Why haven't you bought this coin yet Veeky Forums? Press release today and easy 10x with this one.
Why haven't you bought this coin yet Veeky Forums? Press release today and easy 10x with this one.
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also, check em
SHHH. Accumulate while it's under the radar. Its day will come.
I'm loaded up. My body is ready.
Get in while you can.
Got 800. Am I going to make it?
holy fuck, this one more normie coin. sub dollar. I am all in for now on this shit.
shut up you idiot just buy more
delete this fucking thread
conceivably you could get to $8k one day, maybe in a couple years. But more likely you will get $800
lmfao it just pumped like 30% and its a literal shitcoin
ITT: people trying to offload their bags
admittedly this one does have the normies interested. Inb4 tronpump
fuck I had 11k of these. Sold them on cryptopia to chase a pump. Lost all my money on said pump and now I watch from the sidelines while my precious first ever shitcoin rises.
Not too mad though.
we'll race our lambos in lamboland if that answers your question
nice try guy
holding on 68.5 K lets gooo. normies pump it
holy fuck I have no where near what you have. hodl strong
Cryptopia my friend
payment giant?
never heard of xius
absolute fucking shitcoin that doesn't even DO ITS SINGLE SELLING POINT: MOBILE MINING
It blows my mind that normies are buying this literal vaporware
ever heard of reading the link?
>A market leader in the mobile and payments space, XIUS has over 230 deployments for customers spanning 6 continents, with an average of more than USD 1 billion worth of payment transactions processed every month.
>Xius has a 25-year history of innovation, having filed more than 120 patent applications in total. In partnering with Electroneum XIUS has shown extraordinary clarity of vision and belief in cryptocurrency as a truly viable payments solution.
>The XIUS ‘Payment Manager’ software services 1.2 million agents, dealers and distribution points spread across 9 LATAM countries. Its reach and specialist payment processing capabilities will be invaluable as Electroneum works with XIUS towards integration of Electroneum as a payment method across Latin America. This partnership will also facilitate the promotion of as Electroneum’s mobile mining app as a way to offset phone costs.
Absolutely buying this!
That's good enough for me :-)
It's in beta testing you mong. Try researching instead of browsing /b/ all day....
Miners mine etn
Send it to exchange
Get bitcoins
Sounds great
If your a miner otherwise how does the price ever increase?
Try adding to it every month or something. Its probably going to be at 1 dollar within a year,
Who the fuck would waste their already fast depleting mobile battery on mining?
Third worlders making cents/hour.
There's billions of them.
The mining uses negligible battery. Plus most modern phones actually have decent battery management.
On which exchange I can buy them? I have some money on YoBit
shittopia mate
Don't dilly dally nigga we're launching now.
Dont I have to verify account there? I tried earlier on bitstamp and it takes ages