste in laptops user.

Full time neet

bruh you gay


Niggers don't belong on Veeky Forums

heres how I like my desktop; keeping it a little retro.

neither do faggots but yet here you are

>fidget spinner

360 still works or it's just a stand now?

I'm sorry user, but kek. You should do a blog and write about your homeless crypto adventures and start a gofundme page. Crypto + charity, normies will eat that up, and you can write a book about it one day when you make it.

27" iMac, and a maxed out ThinkPad for trading on the go

more like a junkystation

This is an anime website. Go back to facebook or world star if thats more your speed nigger

Still works somehow, I occasionally play it on the monitor above it when I'm trying to kill time.

You can't

is that an X360 hackintosh mod?

Nice Ripple coin on the table.

Fuck that

One day I will buy a street

this is false. It can be done and is really easy once you have the right system established; Though here in leaf land I have not found a guaranteed way to avoid taxes on large amounts yet.

>animu website
into the trash you go

nice grip workout device for when youre pink wojacking



>public wifi
Enjoy your pineapple

I want to kill myself

Did you draw that Nagatoro?

haha I wish, but sadly no, just a part time console/ full time stand; I run my desktop off my 13" or 15" macbooks

Rich pajeet reporting in

no, I draw other anime girls. I'm terrible at drawing tho

My shit is all encrypted and I change password every two day

Plus my portfolio is only 800 USD atm

I can tell you're married. Nice set up

Definitely a pajeet setup if i've ever seen one. Kinda dig the fancy curtains though



where is the toilet?

surprisingly not tasteless

nice monitors but otherwise unironically the ugliest decor / furniture I've ever seen kek

why user?

also I have the same monitor; do you like yours? I find my too dim and to have too much glare; saving up for a new one

got specs for those monitors? lookin' good.

On the street.

he's right, this is no place for weebs

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal, .

discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

paradoxically can't afford wrap around trading station until I succeed at trading.

add me on steam. id is 300_Gorillas
name is Herr Albert Kesselring
Only made 6000% gains
also my monitor is fine, I use f.lux for dimness during night. works fine for me, I might get a better ips panel though in the future to see colors differences better when drawing. This one is far better thsn my old monitor though.

>posts pnd scam
this is a trade station thread, begone

that would hurt my eyes, two + tv is enough for me

Whatever coin makes me rich will earn a spot on the wall.

Only losses today but I made solid gains the rest of the week though.

Take the (you)

Why keep the keyboard tray attached if you're not using it? Just takes up leg room.

what was your first figure user? Where did you start it all? I've got 7 only so far. 6 mikus and 1 luka.

I trade on a mid 2009 macbook pro with a cracked screen and missing screws. Portfolio is worth $500k though.

Holy shit that desk lamp. 80's nostalgia.


REally nice, whats the sound card ur using?

wealth transfer has been nutty

You are most certainly not gonna make it

My nigga. I got one of those stands this Christmas, best decision ever.

Another filthy tasteless weaboo reporting in. I have more figures but they're behind me.

Once I cash out some money I'm going to paint the room white and modernize it. I'm sick of the old dusty look I want something clean and tidy like
As you can see on the right monitor XLM is about to take off

such a generic waifu collection

>another fidget spinner
autism level is too high

i spin for those who can't


The gods of crypto will aid you my friend. Be strong

is that anime in the left down corner? lmao

You're adorable.

maximum comfy

am i going to make it