Shh don't tell anyone faggot.
You do realize that spreading this means the price will go up right? You paid $3000 to spread this? You are stupid.
need faggots to buy faggot so i can get more money faggot from teeka faggot
Chicken Tikka Masala? Fuck you.
yes i buy when the alert comes out cheap, 4channers buy after me, i sell, profit?
Too bad it didn't go up much donkey breath.
Preparing the LAMBO
any news about the pbc picks of the week?
i miss the time we could have those kind of infos on the board instad of 400 posts about tron and verge and whatnot the next fucking pnd for the pleb.
This doesn't really make sense.
If GAS goes to those prices then NEO will pay 100% returns per year. Not feasible
dudes this whole thing is just a massive p&d chill and avoid the shilled stuff
Hmm wow so suspicious
Retarded faggot if you spread it is impossible to make a good profit
GAS will probably 3x from here. What time scale did Teeka suggest?
so PBC is a giant pump n dump or do they actually make good predictions?
they make good predictions and predicted several coins that have gone up a ton. Plus they have a huge pumping effect so that combined with the good coin selections tends to get 10-100x coins. Look at antshares (google Teeka and antshares) - he recommended long term holding that at 22 cents and it's now $70 (NEO which is the rebrand of antshares).
Shh. Just let it happen
I didn't buy Stellar when some generous guy shared his palm beach with Veeky Forums on 5 October. I thought he was a photoshop troll who created a fake photoshop that look like a real palm beach report.
how long did teeka say this will happen and at what sale price? Do I have to wait a year or some shit?
Nice, just sold my entire stack.
how long for it to 2x-10x?
Tommorow GAS will be $10k
>how long for it to 2x-10x?
I mean generally speaking how long do Teeka's calls take to pump?
a few months to a year? from what I've seen, anyway>