NY times FUD

>NY times FUD
>Coinbase FUD
>bitcucks, btards and meth heads FUD
>The next king is still rippling

You retards don't get it. Unlike Bitcoin, XRP serves a real-world purpose, and Ripple speaks to an industry that is worth trillions of dollars.

In 2018/2019 you will be using it to pay for everything online (pic related), and institutions are starting to jump on board too, this was just announced:

>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


2018 will be about utility and Bitcoin will be dethroned.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf there's actually people that buy ripple on Veeky Forums?

The normies really are here.. fuck

then tell me please which real world purpose the XRP token serves and i will buy for 20 000€

thanks for the tip mate just went all in, sold my trash like ven and eth that will never see real use

its insane xrp is still not even $10 with how big a project it is, when this overtakes bitcoin and is worth thousands of dollars im laughing to my xrp compatible bank.

Everyone who buys Ripple is actively destroying cryptocurrency. Buying the one thing the big banks want. Are you retarded?

By the way, XRP will be added to BitOasis (arab money), Coinsquare, and Coinjar, and SBI is launching an Exchange, all within weeks.

poltard detected

the real oldfags here bought XRP because they see its potential and don't trade emotionally.
see example in OP and pic related, retard.

ripple is a shitcoin brah
calm your titties

Bitcoin is destroying itself. It's not the fault of any other coin.

You can keep your centralized expensive slow unusable crypto.

pic related is the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org

tell me how you love bitcoin more than him

this is nothing more than damage control you retarded little brainlet
now get off my Veeky Forums this is a /pol/ website we are all /pol/
heil hitler

pic related is "a British-Iranian revolutionary, hacker, and programmer who is known for his leading role in the bitcoin project,"

please tell me how you contributed to bitcoin more than him

who the FUCK gives a shit about bitcoin?
ripple is bullshit and it looks like youre all in desperately trying to persuade other people into also buying this bullshit
get fucked you deserve whats coming for you

sometimes the FUD is FUD for a reason

the other coins are even shittier than bitcoin.

>it looks like youre all in desperately trying to persuade other people into also buying this bullshit

I'm very comfy mate. I have a company working full time to pump my bags.

Let's see other coins:
Bitcoin: core devs don't give a fuck. merchants are dropping it one after another

litecoin: charlie dumped his stash and said he will leave

vitalik: threatening to leave because of memes

Ripple Labs share of XRP is locked in 55 batches. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. Our incentives are aligned.

you are shitting your pants because you know Ripple will suck all the money from other cryptos and beyond.

Any oldfags in crypto absolutely hate ripple because it goes against everything that crypto stands for. It's literally a centralised currency that transactions can only be verified by a select few people, it's not different to any banking system and they charge you nearly $100 just to create a fucking wallet.

I make a shit ton of money shorting you faggots though each time this pumps so the money goes back to bitcoin in the end

Fuck off you shill cunt.
Ripple would be the death of all cryptos.
If you want quick profit, sure.. But if you want more profit over a longer period of time, then do what's sensible and FUD XRP for the normies

post this a million more times plz

It's more decentralized than bitcoin


-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.
see what the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org has to say about bitcoin's centralization
the rest of the coins are 100 times more centralized

>Ripple would be the death of all cryptos.

And in that scenario I would be unbelievable rich. Forget ideology and come make some goddamn money.

>the other coins are even shittier than bitcoin.
alright im out
you are so fucking dense holy shit

"non-related" That's bullshit, when you go to the validator ledger you can see that all are either "anonymous" or part of the riplle group.
They can change your precious shitcoin on a whim and even print tons of XRP

You don't get it....
If Ripple became the dominating all-mighty crypto they would start with inflation.
It would MAYBE go to 10 USD and STAY there... or even decrease due to printed XRP

Real man's money. Business man's money. Government man's money. Military man's money. XRP.

This thread is obviously needed
And this article: cryptoyoda1338.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/the-truth-about-ripple/

>you can see that all are either "anonymous" or part of the riplle group

there are no anonymous nodes, all validators belong to known reputable organisations around the world, their just might not be enough data

ripple validators will be replaced entirely by the end of 2018, they are working hard to get many reliable organisations to run validators.
>They can change your precious shitcoin on a whim and even print tons of XRP

It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC: you need to modify the software and get people, exchanges, businesses and organisations to adopt the scam against their rational self interest.

Also, the following would happen.
1- XRP's price would collapse immediately
2- Their main source of revenue would be gone.
3- Their reputation, the most important thing you need in this business, would be irrevocably destroyed. No one, not users nor banks would trust them ever again
4- they would be sued into oblivion by the institutional buyers who bought directly from them under the fixed supply assumption

Shut the fuck up pajeet. No one was talking about BTC and no one said they contributed to it either you fucking idiot.
It all makes sense now. Youre just a ripple shill. Whats the going rate for shilling ripple these days?

