What if you don't make it? Do you have a Plan B?
What if you don't make it? Do you have a Plan B?
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yeah wageslave and get married
Plan B: KMS
Plan B: All in
plan B is unhappy, sad life
Prolly just buy a house without a mortgage and wagecuck
We're making it
I have a stable job, fiance's family owns a successful business that I'll participate in.
I'll probably masturbate to cartoons and play vidya for few years and then end it.
y-yes, of course
Plan B: there is no fucking plan B
Wait for Veeky Forums to tell me the next get rich quick meme. Repeat until rich or dead
I'll carry on, graduate med school in 2y and become a millionaire anyway
Get on my tier
can't not make it
ill probably dump my life saving into some ICO and pull out when its 10x
alternatively, if bought a bagout bag that will serve me if i ever turn homeless
It's all or nothing for me.
This should be your secondary plan while your plan A is in the works.
Thats plan A too.
I literally have no plan B. I am all in on this.
I need like 1 solid year more to make it and be set for life. If not it's all over for me.
Like seriously. Its just over.
Everything that I've thrown in has been the equivalent as to buying a lottery ticket for me. Everything could literally go to 0 tomorrow and I wouldn't give a flying fuck.
wow that's harsh bro
what about plan C?
take up heroin again and wait for comfy OD
finish this last semester of chemical engineering and salary cuck someone else's dream
Plan B is open my own business. If that fails too, I guess I just have to jump off a bridge. But not before I take a mortgage and go all-in on black in a roulette. kek.
pull out while I can still afford a noose and go out autoerotic style. might as well see what the hype is about.
All you can really do to not make in 2018 in panic sell.
Hold your shit and you'll be good.
we will make it
I waged cucked a small homestead 20 minutes away from my job so I guess I'll just keep working. But being able to quit or go part time & really work on my homestead would be a dream.
Plan B is be a wage slave struggling to pay off my $50k personal loan debt.
Another medfag, cheers.
honestly at this point im pretty much where this user is. as long as you dont panic sell you will be golden.
assuming ofc you arent holding fucking absolute shitcoins
planning on finishing my meme degree and crossing my fingers on getting a desk job. If i don't find a meme job for my meme degree I'll just try and get a higher salary mcjob and stay at home to shovel more fiat into crypto.
Plan A is to make it.
Plan B is to die trying.
It's all or nothing brahs, it'll be what it'll be.
why not learn to code, there's a lot of demand for people who understand blockchain. it's not hard.
Court charming respectable ladies of high society, and then civil union into wealth.
I make $90,000 annually at my job. But I hate my job and that amount of money really isn't a whole lot in NY. I am hoping that in 19 years when I can retire and start collecting my pension (which is around 60% of the average of my 3 highest paying years) I will have little to no debt so I can travel and live comfortably. If this shit doesn't pan out I'll probably have to wait 5-10 more years before I can retire and I fucking hate my job
I unironically want work full time to create my own coin after I make it.
I have unlike the most NEETs and losers here a STEM degree in CS and math. Worked as a programmer in some consulting companies and see crypto just as an addition to my daily routine. Yeah, once it doesn't work out I have thanks to my education always a Plan B.
Thats why I view people dropping out of education as pretty stupid - you can do both and get something valueable in return.
what specialty you thinking?
Plan B: make sure plan A works
Pajeet detected
We're gonna make it
Prolly plastics/cosmetic surgery.
If I can't get rich from crypto and the rest of you ugly bastards guys do, I'll just take your money when you spend it all on hair transplants and penis enlargements $$$ win-win