mother of god
I told you to switch to BTC yesterday and my thread got 0 replies
mother of god
I told you to switch to BTC yesterday and my thread got 0 replies
suckers never learn
nah I listened but also stayed up long enough to see most of my alts crumble and BTC rising.
sold everything but FUN.
might try to pick up XLM at 3100 if it crashes to that point which I think it might.
switch for what? For 10-30% gains? Bitch, please...
Lol if you were to choose, would you be a bitcoin maximalist or an altcoin maximalist?
Altcoin maximalists win in profit.
20k by tomorow
Good let it go up, that's how all the money that gets dispersed in more profitable alts gets there from the normies.
fucking buttcoin REEE
I'm not riding the waves though, all my gains all lost for the moment but alts will recup like they always do
>Squeezing the graph to make the candles look bigger
>Absolute state of Veeky Forums
The bankers are buying up Bitcoins with their inflatable worthless Ripple.
>bog down
>chad know this
you don't have to make that choice dummy
Where do you think it will reconsolidate?
kys reddit nigger
Fuck off 90% of shit in Veeky Forums is misinformation or shitposting. But HEY you're special so we should listen YOU in a fucking anonymous forum?
Honestly it will probably hit 25k and then crash and stay in 20k for a while
Actually, if crypto trades are taxed, you effectively do have to make that choice.
>switched eth to BTC just last night
>wake up alts down
Shit I knew it. Normies are gonna wake up and wonder "what the fuck is going on why is everything down and BTC going up?"
>hey guys wanna pump bitcoin again?
>yeah lmao and then when alts get really low we'll start pumping them instead
>and we'll keep doing this till we're all filthy fucking rich
must be nice to be a whale
But user, I did switch yesterday to 95% BTC except my low volatility shitcoins thanks to your insight. I love you and Veeky Forums. Thanks to your relentless resolve I managed to make already 10k$ in 1 day by just holding BTC right before the bull run. I will never forget you, you will always have a special place in my heart.
look at that and tell me its gonna keep going up
The award for the dumbest comment of 2018 already goes to a winner at 6th January 2018. Congratulations.
Holy shit, it's up like 1% this month. Fuck this shitcoin. I won't ever own another BTC no matter what the price does.
My alt portfolio could crash 50% right now, and I will still be up vs bitcoin for the month.
>I don't care about making more money
nice trading strategy
You want to break out the maths?
I think its necessary as Bcore cucks need to be shown a lesson. You are sub par, you make less. Even if BTC shot to 25k you will still be low tier shit.
By the time BTC gains to 50k, if it ever does, I will be sitting on far more gains.
You lose at profits, by huge amounts. And I have the numbers to back this up.
Be humble little bitch. Doge coin kicked your shitcoins ass in 2017.
>this month
how fucking new are you to this game
I've been trying to present this to Veeky Forums for days.
I hate to see them loose all their gains.
you are so dumb, I am actually happy that there are so many retards in this business. newcoiners who don't know shit is basically free money for everybody not completely retarded. maybe SOME DAY you will understand, but I won't even try to explain it to you thanks to your arrogance. stay dumb and poor, dipshit.
Making more money? You think betting that a crippled, useless 10 year old coin might "moon" from $15-17K is smart?
If it goes alllll the way to 20k, it will be one of the weakest performers in the top 10. And that's not even likely.
Let coinbasers enjoy those "gains", I won't be jealous.
50k here we come. After that point, every nation in the world will be seriously considering investing a portion of their GDP, and that's when Bitcoin will start heading towards 1M.
you guys sound like the most professional traders that have ever lived. seriously, this is comedy gold. keep it coming.
Bitcoin up
Dogecoin up too
Fuckinnawesome gains for me today. ATH
Not professional, and don't claim to be. Keep banking on bitcoin. You'll make money. Just not shit compared to everyone else.
Elixir is one of the few alts to survive the culling.
Still have made 0.2 btc today KEK
Cant wait when btc crashes
what is leverage
I'm all ALT's but BTC going up still makes me happy. That christmas dip was bull trap. ALT's gonna explode in 2018. Lesssgo!
I make so much money you won't even believe because I sold 95% of my alts fucking yesterday at 14k$ before MACD crossed only to rebuy next week at 50% discount. I even feel bad for explaining this to arrogant suckers like you who think they making "big money" when their 100$ pocked money multiplied. My 6 figure portfolio grew already 17% just with Bitcoin while every alt is in the shitter. Doesn't take more than IQ80 to realize this btw.
But yeah. Feel smart about "holding".
>buy alts under .30
>watching wojaks panic who bought in at ath
Doge coin made 35k for the same investment in BTC in 2017.
