don't say I never did anything for you Veeky Forums
Posting this here first before it gets circulated on reddit, telegram, twitter, and discord communities. You're welcome. This thing only has a 200 million market cap at the time of this post. Main net product launch this month, Goldman announcement next month or early March.
AirSwap partnering with Goldman Sachs
Seems like whales are suppressing the price too, look at all them wicks.Interesting...
I remember this shitcoin was shilled by animechan. It finally went back to ICO price. Fuck your bags nigger
The token has no utility and is worthless.
i bought jewswap instead of request, when request was 4cents. all my regret. anyway fuck jewswap, they're with bancor.
>he fell for the anime chan meme
how are those blacked moon tokens and mbrs working out for you
Honestly I hate faggots like you, do your own research and fucking accumulate but don't share information like this it stops us from making the most return while its unknown. Please educate yourself
That image is a pretty big effort shill, I hope it's for our good and not just yours.
I've already accumulated for months. I was waiting to unveil this until the coin started pumping. People are starting to figure it out. Look at the large volume buys on the hourly candles on Binance. Those are institutional/insider buys. I'm helping plebs get in before all the early positions are taken by whales, crucify me.
last time this turd got shilled everyone got burned.
You'll stay poor by letting your emotion cloud your judgment. Shame.
Breaking bad faggot. L'tip of my fedora good sir.
Leverj as well...pajeeted by anime chan
You could blindfold yourself, spin around until dizzy, then slap your dick against random coins on CMC and do 10x compared to AnimeChan's picks.
I don't know who the fuck that is, and I don't care if someone shilled you on it months ago before ICO. You shouldn't either, if there is a real opportunity in front of you. Congrats to those of you who saw this post tonight. Don't sell before 5x :)
Bye bye.
It's true
You can bring a horse to water...
When I see such pathetic fud, it make me all warm inside. This baby is getting strapped into the moon rocket and leaving your ass behind. Anyone who is curious, look into this. See who is right. (Me)
The tokens were not needed for this project besides to raise funds for development. It is not a utility token such as 0x where it is used for fees. You use the AST token to "access" the AirSwap platform by locking your tokens. You don't need to hold more than 100 tokens at any time for this platform. Oved, obviously found a loophole to call it a utility and use it to raise money.
>Platform already being funded and backed by old world big money
You think there's any room for the token holder to make money in this game? AST is fucking useless as a token.
so is XRP cunt
got burned by ast back when btc was 4k.
Not even Stellar could pull off Golman Sachs. Can't wait to be carrying these "Golden Sacks"
ive been buying up each dip every chance i get. Surprised to see it shilled here so soon tho