He doesn’t have at least one masternode

>he doesn’t have at least one masternode

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 million dollars

who has this kind of money user

I'm too poor to bother with even the cheap shit.

Have a coin that I should have enough of to run a node, but they haven't released any details about them yet.

Setting my 1st one up today.
who here /passive gains/

Running this. I literally now have a 4k$ passive monthly income. It's not too late guys, there are also nodepools

>ID matches the coin's logo
kek keeps sending me all these nice signals. Comfy.
Praise him!

Wtc masternode, they rewards are higher than DASH. Buy in now or forever regret.

Please delete this! I don't want all of biz knowing where the big bucks are until I have enough nodes.

How much?

5000 wtc. So at current USD prices maybe 44k

Seriously look into it though, may never have to work again.


I'm seriously considering buying in. What do I need besides 5000 WTC to set up a masternode? Started doing research last night but didn't get very far.

Jesus that's a gamble if I've ever heard one

So which coin your running a node for, OP? Not including the coins, what was your start-up costs? How much you paying for rent and electricity each month?

Which one?

They’re releasing full details late this month or beginning of February. I’d hop in now before the hype gets out. I’m hodling mine for dear life.

Are you worried about VeChain?

No. WTC has patents to connect the rdfi directly to the blockchain directly and remotely, and a working product.
Every other RDFI manufacturer cannot use this tech without buying from WTC and will be less efficient. I think VEN mostly all hype like tron.
I hodl NEO and WTC.

Also , anything that’s shilled so fucking hard on Veeky Forums , I just can’t trust.
Literally droves of pajeet posts and people FOMOing chasing a pump. Yeah you can make money with it but I think it’s scammy.

COVAL. Have a few 100k, hoping that's enough.


Damn dude, nice. Congrats, always nice seeing fellow autists making it.

Have you read the white paper?

2018 is the year all of Veeky Forums makes it

Same, but ADA.

Feels good. We're all gonna make it, anons.

Sounds good. Doesn’t work.

Thor coins? Thunder nodes?
People seriously falling for this shit. Dudes are good at marketing tho.

>that ROI on POLIS

Got enough for 5 PoSW Masternodes. Gonna retire this year boys!