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thanks for jinxing it.
Poorfag holding 4,500 Tron at 0.04 cents
Pls moon
if you think jinxing is a real thing then crypto trading is not for you. weak handed fag
>can't even get to 1500 anymore
>get close to 1400
>shit itself into oblivion
This show is over
goes up maybe by 50% today if we are lucky, hear more news (real news) will be next week, these yellow fuckers better do something worth all the hype
>tfw bought the hype
rev up your wojaks boys
Lol you think Justin Sun would allow his coin to be labeled as a pump and dump now that it was reported on CNBC and he got in a feud with Charlie Lee?
He strikes me as a narcissist. No way he would let his coin be a pump and dump. Plus he has tokens locked up.
Definitely has more shill tricks up his sleeve.
show hasnt even started fuckface, 30 min left.. go be a jealous prick somewhere else
Dont dump if it dips after the press conference. It dipped last time but skyrocketed shortly after.
“These yellow fuckers”
Wow, racist much?
Where do we watch the conference?
This indeed, yesterday! Dont worry.. chink news have to make press releases on justins shit too... give it some time
shut up nigger
I find it real fucking suspicions that huge ass paywall that had been there for some time today suddenly dropped off and took a lot of value with it right before a major press release. Really starting to think someone at the company or one of its affiliates is playing games with their coins value. The paywall basically assured cheap prices for the event.
Honestly this hard downward spike on all crypto today was suspect as fuck.
periscope, he will link it on his twitter
who gives a fuck, we are here to get rich you fucking dipshit
are you telling me you believed in this shit all along?
Wow, racist much?
legit question, are you new?
this can't work twice on the same day
Hahahaha, oh God, you know this is Veeky Forums, right?
how new are you, faggot?
I am honestly disgusted by the amount of racism in this board. This is a board for business. I may be new but know there is no place for racist remarks, its rude !! Have some respect and get your act together
larping as dirty street shitting pajeet
nigger lover.
This our game.
>when plebbits come to Veeky Forums thinking it's their hugbox
get bent niggers
The announcement will be terrible, and you'll all be holding on to some unsellable bags.
no, newfags, its actually YOU who took the bait
this kind of reddit imitation posting is getting rly popular on biz
not enough normies to buy you bags user?
So you're actually retarded?
>"huge ass paywall suddenly dropped off and took a lot of value with it right before a major press release"
>what are whales
>"hard downward spike on all crypto today was suspect as fuck"
>what is bitcoin pump
You're so right, these comments are just awful and I am simply disgusted by them.
Anyways I hope this fucking slant eyed gook Justin Sun is the real deal.
LOL no
>doesn't know about a new meme
ITS YOU who took the bait actually.. as it's well known that people BAIT baiting reddit larpers to then draw out the person claiming the "welcome to Veeky Forums idiot" people are new - so you've been fucking baited. I win.
its pumping now.
Just shut up! Please! Please! Please! Shut up!
broke ass bitch
hahahahah underrated
I'm sitting on 50k bags bought for 1400, don't bully me...
it's been 50 minutes, no?
so far he is just being a disorganized guy saying "sooo ummm uhhh decentralized"
can't even get periscope chat to work. Forgot to turn off his cell ringer, etc.
I'm buying more
yea that's all I saw
no.. that's a video of a lot of random talk
about to switch my tron to doge after watching this stupid video
Fuck off back to school kid. Go do your homework or something.
fuck off
lol u idiots better leave before 26 year old asian justin beiber dumps his bags on u guys
This fucking video lmfao who are you retards acting like this guy has the competence to do any of this shit he's saying
soo umm mark uhh zuckerburg right? so we umm competition facebook uhh so yeah decentralized right so umm
Pied piper
he compared himself to warret buffett, elon musk and donald trump
justin sun is going to go far lads
this nigga got more ambition than whole teams of other coins combined
i'm all in faggots, see ya later
you are so dumb bro shut the fuck up. it's a pity.
lol i think a lot of scamcoins before you normies arrived had a lot of ambition
>shit i don't have any basis for an argument
>better call him a normie
look at this fucking loser, stay poor fagboy
Fucking tell me now you dirty biz niggers.
dump my rippletits for the tronz?
fucking fud and fomo
>dont have any basis for an argument
ok normies lets see your ambitious project stand the test of time and competition with real projects.
Just because your attention span cant research anything outside of what Veeky Forums says is not my fault you're going to be holding onto justin biebers bags
lol you sound like a fag and your shits all fucked up
>real projects
okay lets hear them bud
Veeky Forums has such their panties in a twist over the "normies" getting into crypto because they're realizing it's pumping all the coins they've been FUDding and they've missed out on
if you rubbed the single two brain cells together and weren't such a poorfag, you would've just ridden the wave and made your profits off of it like a smart person, but you've proved that's not the case
here's something to really get your panties in a twist: I all inned on TRX, XRP, XLM, XVG, and whatever other coins your so called "normies" are buying about a month ago after seeing them break through into the mainstream and rode the wave to huge profits
what did you do? sit around HODLing your so called promised-coins, your "real" projects? trash talk other coins that were doing better than yours because you know they were mooning and you weren't in on it?
your autism and averseness to making money is showing, I'm not sure this game is for you