I downloaded the blockfolio app and am thinking of investing maybe 1k into different alt coins next week. How do I get started and track my gains? I know buy high sell low but in all seriousness what are say, 4-5 standard coins anyone new to crypto should consider and how do I purchase them?
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums how do I into crypto?
you're too late
>using blockfolio
Lurk bitch
You have to purchase the full blockfolio license to buy coins.
just put some fake numbers into blockfolio and brag here
it's what I do
underrated post
I sense a demonic presence
>I downloaded the blockfolio app and am thinking of investing maybe 1k
How about doing some research first? You want Veeky Forums to make your decisions? Have fun.
use delta app instead
did you sign up for the 4chn.gold exchange license. they are pretty cheap from what i here.
buy WTC
Its what 90% of Veeky Forums does.
>started with a penny I found on the street 3 weeks ago.
>now up 80000.
I kind of figured this, once I started seeing Normal fags talking about it on social media I figured the ship has sailed most def for bit coin but I thought there might be another year or so to make gains on alt coins.
Been lurking this board is nothing but NEETs shitposting and shilling coins they’ve invested in I’m yet to see anyone offer sound advice on how to actually buy coins and moniter their gains
I honestly think this is what 90% of biz is. Is there still money to be made in shit coins or am I better off investing it in actual stocks?
Quick tips
1. Dont diversify if you only have 1k to invest. pick a solid project like eth, icx, xrb, req, xlm, xmr and go all in. Alternatively, put 500 in a very stable coin like eth or xmr, and put 500 in a higher risk higher reward coin.
2. Dont try to daytrade, just hold.
3. Lurk a LOT.
4. I use GDAX for bying ETH/LTC without fees, which you can then transfer to exchanges to buy other cryptos. Binance has most of what you'd want to buy. There are youtube tutorials for everything
Good luck user
it's they crypto version of Veeky Forums
You didn't buy BZC yet user? Kek
all in CND
Buy DBC. It's on KuCoin. I won't even shill you my referral code.
kek first real good advice I see on Veeky Forums the fuck
4. I use GDAX for bying ETH/LTC without fees, which you can then transfer to exchanges to buy other cryptos. Binance has most of what you'd want to buy. There are youtube tutorials for everything
Taker fee still applies I assume, atleast for me.
Split between REQ, XLM, LINK, maybe some FUN if you're feeling frisky, and get comfy.
Holy shit real advice thanks user.
Wisdom here!
get delta app, and I don't think it's too late though. normies can't buy most alts as they are on 1. shitty exchanges(etherdelta) or 2. most coins on Veeky Forums, ask around in the street or social media, who the fuck knows what REQ is? no one.
made 10k in a week
don't diversify if you don't have funds. it will be riskier though, if the coin goes to shit you're fucked.
I’m thinking 500 in Lite or ETH and then splitting up the other 500 into a few lesser known higher risk/reward coins. Will I be rich in a few months Veeky Forums?