Tron is the next Bitcoin guys. It is only $0.20 right now. We're all early adopters and we are going to be rich! I love this team and the technology behind it!
Tron is the next Bitcoin
I haven't slept for 2 days! I love my Tron family!
$15,000 tron when
I cannot fucking stand the team, at all, especially not Justin the scumbag, but i'm invested in it because they are the biggest fucking shills on the planet.
Seriously though how can you "love" this team.. All they do is tweet fucking namedrops, and most recently made a carbon copy of a fad game. This coin defines made in china.
What exchange is litcoin on?
Same way trump became president.
It will feel soso good dumping on the normies when I make bank
you dont have to like a guy to suck his dick
Thats why i'm invested in it. This market has basically sweet fuck all to do with fundamentals right now.
This, taking normie money is why I love trading.
>life changed forever
We are a select few of smart investors. We earn the money we make because we take risks and believe in projects with long term goals and values. Don't hate the players, hate the game!
Lmao funny thing is he doesnt live in a 3rd world country. I think he's literally pleb tier. I mean a westerner that would be happy with 30k? lol
Dude that account is a LARPER, there's no way a black girl with the face of a hood rat types like that.
Why does Veeky Forums always shill shit coins that are at ATH?
will i make it with 4200TRX?
Pajeets aren't biz
Yes, this is the chink nationalist version of litecoin. Prepare yourself.
Ya'll suckers are going to work and I am a smart investor at the start of a tech revolution. Justin Sun is the next Zuckerberg! We're doing huge things here! To the moon!
How many negresses are into cryptotrading?
Yeah her grammar and spelling is way too good.
wow, racist much?
wtf does Tron even do?
hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah you're gonna have a hard time here. go back to plebbit
Can erc20 token overtake Ethereum market cap?
Around 30k is my goal. That'll pay off my car, wedding and immigration fees
This site probably isn't for you
how much should we expect? currently putting like 30% in trx rn
It doesn’t matter if it does nothing this is crypto. With this money pouring into it and the creator holding a large stake, invested in its success, and the hype it will self fulfil.
If people don't fall for your FUDs, try stormwhoring. That'll show 'em.
this is bait right?
literally trx will be 7000 per coin end of year!!1!
Yikes mom, exit browser now
Negroes are, on average, lower on the IQ spectrum. If you're triggered by that, go back to plebbit
I actually want to know though. I try to go to their website and its all in chink. There's a box that I can't close that keeps me from actually accessing the website too. wtf is this faggotry?
Just don't cash out all your 30K of holdings once you reach that target... You can get MUCH more with a little time, pay off all your debt and still be able to make profits.
not racist plus he uses incognito mode so we can't even track him if we tried
Nigger detected. How’s the diabetes, Jerome?
TRX $1,000+ tomorrow.
kys newfags
And chinese and jews are far above whites. Why are you in a chinajew game you subhuman pale nigger?
>cant track him if we tried
when did all the retarded reddit faggets decide to come to Veeky Forums?
Autistic kike go back to fairly land where people don't say "offensive" things.
haha nice b8
Buh bye
top lel did I really need to include a /s
been around these parts longer than you desu
what is he fucking retarded? god damn people are getting rich that dont even know a god damn thing about crypto.
please answer this. i want to know
oh plebbit. Sometimes you're such newfags it's hard to stay mad at you. But really gtfo faggot.
awwww yissss, caught me a triggered niggered. Or are you a kike, pajeet, or chink?
Whites dominate history, we write the books. You can be angry that majority of the top 50 richest people are white but you'll never change that demographic.
How lost are you, faggot?
>top 50 richest people are (((white)))
keep telling yourself that
nothing. It's a platform.
So far, they have a crypto dogs game and a partnership with oBike.
my b senpai. hard to differentiate between redditors and bizbros sometimes. been here long time myself but this sudden influx of newfags is overwhelming sometimes
This is so try hard it's just unfunny. Enjoy being a dog in the Chinese century, subhuman.
And the next century will be nigger century because you fags stopped breeding and went extinct. That's how little whites can stand each other.
Oh and that whole peiwo app thing
With Ripple, it's a race between us and the bankers. Don't get overconfident, they've been at it a lot longer than we have.
