>back to 6 figure
the more you have the more you decline.
how do other rich fags deal with this?
>back to 6 figure
the more you have the more you decline.
how do other rich fags deal with this?
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We buy KCS, lmao that shit is making me hundreds of dollars per day, thousands in the comming months, honestly buy KCS or KYS
use this referal when making an account, it's good for you user :D
Maybe by not buying shitcoins valued at billions idiot. Do some research and invest in technological gems not overpriced normie coins. Unless u wanna bag hold that is. If people thought the June/July crash was bad wait until the next crash. -50/-75% across the board
Think percentage wise, that's about a 12% drop, pretty common in crypto.
Just like when you had 10k and it dropped to 8k, you barely cared, but now it seems much worse, since there is more money, but it's the same thing, percentage wise.
Nigger, you're not supposed to keep your money in crypto forever, you make the profit on the cash you put in, you cash out then invest in real world shit. Like rental properties.
don't worry friend you'll lose it all just like 95% of the people in Veeky Forums
your time is coming, you'll eventually have the fear
Maybe it's time to cash out at least half of your stuff?
get a load of this loose butthole.
What coins are that?
I rode the tron train up.
How many KCS to make some decent returns?
if you sign up to kucoin with this ref code you'll be fine: 1fdMc
poorfag :^)
When is it coming though?
I'm sorry but if you make a million fucking dollars and you still don't cash out there is something wrong with you
what fucking good is a million dollars, can't even retire on that shit
It's easy actually, when you spend over 6 months in cryptos you get immunity towards fear of losing money. It works as immunity against being ecstatic about gains as well. Numbers go up, numbers go down, you stop caring for the most part.
hold more btc you nigger
You won't get decent returns, KCS is massively overpriced for the small volume they are getting. There is a 0% that user is getting hundreds per day.
Cashing out not an option because I’m a burger and we get tax like a mofo
You seriously made that much and still see it as real money? I am on 5 figures and stopped caring. 5k here 5k there means nothing anymore.
No one knows
Just saying, good financial practice is to take half your money out if it can change your life.
So if you can afford a home, car, food, pay off debt with half your cash, you should take it out. then let the other 500k roll (could easily turn only that 500k into mm's)
Im a poor fag 21 yo college drop out
My portfolio is building up to 100k and my plan is to take out 20k and live frugally on that and re invest the other 80k.
I feel ya homie. I am (was) only #sixfig but losing tens of thousands at a time is stressful af.
dont be a fag and take 20k out. Be aggressive and keep it in. If you didnt have crypto you would have been broke anyway, with no 20k. If you didnt need it before then you dont need it now. Keep making gains. Thank me later you fag.
I'm weathering the storm pretty well. Not invested in pure shit coins though. Have yet to take any profits, I'm retiring or nothing.
Kucoin btfo
on the other hand I make 800$ per week from referrals on that site. Guarantee it'll be north of 1k when I get tomorrows rewards. Site volume has increased and I have 25% more referrals
Don't make unnecessary expenses user. Only take that 20k off if it could improve your life.
I just think of it as torque. The more you have the further down the lever you are. Ever played blackjack? It's the same game at the $100 table as at the $5 table.
My portfolio close to yours. I touched 1M 3 days ago and am back down to 850K. It's stupid to pull out now just so you can improve your life a little. 2018 is gonna be huge for every single person in crypto right now.