I'll never get a woman like this, no matter how much I make in crypto, will I?
I'll never get a woman like this, no matter how much I make in crypto, will I?
Yes you can user
look at that shit tier house she is living in
you can get that girl if you really really really wanted too
Nope CHAD's trades CRYPTO when FUCKING Stacy HARD and NEVER reads WHITE PAPERS
>go to places and put yourself into situations where you meet women like this
>actually try to develop social skills and being charming just like how you try to get good at crypto
>get bitches
not really that hard if you try op
this is true, they will use you for your money. You will eventually fall for one and wife her. She will take 75% in the divorce, all the while getting dicked by Chad.
No matter how hot they are you eventually don't care. High end escorts are easily that hot, and a lot cheaper than wives.
i bet any girl would let these 3 guys fill up all her holes
theres literally millions of women that attractive or more around the world, you could get them
it wont matter anyway as we will have sexbot ai waifus that can have better conversation than women today (if they dont clean up their act, we will see)
you guys are so fucking pathetic. your entire worldview is a literal /r9k/ meme. holy fucking shit. I have met actual junkies who fried their brain that have more of a grasp on reality than you do. do you genuinely believe the real world is a chad/stacy meme?
the things Veeky Forums can do to a brainlet..
yeah no shit retard.
thats like saying any guy would fuck Megan Fox.......no shit sherlock
Umm it isn't a meme. Are you baiting? Can you post a pic of a hot girl with an ugly guy?
many people get memes thrown at them so often they actually internalize them as real beliefs. those incel dudes from reddit and /r9k/fags with their beliefs about women, /pol/ with their conspiracy theories, some people on Veeky Forums who unironically believe there are a lot of indians around shilling coins, the list goes on. unending exposure to the same repetitive memes does bad things to the brain
did you fall for the height meme as well
can you use google for like 3 seconds dude? there's countless examples
>that girl
user... i hate to break it to you but that girl is about as average as you're gonna see. if you cant talk to her, you have no chance with any woman
why would you want a roastie user?
the hell does ugly mean? lots of attractive people have ugly faces. you just don't notice it because they're attractive. if you don't agree start looking closer
why do you want a girl like that? You can tell she's completely vapid and probably doesn't think about anything besides TV shows and makeup. I can't imagine having a remotely good conversation with her
Women fucking love money, you could buy much more attractive women than her if you make it big.
Older women especially love money, 25+ year old women don't fuck around with poor fags.
she's not hot but shes above average
might be a good girl for a night, but look at her tits. Now think how they'll look in 30-50 years, hanging down next to her feet
unlike all those other women who look attractive at age 50-70
Those guys are incredibly handsome desu
no user. You give too much credit to the titties half out. Put her in normal clothes and shed prob 5-6/10. average
>ugly cow with fake blonde hair
crypto can't buy you a personality, get your life together user
40% of men get 100% of the women for free.
60% of men have to pay for it.
*tips fedora*
>Virgin loser laments that girls are attracted to handsome men, destined to never join their ranks because the self-pity has taken full hold in his brainlet subconcious
a lot of women still look good in their 50s my man, especially asian women
also plastic surgery will fix this in the next 20 years anyway
Nice try. Trump was a Chad.
>a 15 yr old
Look at his face, my dude. He was never attractive.
>actually believing 60% of men can't get laid without paying
holy shit go outside and talk to real people you pathetic fucking incel
yes, I am part of the 40% cucking you out of your well deserved intercourse
also please kill yourself, you will never ever make it
You can get one for 20 minutes in Amsterdam for 0.0035BTC.
Whats going on in this picture?
Nice fat fetish. In 5-10 years she won't be cute anymore, JUST fat.
he has a butterface, chicken legs and a gay fucking haircut. he's ugly by any definition of the word, even in his prime
>Face so big you could land a 747 on it
>Do you guys have a fetish for kids or something?
What an ugly cunt, why do people like that big face Miranda Kerr look?
sure top 8% of girls will fuck any guy as long as he is social and "puts himself out there", his genes don't matter
Evolution how does it work??
1. Full drop virtual reality.
2. Sex Dolls and Robots.
The neet gene pool destroyers.
>those childbearing hips
Also the manlet meme from Veeky Forums
you're gay
>t. manlet
by being social, you dumb fuck.
These girls are shit anyway, they are sooo fucking boring after sex (Bang a hooker instead)
Go for girls that like what you like, then you'll enjoy yourself and the sex is better
>sure top 8% of girls will fuck any guy as long as he is social and "puts himself out there", his genes don't matter
provided he isnt an ugly disformed manlet with balding ginger hair, or a pajeet, or scrawny pelican shit 4 eyes nerd, yeah, they will
you should kill yourself
This - the older you get, the less you care about it in that way. What you want is someone loyal that doesn't annoy the shit out of you and isn't a waste
This is Veeky Forums not r9k.
Making money feels better than sex.
my uni is unironically a chad/stacey meme. Everyone here looks like a model and I can instantly tell when someone I see is just a visitor from another college by how they dress / walk.
It sucks.
