Is it worth buying now or not? Would HODL for 3months...
i bought at 8.67 two days ago
deepest bags i've held since signatum
Buy it Dude.
yes stupid pajeet
if you hold for 3 months then yea, you will make big bucks
You just gotta have iron hands, hopefully does because he is sure as fuck going to need them.
It's beginning to creep up. Now is the time to buy
fucking kek
this shit is constantly at 3.5 - 4 bucks
either this will be like $100 or just sink while everything else goes up.
Bought in around $1 usd.
Not selling to this cunt goes at least 20x for me. 160mn mkt cap vs iota @ 11bn....
You guys are fucking idiots look at the roadmap on their website the DAG hype shit doesnt even START till 2019
Any news coming?
so what?
IOTA doesnt have shit and theyre at 15 billion
Yea it bottomed out, if you buy now you're pretty safe, in 3 months we will see 1 bill cap. Anyone saying this is a shitcoin hasn't done any research. THis beats IOTA in all ways. Bet your money on the new economic power that is China, our overlords and future masters. We will be subservient to them and carry them as our gods for eaons to come.
No more will the White red blue star flag dominate this world with its vengeance, we will be free'd by the power of CHinks
It will be listed on Binance soon
2milliseconds transaction times lelelelellelel. It hasn't even done anything yet and its already better as 99% of all cryptos
which exchange should I use to buy this shit? is probably the best. Signup is easy. However it doesn't allow people from the US to sign up, however you can put Canadian and get around it that way
Huobi if you aren't an absolute brainlet who trades in BTC
on the way back up now, told you cucks
It's now found a solid floor. About to put more in
it just fucking dipped again u cunt
The "it will be posted on binance" is starting to sound like the wrath will be released soon. We got crickets and a big dip. I think tech tech is great but shitty marketing and branding. If they had sunny lu, this shit would be blowing past iota.
Here user. Pic related.
got in recently for a quick 100% during the last run, but the whole thing is a bit too sketchy for me. the website is awful and the linked in profiles are empty.
could be great project, but right now I want to sleep in peace and not worry about getting scammed.
source of this? how confident are you in the binance listing? when?
linked in is a social network. chinks aren't allowed on those, the profiles are just there for normies to know they exist or some shit
so shouild i invest all of my money into this or not? i want a coin that has a decent chance at 20x returns
it seems to have stopped plummeting and holding some light bags hoping they get heavier. don't go all in but it could moon like crazy
I put 2 grand in this bitch. IDGAF if it goes to zero. If this shit pops its gonna be huge. Im expecting multi-billion dollar market cap or bust. Not for low test faggots, but if you can take the potential loss then get the fuck in now and lets make money you bitches.
FWIW I dont give a shit about IOT or the tech of this shitcoin. But I know marketing and this coin is easy as fuck to shill and normies gobble up everything IOT related. If this seeps through to plebbit and twitter this is gonna go to andromeda. Couldnt care less about how many linkeding friends the CEO has or what this coin actually does. Im in for the potential hype factor and the price ceiling of IOTA and both are YUGE.
>to shill and normies gobble up everything IOT related. If this seeps through to plebbit and twitter this is gonna go to andromeda. Couldnt care less about how many linkeding friends the CEO has or what this coin actually does. Im in for the potential hype factor and the price ceiling
their fucking marketing sucks ass....
This guy understands the game.
The marketig is shit right now but its easy as fuck to market something like this. A single article on Huffpo blew this shitcoin up to a quarter billion in market cap. Once the chinks start marketing this to westerners its gonna go to the moon. High risk, high reward. Im gonna ride this out regardless where it goes.
>implying iota isn't the biggest scamcoin of them all
yes and it still went to 15 billion
what does this tell you hm?
im done shilling this coin. I made my bet and its up to you fags now if you wanna pull the trigger or not.
going to put $700 USD.
How high do you think it can go?
>tfw its back to where i bought in at
I hate this question. Kill yourself.
*stares at Antshares* Sorry, I meant *stares at pre-NEO*
hope we get rich
well i never said you couldn't profit of scam coins