Go to the validators page yourself you asswipe and see how many validator nodes you can actually determine who owns. All verified are part of the Ripple Labs investing groups

>or even decrease due to printed XRP
Ripple Labs cant just update the code and print XRP, the validators would need to accept the increased supply by voting. Anyone can become a validator.

And another thing, XRP is a deflationary currency since the transactions fees are burned and each new account locks away some amount of XRP that cant be spent. So the total amount of XRP on the market is constantly decreasing.

AND ANOTHER THING!!! $10 is a ridiculously low number if XRP takes over the entire market. The market is already larger then that.

About 800% since early December.

the verified status is for the domain you dumb fuck, not the node

many organisations don't assign the validator a domain name

MIT and Microsoft for example are running validators but have no domain for the validator


All validators are sitting around a camp fire singing combaya. They are banks FFS
Also it would go to 10$ and stay there because of inflation..... Banks and governments needs static currencies so it would be an easy feat to introduce inflation for everyone

>Also it would go to 10$ and stay there because of inflation


Coins are getting burned!

New coins are not being created!


posting this again because of all the ridiculous FUD

Ripple 101

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).


maybe add this link: ripple.com/build/amendments/

to the ripple 101. Try and stop the "ripple will just print more coins" FUD.

good find, thanks.

fuck off OP. stop being a cock sucking faggot
PIC related

"Ripple's XRP jumps on unconfirmed report Western Union plans to use its services for money transfers (WU)"


Ripple's XRP has rallied 20% off its intraday lows following an unconfirmed report Western Union is going to use its technology.
Ripple's official Twitter account said earlier Friday the company has already signed three of the five largest money transfer firms.
Western Union shares are up 5% on the news.

I’m a little confused on the application of the coin, i have like 1500 pieces but iv had them since .60$

Am i better off switching into a new coin with all these gains or holding for optimal gains? I kind of like the idea of the Jews using this coin to accumulate btc and eth

It's XRP (USA) vs BTC (CHINA). China is gonna win

XRP is a solid 1-2 year hodl. You should diversify, but don't keep less than 1000 XRP.

Remember, we are talking about real world use, not just speculation.

Real world use = trillions.

>I kind of like the idea of the Jews using this coin to accumulate btc and eth

Jews dont want a coin that takes 4 hours and 30 dollars to send a payment. BTC is worthless to the modern world.

XRP has superior tech compared to any other coin. The market XRP is trying to capture routinely sends 4 trillion dollars a day. I dont know if XRP will capture that market or not, just that the payoff would be huge if it can.

Businesses win.

China wants to fuck the miners by regulating/banning mining because they don't pay for electricity.

I tried to write in your language with reddit spacing and caps lock, but I was stopped for spam.
1. Centralized
2. They can advertise inflation and easily get it implemented due to static currencies being better

Now please leave biz forever

>1. Centralized

see >2. They can advertise inflation and easily get it implemented due to static currencies being better

see Try again, pajeet.

>1. Centralized

>2. They can advertise inflation and easily get it implemented due to static currencies being better
So whats funny is your recognize right here that its not centralized because you understand they would need the support of others to make changes. So sure, if Ripple and all stakeholders worked against their own best interest they sure could fuck themselves right up their own asses.

Now excuse me while I exchange all my cash for gold, since at anytime I could light all my cash on fire. God what a terrible system cash is for allowing me to do this.

They need agreement from their tightly knit group. That's centralization right there

You really think China is gonna ban BTC? No. It's a head fake. They know XRP exists. If XRP takes off then China is fucked. This is China we're talking about, some of the dirtiest motherfuckers when it comes to anything related to finance.

>"a British-Iranian revolutionary, hacker, and programmer who is known for his leading role in the bitcoin project,"
AKA commie. Always do the opposite of what commies say

Hey do you want to be part of the tightly knit group?

Now you and anyone else can join!

Oh wait I guess its not really tightly knit is it...

>superior tech compared to any other coin
There are coins out there that can do more transactions and faster than XRP. You XRP shills are something else

>pretends that blockstream and bitcoin minimalists were not begging businesses and exchanges to not name segwit2x as bitcoin.

The economic nodes matter the most.

If enough people don't like what they say, they can easily fork by following another UNL (unique node list) without begging the miners to mine blocks for them.

Yes, you read that correctly, forking in Ripple is for FREE. You don't need hardware, electricity, space, ventilation, millions of dollars, ..etc.

This consensuses model is superior in every way.

Yeah because the rippled setup really gives people the power meanwhile behind closed doors is where the tightly knit group really is.

80% consensus needed to make amendments

> believing corporate PR
> 2018





if you are dumb, here's a scenario,

there's a proposed change in bitcoin,
group 1 agrees, group 2 disagrees

group 1 has the mining power and businesses on it's side.

group 2 has neither.

In Bitcoin, group 2 would 100% lose, no one would be mining their chain and it would be vulnerable to serious attacks.