I plowed cuties and am poorfag
Fat crypto folio is better
Should have bought Satan Coin for that kind of woman.
people used to be a lot uglier back in the day dude
That top image gallery there is one of the many reasons why NEETs on here will forever wonder why they'll never get x woman. I have browsed Veeky Forums for years and I'm pretty much chad IRL, I seriously can't get why so many grown men are turned on by fucking pony and weeb cartoons, it boggles my fucking mind.
You could get her free with enough personality humor and working out
You could get her with money with none of that
Guaranteed she's fucked worse than you. All I have sex with are women way better looking than me to the point we get stares in public constantly and that's when I don't pay lol
Legit got to me for a while, and I don't usually fall for shit. Its hilarious how it works, you can be 6" 4 and have a taller brother and you still think you are a manlet
height meme is pretty real, just not as real as incels think
PAY for it.
Wtf dude
You can get BETTEr women with money.
Welcome to real life. Women are not loyal.
I.Q/mental state, face, soical skills.
These are the most important things in life in that order, and I'm awful in everything.
>inb4 hurr my I.Q is 200 but I'm sad.
No It's not, high I.Q people are happier, and actually more attractive on average, most of us here are average or bellow average I.Q. 2 of the most important things in life are solely determined by your genetics, this just further proves that we never had a chance, as soon as I was born I was doomed to a life of despair becuase of my genes. Basiclly if you have a shit I.Q, you will never do good in school or get a good job, bad face you will never have sex or go on a date, and poor soical skills you will never have friends. No user you will never get a girl like that, your genetics deny you the pleasure of having intercourse with a female. I'm very wealthy for my age (280k networth no debt) and I'm a uni student yet females treat me like scum. My only hope is a prostitute.
of course you you can get beautiful women with money
but if you don't learn how to fuck them at least half decent, they will sleaze around on you
>I'm very wealthy for my age (280k networth no debt) and I'm a uni student yet females treat me like scum.
social and economic status is actually a great predictor of sexual success.
sry you're probably just a piece of shit
>have high IQ
>easily do well in school and at current software engineering job
>8/10 face
>find it easy to socialize
>significant amount of money
>depressed and doomed to be single forever due to horrible body acne and keratosis pilaris
I was almost chad and it hurts so bad
The only woman I'll ever need
What is this chicks name I've been locking for it for awhile.
>no pedo
jalyne ojeda
learn to google faglet
First guy isn't wearing his armbands correctly
shes so fucking FUCKING UNAPPEALING in EVERY WAY what is wrong with you people?
I have a signed Bailey Jay DVD.
bros we probably all fapped to this same pic countless times. Isn't that a little weird?
You aren't wrong user.
It is easier to become a millionaire than it is to get a gf.
the struggle
i want to become this woman
Holy shit.
you can get any girl you want OP
>wanting a trash white girl instead of a godlike tanned chink
hmmm.. okay user.. sure.
I just want to make enough to be able to buy women.
>do you genuinely believe the real world is a chad/stacy meme?
no, not to that extent. but our society is built on hierarchies. particularly when it comes to the halo effect and popularity.
this is why its almost a rule to have the most good looking girl as the "highschool queen". same with the school jock. and people will go to retarded lengths to get close to those people.
this might sound dubious, but this is the real world
Asakura-chan is a goddess.
A doll has almost the same amount of plastic as she does. But a doll will never be so annoying to make you lose your erection.
bruh buy green lambo and drive around mall asking girls for directions
>you'll put your dick in her mouth within first 5 minutes guaranteed
I keep reading women traders have better performance than men and they say it has to do with how women are less confident so they trade less risky. is there any truth to this claim that women traders have better performance? would it be better to hire a woman to trade? btw if I where talking about some kind of software engineer type role I would never ever consider letting a woman anywhere near the project because for sure she would ruin it. but what about trading?
Hit Veeky Forums
Get rich trading cryptos
Use that $ to get plastic surgery for your shit face
maybe on average because they don't take big risks. but the best traders by far are men. even if they only found at the end of the spectrum.
Yeah theres a lot more kurtosis with men, lots of way below average and way above average men, but thats not just in regards to trading but in other fields as well. So then I guess the more important question would be good strategies to find the way above average men traders?
Lol don’t kid yourself op I knew this girl in highschool, she has taken more dicks then she can count. Fucking her is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway plus she is absolutely batshit.
Men are better at everything.
Stop falling for this feminist bullshit meme that women are better than men at anything.
We have seperate sex Chess tournaments for a reason.
of course its _real_, shit is deeply biological, but to believe that you are fucked because your height number starts with 5 is beyond braindead
How much do you think she got paid to let all of those guys fill her up?
Get rich trading cryptokitties and buy cats on real live.
Much rich doge DFJwQhxgYSJuyh37jeYVWH7jFiPbVWWBPW
Get my kitties eating tuna everyday hahaha
Such funny cats and dogs comunity
Such 1M Doge transfer? hahahahha
Much rich
Such millionaire
200K such money
I give you 140M DogeCoin for 4 cryptokitties
Just buy coke with your crypto gains
Bitches LOVE coke and will fuck you for it.
Such rich