>mfw portfolio is 100% BTC
Mfw portfolio is 100% BTC
why yes, I also love waiting a month to make 10 percent
>newfag to crypto and investing in general
>always heard about BTC, never bought in
>BTC balloons to $20k
>finally decide to buy in after talking with coworker when it dips
>bought at $16k
>dips to $11k
>series of panic sell/buy, pretty much buy high sell low
>read more into BTC and learn the magic of hodl
>total investment $400
>now $330
yay I guess, maybe I'll break even in a year
ops is waiting for it to hit 19k so he can drop his bags and never do crypto again
for once, I am :)
oh and I sold all of my VEN yesterday at 24k
Get something better like ethereum or even litecoin if you want to hold one of the big boys for a year. With that little investment, you're better off going all in on some shitcoin
I have 75% in BTC, 25% in alts with ETH and LTC included
how am i doing?
99% btc because a faggot paid me 10 OMG yesterday. Will I make it?
BTC maximalist here. I've never bought a shitcoin, and I've held through 80% losses on bitcoin for 2+ years before reaping my rewards. That makes me morally superior to every last one of you filth.
I regard the vast majority of Veeky Forums as subhuman scum but it's fun to watch you thrash around with your various pump and dumps and attempts to get rich quick by scamming your fellow man. If there's any justice in this world most of you will die destitute and alone, covered in your own feces
99.x%, bought some FUN yesterday tho.
>you get rich by scamming your fellow men, unlike me, who bought bitcoin from someone who didn't make money on it and sold it to someone who will probably lose money on it
really made me think
buy DBC lol, easy 400% by february
its all six to half dozen unless you perfectly time swinging between btc and alts. and in researched alts you always have that chance of the quick 10x
Congratulations in your 10% gains. Almost reaching mutual funds levels lol.
why do you type like you're the antagonist in a childrens anime series
also its on kucoin, heres my kucoin ref code. using it splits kucoin fees by 50%: 14s6v
it's actually 14% and in 1 day
while shitcoiners get ABSOLUTELY REKT
and when the run is over I buy back all your shitty alts with a huge discount
Congrats on your -25% loss today. Almost reaching penny stock levels lol.
I was 100% BTC until the forks started rolling out. I haven't dealt with all the shitcoin spawn I guess I have. Haven't even imported my keys into any of the shitcoin wallets.
But who was stop losses at 8%?
Oh no, detract from 8% from my 310% gains.
Oh hey, I've 3 times as much btc as I had a month ago, and the alts are down by 40%. What a good day. Boy oh boy am I glad I didnt just sit on my ass for a month hoping for 20% below ATH.
I'm only 95% BTC since the forks rolled out
kept my BCH as well and sold the BTG for alts.
If I would have just kept the BTG in BTG i would be in the same position as I am playing with alts, and honestly it's more stressful
or that quick 50% dip when btc rallies
Tbh the best option for long term is keep 40% of your portfolio in btc and 60% in alts. If you want to cash out of alts after 30% up you can put the profits into other alts or back into btc but the idea is that some of us are fighting to get on whatever side of the see saw is going up but realistically both sides are going further up intermittently and hopping the rails is the only real way to lose money. Diversified hodlers will see their portfolios increase proportionally to the entire market, which means you can't lose if you're willing to have iron hands and never ever panic sell
Ya, my shit is all offline and I'm too lazy to do anything with it. Mined 8 in 2013. My buddy sold me three for $25 and I sold those for 900 :(.
Still got my original 8 + their shitcoin spawn. Astounding that any fork is worth anything.
Only 95% because of certain low volume shitcoins that I can't sell. Still got to sell alts worth over 5 BTC yesterday. SO FUCKING COMFY YOU DON'T BELIEVE.
>tfw 1 BTC owner
like I don't blame people who have already made it looking for maximum safety. but your not going to make it holding btc with less than multiple hundred k
I switched from 100% alts to 95% BTC yesterday. Never was a call easier desu. It is not about holding, ideology or whatever else. Just maximizing profits. And having 15% BTC gains while being able to rebuy alts at 50% discount is humongous opportunity cost that you avoided.
Nice to see some green wojaks
That's not true at all though. Not saying BTC is going to take on the payment systems but if it was the payment system AND the currency it would be an easy 100x from here.
Not saying it's going to happen, but one coin has to come out on top.