Go fuck yourself :D
Haha, ok. You and your high IQ keep timing it right every time. That will surely work out well.
BTC dominance dies a little more every day, and it will lose the #1 spot completely in 2018, if not even sooner than December, maybe June.
Shits changing in case you haven't noticed.
you really think they, as well as index funds will put money into somehing that is an alternating pump between btc and alts, with many pump and dumps of smaller coins?
>zoom level: 20000000000000000000000%
>still doesn't grasp the concept of trading
I guess there is no hope for you. Not worth the time to argue, dipshit. It is sad to see so many pathetic brainlets as "investors", but good for people over IQ80 to make profits off you.
It is not crippled nor useless retard. These christmasfags don't even understand what the point of crypto is
This was probably the easiest call EVER to be made with BTC. Failing at this doesn't really compliment you.
TA is not limited to BTC
>drop 100 in btc, + $15
>drop 100 in alts, still up $200 or so
>unless I can buy a few btc shit's pointless for me
I know dude. It's a "store of wealth" or something now. It was NEVER meant to be a currency, or fast, or cheap. That's all revisionist history. Hahah...
kek, so you choose -20/30% over 10/20%. Good job
GOAL POST MOVED! Now if I am a master day trader I can make more money.
35k Doge though. Dash did 90k. ETH 85k Ripple 200k
That's just if you HODL!
I don't need to make calls, or trade into shitcoins hoping they'll pump 3%. I literally don't fucking care what BTC does.
I know it's garbage, and will chill out again and no one will remember that sick bullrun from 15 to 16.5K. And I can get back to making money without making 100 trades to do it.
Yeah they all moved at the same time. Oh wait.
It was always meant to be p2p digital cash and it will be. Right now it's simply a decentralized censorship-resistant asset that nobody can confiscate from you. SoV meme is stupid
>realize this is the case
>sell alts when they're high at a safe profit
>hold your 30% gains in btc til the next BTC rally
>sit comfy and shop for alts when they're low again
the cycle continues, don't let greed get the better of you. When you feel like you're somewhat near the peak of an alt boom, it is almost always a safe bet to sell, because even if you're less then 10% near calling the top, if youre patient it will cross your price again on the way down and you can still accumulate as desired
>surely btc is done for the day, i'll switch to ethereum
fuck you me from last night aka this morning
Well, I also just invested an extra 10k. Which is now 8k.
Buy the dip. Wake up with a headache.
>got rid of the last of my btc grandpa diaper shitcoin yesterday and bought a bunch of alts
>this BULLSHIT happens
It's a brand name and we like it. When it goes up, everything else goes down. Keep fighting this or accept it and trade according to it.
Oh yeah LTC did about 55k last year for 1000 usd investment. No need to trade and you gain insane gains.
Ripple made 200k and all you needed to do was sit on it! HAHAHAHA
How does this help you right now...?
If you're transient in the market, you're loosing money and will continue to lose money staying in a asset depreciating against BTC. Altcoins are mostly traded in BTC pairs, maintaining a strong BTC value allows you to increase your altcoin position as the market fluctuates. If altcoins are the future, you should be in BTC right now to allow you to accumulate more of them, not stubbornly maintain your stack as it is now.
That is true, i just fear for the day everyone does this and theres no alts to return to. Fuck that dinosaur.
One of the existing cryptocurrencies will become the most valuable thing in the world soon. Maybe it will be ETH, maybe BTC, who the fuck knows. Either way, one of them will have a market cap of over 10 trillion dollars in a few years, and it will be a race of accumulation which will take place within one year. Everyone will participate in this race. The future will have people defined by owners of said currency and non owners.
u literally move out of positions that will go 100%-500% in the next week because of temporarily 20% losses? all to chase 10-20% gain? what the fuck
Times are changing. BTC dominance is waning. The market won't be pegged to BTC for much longer. I'm just doing my part to help move that along by ignoring it. I'm not going to jump when grandpa farts.
I wish nothing but the best for BTC bagholders.
i set up price alerts and then sleep through them its maddening. but i got less money in it then you. but maybe setting price alerts to wake you up when the bitcoin beast gets moving
This guy knows.
Fuck BTC, diversify well.
Seriously, what degenerate dimwit are you? Are you trying to be the dumbest person of all time or what shit are you arguing with your lack of reading comprehension? It is just sad at this point.
If you're in any top 20 assets, you're deluded.
If you've found a couple lesser knows you think are holy grails then go with your research. God speed and hope you're as smart as you think.
This is actually the first time I invested money in it since I began. I started with 300 dollars, which turned into 24k. Then in the last two days it dropped to 16k, which is pretty frustrating.
