This shit is ridiculous.
This shit is ridiculous
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Rediculously awesome! Working product and steady gains. What more do you want from a coin?
I have 2 million in cold storage no exchanges to put them on FUCKING SHIT NIGGER FAGGOTS BURN THE JEWS
Saw it coming from miles away.
Official thread theme:
About time to see some real growth, but the prices are very fucky right now. Bittrex is flying past 500 but you can't get your Sia in or out. Poloniex is at 320 which is still huge but are these numbers going to last? Once the wallets open up we might see a serious flood of coins... please give opinions Veeky Forums this is the wild west right here
Im All in on this coin bought at 130
Got 800k of this Gold coin
I tried transferring my coins from BitBTC to my Sia-UI wallet. A WEEK LATER my transfer is still pending, support ticket is unanswered, and my hash 404's the explorer.
Ive been on some moon rides the past 3 years. This piece of shit coin that I've thought about selling 5 dozen times might be the reason I never have to work again.
Where can you even buy Sia Coin from? Can't see it on any of the exchanges famu
bittrex is where I got mine
tfw bought only 1k of these last week at 0.02 cause I'm a poor fag...
feels good..
thanks famu
DON'T buy on Bittrex. It's only mooning there cause the wallet is under maintenance.
Poloniex for 350 sats
Bittrex for 540 sats
Kinda ridiculous really. Huge market gap.
why would it moon cause of that though?
>cr1tical has been shilling this for months
I mean the price is being driven up on Bittrex because you haven't been able to deposit Sia into it for a while now. But still we're way up on Polo too, it just seems too good for the coin, this can't all get destroyed when the wallets open up again
because the ecosystem is closed. No one can deposit any new coins from the outside or work with the arbitrage from poloniex. People start driving the price up and there's no one to pull it back down.
The point is that once the wallets open again, whenever that may be, it's gonna dump. Since everyone is gonna transfer their coins to Bittrex to sell them that high.
the wallets are hopelessly broken and losing coins though - you can't risk sending your coins anywhere. nice to ride it up but you can't keep these things
Ah i see, that makes sense. I thought it was mooning because its the only low cost/high supply coin that hasn't mooned in the top 30.
and i was thinking maybe people wanted to hop on to the next TRX, ADA, XRP & XLM tier price increase.
Do I buy and then sell before the wallets open back up? I never do short term buy/sells so idk if its just going to go down once I buy.
Yeah but the fact that Polo is over 300 also... it shouldn't fall beyond that surely?
sounds about right ..same boat
Who knows? It was around 250 like yesterday. Just today it dipped pretty low.
No idea when this thing will come down. That depends on when they fix the wallet on Bittrex. If you consider Sia worth buying, then buy on Polo for sanity's sake
>Do I buy and then sell before the wallets open back up?
Thats what I'm doing.
Well to be honest I'm not even doing that. I'm just riding the wave until momentum stops without taking my eyes off it.
The normie demand will clash with the HODLR's transfers.
Once the wallets are unlocked, it's going to be an amazing shitshow (:
Glad I sold
chur bought at 50 sats
100 btc sell wall destroyed in 21 seconds
>be me
>buy in at 60 sats
>be happy
bought at 80 sats....bought only 80k. FML.
sold this shit last week cause it wasn't doing shit. bought more stinky linkie instead so it isn't that bad... right guys?
Bought 300 coins at .02.. feels bad now.
sounds like we've got all we need for a ride to $1
>tfw sold 600k SIA at .038 to buy VEN
Not in the long term, unless ChainLink suffers misfortune.
Should be a guaranteed x50 at least, but it's not going to be soon if I understand correctly
woot, glad I bought a bunch of SIA to screw around with their storage, wasnt even trying to make a profit but holy shit
you nutty man. when the wallet is fixed (if the devs can ever accomplish that... and that's a big IF) SIA gonna tank
Wouldn't a wallet fix have the opposite effect though
jesus christ that dump.
Post your mooning music:
Top fucking kek, this is unreal
ALL of my shitcoins are mooning one after the other.
what are you holding? sia is literally the only one that's green today, everything else i hold is down 20% or more
>Putting serious money into an utter failure of a shitcoin made by pimply 19-year olds.