Ether Delta Shill Party

It's time to shill your favourite and most promising coins from our favourite shitty exchange. Moon missions arise!

Here are the results of my ED coins performance over the last 7 days thanks to the wonderful shills of Veeky Forums

BitBoost - 567%
Snovio - 344%
KIN - 302%
PayFair - 243%
My Wish - 182%
SophiaTX - 91%
BLUE - 73%
Verify - 70%
Upfiring - 68%

Whats your flavor of the week? Roll trips I go 10% of my $350k portfolio

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Fuck me I wanted upfirnig and payfair like a week ago. God damn etherdelta is a fucking cancerous exchange..whatever

how about EDT ICO?
Looks retarced, but people dont buy much
Chance to shill it to the stratosphere




wasn't ED hacked again yesterday?

Its BitBoost baby ayyyyy

circulating supply?

routing for these two. keep em up

Total is 430mil. Circulating is stated.

NIMFA TOKEN. 308k coins.


Check out bitclave I don't have the ED link but looks promising.

BBT !!!!!!!

snovio shouldnt be counted as it went to kucoin which pumped it hard.

but otherwise good list. i had payfair and kin.


Someone shill me sophiatx

TAU fools

Do you have the token address for it on Etherdelta? Cant' find it.

This will pay for my gender reassignment surgery, and to have it reversed.

STAR - 57%

thank you user for shilling this. This coin has an absolute bottom market cap and can only go up. Its premise is to be the "Kickstarter" for any startup opportunity

Party's just getting started user, pfr's getting listed on a very soon and more announcements to come, I wouldn't want to miss the rocket.

Look it up on
Don’t trust internet strangers to give you addresses

Oh, TAU is the ticker. Lamden is the name

Rolling for ELIX

BitBoost, also BlockCat and Worldcore look promising.

Large portion of my portfolio is into VEE right now, going to go big.