Today I figured to pump in some extra, and we will soon find out if it was a good decision or not. But today it looks pretty bad..
this. dont ever be any type of coin maximialist. gottan flip back and forth between the two.
>positions that will go 100%-500% in the next week
Yeah sure, if you're so convinced why don't you take a big loan and pay it back in a week, you could also go and put it all on red at the roulette, you have about 1/2 chance of being right.
hope my sell order for 1 btc @$100k goes through
I can name a number of coins, some even absolute shitcoins that will 2x sooner than BTC will. Not because I'm super smart, but because I'm not absolutely retarded.
They are legit retarded. Who the fuck in their right mind would invest in Bitcoin right now (and in the future)?! It's a shitcoin with a fundamental value close to zero.
Exactly, even if it goes to 50k the gains will be silly compared to the alts.
I will laugh so fucking hard when LN comes out (if it ever will), from the top of my alts gains.
>buying things inside the top 20
I hold 5 positions in the top 100, 15 outside the top 200 (some have entered the top 200 since I bought), that's where the moneymakers are at
The chickenshits in here are the ones propping it up from it's dying breaths. Everyone scrambles to make those killer 10% BTC gains. Why? Fuck it, let it die.
Currency? Buying coffee?
FAKE NEWS! You have been banned from /r/bitcoin for spam.
>temporary losses
You must think coins are actually worth something and go up forever. Your whales friends who pumped your shitcoins already cashed out. The fomo kept them up and know the fomo is fading. It will be downhill from here the 2-3 months, all coins will go down 50% minimum. You don't know it because you probably got here in November but just wait.
If you are one of those who made sick gains I hope you have it in bitcoin, or cashed out. Coins are only good to trade now
I swear to god, why are there such retards on this site...
Your argument is total strawman. I believe in some alts, does that mean that I bet the house on them? Hell no, I manage risk.
The fact that he thinks his positions are doing 2-6x the next week does not mean all his money is in there, nor that it should be.
Fucking Christ people, can you even think logically?
>with a fundamental value close to zero
This applies to all crypto..
>Is the gold standard to get into the entire half trillion dollar crypto market sphere
So wow much 30% gains
Fuck off mate I'm making 30% every few fucking minutes take your BTC and shove it
>he's not buying great projects with sub 20 million market caps
stay poor
Not really. Monero has real value (in the fact that it allows anonymous transactions), as does Raiblocks (instant and fee-less transactions), as does Ethereum (ability to run smart contracts), and many other coins that are not vaporware -- the minority, I'll grant you that.
Bitcoin is laughable in comparison. The only hope it has is in LN, and if you had actually done your research you'll know that it won't solve shit.
I am sure as hell not keeping my profits in Bitcoin. But rather in Monero, Ethereum and fiat. Why? Because I'm not retarded. You brainlets have all been blinded by the 15x Bitcoin pulled last year. Whooo-woo such returns!
Where did you infer that? I actually hold BNTY (not sub 20 anymore, but it was when I got in), UFR, ITNS, CRED, PFR, which are in my "shitcoins" portfolio department and already made me considerable money.
You pajeets cannot even argue. Go to school instead of jabbering on this board.
we hold multiple of the same coins so don't what to say
>He'd rather keep his assets in over inflated fiat than in a limited supply decentralized currency which is currently rapidly growing in demand on a global scale.
Ever heard of diversification? Probably not, if you chase 10% Bitcoin soft-dick pumps with all your stack.
You forgot something, user!
>and 5 hour queue for transaction + 30+ usd fees.
Reality hurts for people like you. Thats why you are so triggered right now.
LTC == ~55k
Dash == ~90k
Doge == ~35k
ETH == ~85k
XRP == ~200k
BTC == ~15k
All in HODL mode with no trading. If you put 1000 USD on January first 2017.
Who gives a shit? You can buy LTC and insta transfer if you're desperate. SEPA bank transfers take percentages instead of fixed fees and take days to complete, as a comparison.
If you buy LTC with BTC its still going to have a huge transfer fee. Unless you keep your super decentralized BTC on exchanges.
Nice 1 minute chart faggot.
It barelly moved.
I remember it user. Looked at the BTC chart and still didnt believe you. Luckily I always hold at least 35% btc after learning my lesson from the last run. Held two other alts. One plummeted the other held steady. Did a bit of rebalancing (now 60% BTC) and Im up for the day but still down 10% BTC. I think I did well. My question to you is what price will BTC hit in this run and in what timeframe? I know its anyones guess but you seem to have a bit of foresight.
if it runs past 20k expect it to go absolutely nuts!