Let's see what you've got newfriends.
Pic is my portfolio feeling comfy but pls ignore that faggot Bitcoin it was free.
Let's see what you've got newfriends.
Pic is my portfolio feeling comfy but pls ignore that faggot Bitcoin it was free.
Other urls found in this thread:
have fun sitting comfy on that 400$
Drop that eth and buy more ven or xlm, maybe req. No need for us poorfags to play it safe
>holding ETH instead of BNB
I'm 22 that's all I could afford to safely invest.
Work and invest more.
That's the plan. 400 each month.
get some zcl u faggots
I'll never be rich.
Probably not going to make it. A fucking skateboard.
>I'm 22
>only $240 in savings
what shithole do you live in
America probably
If you aren't clinically retarded you can easily turn $240 into $5k by the end of the month.
will i be okay?
Without daytrading? If a man has to work, it's hard to buy and sell in time on the side. And jumping from coin to coin, going all in, can just as easily backfire and you get stuck with bags for days or even weeks.
Key word "safely."
I live in commiefornia where my rent is $1800 for a 1 bedroom and 30% of my paycheck goes to fucking taxes.
I have around $5k in combined personal checking/savings but I work in TV which is contract based and I can't afford not to have a cushion to fall back on if I don't have work for a bit.
Idk how to attach picture
you need to go back to normieland ok? thnx
18 and about to finish highschool. Gonna hide my gains so it doesn't fuck up my FAFSA and I can keep my full ride offer for Comp Sci.
go all in on VEN, that's your cushion.
All in.
Sell TRX for normie cash and go all in on ven/xrb. What do you guys think?
What should I all in on?
you are crazy user but i am tempted to do the same with my 5.7eth just all in on tron and hope normalfags take it to a dollar.
I really like VEN but idk if I like it enough to go all in. ETH seems safe and ICX is looking like it will have a good month.
Sell your ETH & BTC for altcoins. There's literally zero point in having them if you can't afford to buy 10ETH straight off or 5 BTC.
I think it's heading there. I'm heading all in on TRX.
Agree with the guy below your post. Put it all in one or two coins such as XRB, DBC etc. that has a chance to multiply.
I went in with 450 USD last week and it is 1670 USD right now. You need a moon mission to really get starter and none of those are gonna give you that.
Ok, this thread is pathetic as fuck. Here's a free advice for you.
>Buy 30% OMG and 30% UKG right. fucking. now.
>Leave 20% in BTC
>Put rest in cryptopiashits which are backed by actual solid dev team and yet to be listed on bigger exchanges like HUSH ALIS ENJ ONION HYP
How am I doing? I only started with $350
0.011-0.013 btc / week after tx and fees
Jesus christ. Enjoy -60% in a week.
Once again and louder:
god we're so pathetic
Add ICN. Thank me in a year. Maybe sooner.
>mfw that would still be a profit to me.
Alright, will do. Next paycheck is coming soon.
Alright I'm showing my true amount of money
I'm just ashamed of having FUN
How does VEN looks poorfriends? Thinking of putting my measly 400 into it.
Go buy PACcoin you poor people under 1 cent right now will moon soon
We will make it user
Don't listen to these fucks shilling you shit coins. Put 50% into elix right now. It's a 15-100x coin.
I have jack shit of REQ
Man I really need a moon mission just to get started. Fucking $200 is all I can spare.
Should i buy DADI at january 29 or just more LINKs now?
smart investment
Started 12/26/2017 with $1250. Pretty new obviously but trying my best.
I've just been trying to hold 2 coins at a time and selling once I 2x, take my principal out, keep in my profits and move on for the most part. But I am holding FUN until at least the end of Jan because of the launch at the convention.
Any thoughts. when should I diversify and into what? I was thinking 5-10k. Risk management is a thing but at my small amount I just sell once I am down $100 from my initial investment and buy back later if possible.
chance to get 1k "profit," at worst I lose 100 but I can make it up later.
Thoughts my Veeky Forumsbros
That shit will moon to 3 cents maybe. No one is buying it except a bunch of retards in a discord trying to shill normans into it.
jesus christ you're living on a bubble hellhole. better plan your fucking getaway while it's still early anoooon
I should buy a boat
forgot image
Am I gonna make it you guys? Hope so I only make 15/hr at work
Buy under 1 cent moons to 3 cents...3x profit... put in $100 get $300...
Dude, go all in on FUN.
Not with a battery charge like that.
i like what im doing now, it negates losses on one when another moons. i dont have enough money to just go all in and possibly lose 30% of all im trading
too diversified. max two coins.
I've got $100 AUD to dump into something for some gains while I go shopping today
Buy XLM, thank me later.
Am I gonna make it biz?
60% VEN
20% REQ
20% XLM
Probably going to leave it at that for a couple of weeks
I have a dream
You'll make it.
Not really sure what to do. I've put in 200 USD, want to get that up to 1000 USD. Been reading whitepapers and community for a week, need to start digging in to coins that aren't current hypecoins.
The DOGE and most of the BTC were free, no money invested there.
That ADA and REQ is killing me too right now I'm holding tho
I like what I see.
>free BTC
What else do I need to make it lads?
This past month I haven't made any extra income, it all had to go towards Christmas.
I'm thinking FUN, VEN, and XLM. Thoughts?
Most of the exchanges used to give free bitcoin for signing up. Obviously that's not the case now that it's actually worth something
Few tips from years ago when BTC was
lmfao poorfags have been conditioned to hate bitcoin and stay cucked by their alts. you guys are the best bagholders i mean it. i'll be back to pick them up about 20% lower than they are now
Jesus you twats. Pick up elix and shill it. This is the next 10x.
How do I put my ETH on Exodus onto my Blockfolio?
Started $650 on New Year’s eve. Hard losses at first but when I started learning how to HODL I started the gains.
Get rid of it
probably gonna dump Bcash one of these days for ZRX/REQ if prices are favourable. Also dunno. why the prices are so off for REQ/ETH pairing. I dojt believe in PRL but was too lazy to take money off cryptopia.
Explain. VEN, ICX and ETH are arguably some of the safest medium to long term holds atm.
ignore the XLM, literally got a handful of free coins back in 2014 when they were worth dirt.
33% split between VEN, BAT, and XRB.
feeling comfy.
>lowkey not really though
I don't hate bitcoin I just see greater potential in altcoins atm. Sure 90% of them will be worth nothing in about two years but by that point you can easily have 10x'd on multiple short term investments.
Or maybe I'm just a fucking dumbass idk.
>learning to hodl
>investor for 5 days
You fucking retards are missing one crucial thing.
moron did u really just sell ur dbc its only going up
no you're absolutely right. as long as you think of alts as ways to get more btc you're gonna make it
Still learning never said I learned.
That was the mistake that cost inital gains.
user, I just saw your reply. The picture looks like I started with $200-300 but it's really closer to $500. I just lost a lot. And I'm not sure I'll be patient enough to stay after XRB hits $100. I'm too greedy and I'll probably chase coins that x5 every week. But if I do it right, I guess it's as good a way to make it as hodling.
Meant for
You'll get there one day user.
Looking to double it atleast with tron tonight hehe
Uh no, BTC.
Bank doesnt accept BTC as a downpayment. But keep dreaming. Maybe oneday you will learn to take profits.
LOL this thread. Is there anyone here who actually has more than pocket change invested?
Bitcoin bleeding my alts hurts.
Did you read the fucking title you mong?
Everyone has to start somewhere.
Today hurts so damn good.
I don't know what's the point of holding this small amount of LINKS desu