In Ripple:
Both groups can fork at 0 cost. You don't need to suck miners cock (i.e. bitmain's cock) to accept your change.

he might as well be fired for his "reporting" tactics

this fud was destroyed, even Nathaniel was left speechless.


part #2

he will probably lose his job

he said no banks are planning to use XRP, not "currently not using XRP"

burden of proof is on him

Santander literally helped financing the development ox XRP

At least we agree that no banks use XRP.

part #2





Correct, all interested banks are testing right now. Thats why the market cap is only 100b. Shits going to be trillions if banks do start joining, but of course thats the speculation driving the price.


you've literally been FUDding ripple all fucking day
you are actually the most pathetic NEET autist I've seen in a long time, and that's coming from someone that doesn't like Ripple but at least keeps it to himself instead of shitting up and down the board

2015 - Banks will never use Ripple. $XRP is dead. Sorry bag holders.

2016 - Bank announcements are just proof of concepts, they'll never go live. $XRP is dead.

2017 - Fine, 70+ banks are going live but they don't use $XRP, only one financial institution is using XRP. How come dumb bag holders don't get this?

2018 - ...

good job making the koreans rich, theyre the only people buying and pumping this shit.




i was gonna say this, but felt dumb. There's 61 banks in japan rolling it out as well.

Sure there's other token and projects which are faster and can handle more transactions than Ripple, but, can these projects provide proof of concept for wiring $ 140 million dollars between accounts, in under 3 minutes?

Ripple can.

>I BOUGHT AT 3.50$

>whaddya mean you wont buy my new cryptocurrency?
>OY this anti-semitism wont be tolerated!
>*rings indian shitposting sweatshop*

lol she's one of the earliest adopters

she bought at nearly $0


NYT is fake news why are you linking cuck?

OP posts his ripple bs everywhere a million times a day. he deserves his threads shitted to hell and back





Literally Jew York Times

This cunt shorted the fuck out of it before running his FUD, typical kike-ish plot.

Veeky Forums and /pol/ need to come together and together we can take down the semite-menace.

I agree. Sick of hearing the bullshit so maybe if autismo reads what I have to say he will stfu.

Ripple is being traded like it is a share. It isnt, you dont get a dividend. It is a security with the only promise being other retards will buy it in fomo. It holds 0% intrinsic value itself as if you use it then it is destroyed making it more valuable. How can it be used world wide by every bank if this is the case? Simple you make more because it is completely centralized. Who is going to know..

I hold 20k of xrp cos i bought $600 worth in early november from memory. This coin is a joke but has made me happy

that's all you have to say? okay pajeet
I bought in at 25 cents at the end of November, rode the wave, and sold
are you so retarded that you think this FUD is going to even work? people FUDded it the same way back then, and it's at $3 now, so it's not working obviously. maybe if you spent as much effort actually doing research and investing in coins as you did trash talking the things you don't like, you wouldn't be the poorfag street shitter you are

as an investment, no one will use a slow $60 fee coin for payment.








Then why is it crashing so hard

20 limit was set when XRP was few cents to prevent spam. It will be changed with the next release.

Also gatehub and other exchanges can simply use "destination tag" to identify transactions, they don't have to dedicate separate wallets for each user as in bitcoin and other inferior cryptos.

>the one thing banks want

Banks want profit.
You want profit.
I want profit.
The issue isn't what they want, the issue is the power they have.

Who fucking cares? Go be a fight clubby, ancap, shitcoin shilling pajeet in a shallow grave, you degenerate.

>trade your Bitcoins for Ripplecoins
>the banks will use Ripplecoins

FUD + healthy correction

would have been much worse if Ripple didn't have solid fundamentals. only retarded emotional traders don't see its potential.

Never bet against the Jew.

It's called a correction. It happened at NYs too.

Enjoy your first day in Veeky Forums you fucking mong.

Yeah I saw that too.

I've checked my Macd, stoch, rsi and although it was bearish earlier, there's been signs of a trend reversal over the past 4 hours.

Banks / VISA / ETC will never hold and use ripple to actually transact. Too much risk, XRP is a fake token printed by Ripple that nobody actually uses.
Going up for the same reason bitcoin went up, fucking brainlets like you.


you can keep your slow expensive useless crypto lol

people will be using XRP to pay for Uber and shop in Amazon while you masturbate to Satoshi's posts in bitcointalk.org

stellar is superior to ripple in every way

This. Only a matter of time.

This coin is crowdfunding the end of open crypto. You are effectively donating to their team for minimal ROI. The only gains you make are from anons just like you buying into false expectations at a marginally higher price.

You don't even need in depth research - look at their tweets for fuck's sake.

>Interledger is their product not $XRP
> xRapid is their currency not $XRP

inb4 idgaf gettin gainz - not only are they speculative and based on people coming in after you willing to pay more for no real dividend, they are taking funding/spotlight/capitalization away from coins/tokens that genuinely benefit their holders. Once ripple have their product ready they won't give a fuck about $xrp. Mission complete on to the big institution gains.

At least if you buy stocks in apple some money goes to r&d and your phones get skinnier or some shit, with ripple you are helping the rich retain their wealth and getting fuck all in return.