How many of You Veeky Forumstards are already on RCN tokens?
Fucking comfy as fuck you beautiful bitch
Nah, I'm in BCPT. The non-mexican verison of ripio. Tripled me up the week and still has marketcap of 50 million with the co-founder of ethereum as an advisor, Ripio is ok, i guess, if you like sideways action.
hahahaha its you again
Does that coin hinge entirely on that patent or am I mistaken?
I guess I mean if they don't get that patent(likely?) Your coin will be worthless right? Mexican money might be a better investment for you?
why does BCPT trigger you so much? If you hate BCPT go to the telegram and debate like a man where you will get your ass handed to you. Or are you scared little bitch?
Lol you're posting in every RCN thread you see because you know you're wrong. I honestly don't know enough about your coin because I stopped looking into it because of their patent issues.
It's not a debate. If they don't have their patent it's a worthless coin. Do they have their patent?
lol it's quite obvious you know nothing about it
i'll enjoy my triple gains while you enjoy your losses
i knew you were a scared little bitch
ask any patent lawyer
they'll tell you it takes years to be reviewed and years to be approved
now compound those effects with the fact that it's a crypto patent, it'll probably take decades.
they came out with this patent bullshit to sell the idea that they have something worth looking into. the idea behind is laughable. LNDR is a joke. who in their right mind would ever want to use LNDR
So... any latinamerican country is México
So no patent? I'm not saying you can't make gains on it. Pet rocks were worthless until people like you started paying for them. Enjoy your vaporware
Actually I am a patent lawyer and i endorse this statement.
I would bet my patent on it.
I love how BCPT can triple in a week with absolutely no Veeky Forums shilling while ripio is shilled all day everyday and can't even double for weeks.
enjoy your ripio
Macri = gato
Wait so there's still no patent? That's weird. You mad though eh
You, trying to piggyback RCN, are pathetic
The things I regret the most in trading is being impatient.
I bought DRGN at ED for 36c and sold at a loss, when it hit 31c. I sold sub 50c REQ, cos I had bought in at 7c and decided that I can rebuy lower. I bought TRX at 4800 sats and sold at 4400, cos I thought moon happens in hours-days scale. No it doesn't.
You just buy shit with good fundamentals and wait till it explodes. So far, LINK is the only x4 I have caught. And if I hadn't been daytrading it, it could have been x8 for me already.
I am glad that you have a perfect sense about immediate market moves, and I would gladly follow you or even pay you for good advice if you had a newsletter of some sort or some other shit. But you are not sharing your knowledge here, you are just shilling your coin senseless, which makes it look bad, honestly.
Ripio is finally getting some traction it deserves.
It has had great news lately, they are following their roadmap and even have some aces in the hole, they only mentioned but never officially released yet. They are developing both loan protocols and loan exchange. Protocol part is ready to be deployed, it is just a matter of creating a user friendly interface to interact with them.
Meanwhile, all you say to establish BCPT's superiority is you making quick buck on it. And appealing to the authority of its founder.
> if you like sideways action
Actually it has been on a stable rise for at least a mont. Zoom out and look at the big picture.
This growth pace is ridiculous for a project that avoids hype. Peeps are genuinely interested in this project and accumulate RCN despite it being low-profile. They see its brilliant futurel.
> non-mexican verison of ripio
> implying you should not target your product to the market where you have already established a crypto trading platform
> implying OMG partnership does not mean global expansion
> implying you should bank the banked
>he bought LINK
opinion discarded
> cant find flaws
> critique the author
>he bought LINK and thinks his opinion matters
my portfolio is icx, bcpt, and jibrel
im gonna be a millionaire in 12 months you fuckin mong
that's how you know he's a subhuman piece of shit.
you sir are a gentleman and a scholar