So its an Ethereum clone? Whoopty fucking doo. ETH has scaling issues right now, but its not even being used for dApps, mostly used as a base trading pair. ETH also has plans to scale in the works and won't be cucked by Kikestream.
Fuck, I don't even mean to cheerlead ETH this much, but goddamn man.
Spotted the shitskin
Race war you say?
When people say this... what happens if they just stayed? I mean the crossover between reddit and Veeky Forums community is probably in the high %50s at the very least.
Yes. That's as far as your "weaponized vocabulary" go, we know, you tards say it all the time when you realize your inferiority to the chinese/japanese/koreans.
Whiteness or blackness for that matter is a recent social construct m8.
They should add
>with the advanced WHIP-protocol the Niggerchain is secured by making sure each NGR-transaction verifies itself to one of the central staking masternodes, any NGR transaction which is invalid will be taken down by the WHIP-protocol or will be returned to his owner.
You won't be the first and you won't be the last nigger,pajeet,small-weiner chink, or kike to wish the demise of the whites. And you will be wrong, like the many before you and the many after you.
Social constructs are a social construct.
No crypto and the moon. Keep shitposting polfag.
Oh, Tronmarines, we're just getting started!
True, as the name says.
Yeah, keep reading turner diaries and fap. Soon there's gonna be VR (courtesy of asians) so you can finally escape into a safe space.
Besides, the only people who kills white people more in war than anyone is white people. That's white "civilization" for you. Barely above tribal niggers.
all these trx accounts are just Justin spamming. am i right?
You're making some fat chinks rich btw with their 60% holding
now ask yourself why Veeky Forums turned to shit
Culture isn't though. You can clearly look at an educated white or black and still see there is a stark difference in the way they see things.
Why is it ok in the black community to bang LaQueefa, let her have your baby, and then never be the father. Why is that the norm in the black community?
Sure, internally our organs may be all the same, but the mentality we are raised with will always be different.
Nothing right now. It’s all purely speculative. Only reason I’m even holding these bags (57k TRX) is because I don’t think even a Chinese millionaire could pull a scam of this proportion and get away with it, reputation unscathed. I hope. There’ll be a product eventually, won’t be surprised if it’s shitty though.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s all a massive collaborative effort by the Chinese government to dump on us burgers on an epic scale. Which would actually be pretty interesting from a psy ops/economic warfare perspective. People that think this will hit anywhere near $100 are crazy, $10 is almost as crazy. $1-5 is probably most realistic imo, just look at the marketcap
That's easy
Yeah, that's why Justin is called Justin.
Topkek mate. Don't even know who tf turner is and don't need to fap when I've got a gf. Sure whites killed alot of whites but the niggers would still be flinging feces at each other singing kumbaya and the chinks and japs would still be killing each other because "muh honor" if the whites didn't step in and rape you in the ass with the long dick of democracy. Don't be mad forever chingchong, you may have a tiny penis but at least you're not as despised as the blacks.
do you think this market is logical in any way rn, it literally does not matter. Look at what paccoin is doing right, no whitepaper or road map, no legit team, just legit discord shilling and pump. The youtube videos about it I have watched are people saying that its less then 1 cent so its a, 'good deal'
What are all these shitskins doing here? Do they not know Veeky Forums is natsoc?
Chinese, as with koreans adopt "western" names when dealing with whites, as the whites are too inferior to understand the nuances of east asian languages. Incidentally, those "white names" today are all hebraic offshoots from your hebraic religion.
>/pol/tard don't read and don't even know about his storm bible
Not suprising really. Befitting of a white.
Because they googled "crypto forums" and Veeky Forums biz probably popped up at some point.
national socialism is still socialism you cuck
Why is TRX the next big coin ?
What makes anything think that?
I haven't even read the white paper, but will do some research
>I'm only holding 1k trx right now anyway
are all crypto personalities on twitter gigantic faggots and niggers?
will tron keep mooning or will i get another chance to invest some more.
Yeah, cause asian languages are so efficient. Listen gook, I don't doubt the intelligence of your race. It's up there with the Jews. But we have an ace up our sleeves every now and then. And you have never seen it coming. Cause you're too nice. Which is why we win. Every. Single. Goddamn. Time.