I became a soulless daytrading cryptocorpse... with a net worth of $400k
how do I get my soul back?
I became a soulless daytrading cryptocorpse... with a net worth of $400k
Cash out, buy some ayahuasca and disappear for a month
I donno man. I’m dead inside too. I don’t give a shit about anything these normies care about day to day
if you're only daytrading you're missing out on half the action
How did you lean daytrading?
I lost my degree to this shit man.. worth it though, in a year's time
Learn not lean
fuck off, I guarantee you smell awful
Buy KCS, earn dividends from every coin on kucoin exchange, take some % out of the game and go on a vacation, read books and exersise, just log off, stop giving a shit, and also use my referral when you do so it will make you rich af :D
Register on Kucoin Exchange
use this code : 1b8wQ
how much did you start with?
any tips user
Jesus fuck this place of full of mental weaklings, how do you 'lose your soul' by trading? Are you an idiot? Give me your coins you feeble minded fucking loser.
Can you recommend some channels or videos?
by teaching me how you daytrade
What did you start with OP?
I thought hodling is superior to day trading?
If trips you can give me 10K and recover your soul.
>Hold some UFR
sigh... t'was worth a shot
Are you shitting me? Go work in an office 9-5 and tell me your soul is more fulfilled than trading shit tokens from home.
I fucking love this shit.
same lol
Wtf, cash out some money to buy yourself a glass of champagne, or either some wine and watch a movie.
This is the best
donate to www.mabukumalawi.com
He gets it
psychedelics give you a fresh perspective on live, one that helped me out of a massive depression
Cash out, user.
Then stay off of your computer for 1 month.
Ignore prices, ignore coins.
You're ok.
Eat some acid
user, I'm in nearly an identical boat. Things are getting off the rails, as I'm sure you know. Seriously considering going to church.
Hold UFR for 2 months, then post about how to get your sanity back when the gains drive you crazy
This guy and his dubs understand
Buy bitboost and upfiring. Then you will go nuts with the amount of money you have. After that all in it on tron. Happy retirement.
UFR is a pain In the ass when u wanna sell it, hard to get someone to fill ur buy order anywhere near market price
Fucking nigger scammers. Why haven't you died yet?
What the ROI on a soul?
Cash out $50K, put the rest into REQ, LINK, XLM and ICX... don’t look at the markets for a month (just set notifications on Blockfolio 10% above your stop losses so you don’t lose your shirt) and travel somewhere away from your comfort zone... you will be back with a new perspective and perhaps some inspiration...
Fuck off faggot with your scamcoin
Vacation for 3 dollars
Lol the cash out meme again
>the pajeet with no exit strategy
Hey user I'm currently at 7.3m and I feel the same way. I have crippling social anxiety and depression and feel that I can't relate to my friends who are mostly blue collar anymore.
I still make trades but I more or less Hodl large position and am diversifying to traditional asset classes like Index funds VTSIX/VTSAX and real estate.
Something that helped me are:
-Psychedelics. Treat these drugs with respect and don't do them just to get fucked up. Keep an open mind and I guarantee it will have a profound effect. The afterglow which lasts about 5 days is surreal and you feel like a new person.
-Microdosing psylocybin
-Getting off benzo's
-Cutting out refined carbs and sugar
-Drinking more water
-Making general life goals. If you have issues with this I'd suggest Jordan Peterson's Self authoring program..good for a sense of direction
-TRAVELING. You can trade from anywhere in the world.
-Being a better listener
-Getting off social media it makes you think other people are living fulfilling lives with cherry picked photos of going out, most people even attractive ones work 40 hours a week and have little substance in their lives
-Quit coffee. It was fucking rough for 3 months I had been slamming 500mg a day for 10 year. I'm just now starting to have a good balanced energy with no carbs and no caffeine.
-Stop smoking weed. Weed isn't bad but i used to smoke everyday with the express purpose of getting so fucked up I wouldn't feel anything. I'm talking knee shaking high everyday.
Do some research on these things and if you make any lifestyle changes the best advice I can give is incorporate drastic changes 1 by 1 or you risk being overwhelmed and caving.
i have social anxiety as well. can i hab some gibs to put me at ease anxious bro?
good for you homie
You could have some fun. Buy in slow then dump a coin in the top twenty all at once on Bittrex repeatedly as fast as you can.
Sell your soul too. With a lease back contract leverage the proceeds and buy it back in the future.
Damn user, I've reached the same conclusions as you except I've only got 180k. Here's to reaching over mil.
>microdosing psychedelics
>cutting out refined carbs and sugars
>drinking more water
fuck me not there yet, hopefully in the future
>getting of social media
yup. limit brainless internet time
>quit coffee
fuck. this has some of the biggest impact on me desu. my sleep just gets so much better and that affects all the rest. not only that, but after a while you'll realize you were constantly anxious without even noticing. fucking coffee, this shit is addictive poison.
>stop smoking weed everday
this. especially everyday and before bed. weed fucks your sleep. sleep is fucking sacred for mental health. go around 2 months without weed and then reintroduce it no more than 3 times a week and never near sleep.
also: exercise. fucking lift weights and do cardio. cardio especially is statistically more efficient in treating depression than any known medication.
sorry for reddit spacing.
That's a great frog picture. I had a laugh.
Acid microdosing literally changed my life. Apart from that quitting coffee was also helpful. I had sleep problems I couldn't solve and they solved themselves. Also quited junk food and I'm consuming a lot less sugar which I am also going to quit.
Get a hobby
>That's a great frog picture. I had a laugh.
ask /x/
Awesome guys, we are all going to make it
we are going to make it boys
I'm at 200k right now and I also suffer from depression. I make a lot of money but I'm empty inside. I haven't touched psychedelics in almost 3 years and I really wanna try some again. I wouldn't quit coffee just because I really like the taste, and it had no effect on me mentally (I think?)
The biggest problem for me would be to quit weed. Life fucking sucks after you quit, and when you try again your tolerance is so low that a small amount gets you fucked up and I don't like that, it's too intense. I think taking breaks is the best solution, like 1 month off every other month.
Coffee is easy to quit if you lower your consumption more and more in a timeline of some weeks. Smoking is a bitch.
It may sound weird to advocate to quit drugs and then get into microdosing. There is something truly magic about them though. I was going through literal hell. Benzo withdrawals are something else, the withdrawals are worse than heroin and you can actually DIE from the withdrawals. Microdosing pretty much erased the symptoms I was floored by the results. As for coffee I love the taste of Black coffee. As I write this I'm sipping on a black decaf coffee.
Smoking is largely mental and if you have anxiety the dreams can be horrifying for 2 weeks or so. The thing about quitting stuff that's hard, keeping to a routine and generally working on self improvement or at least not regressing every day is hard, and i don't think it will be ever "easy" but it will get easier. That being said the satisfaction you get from accomplishing goals is a feeling unmatched by the best drugs out there.
Side note: I attribute Psychedelics is helping me get over nihilism.