stay. the. fuck. away.
fud on Veeky Forums -> sure moon
>doesn't know that similar projects tend to have similar texts
gtfo newfag
nt dadi pajeet
> Is either so blinded or retarded that he ignores blatant copypasting
Seriously this shit is sad. Dadi really fucking embarrassed themselves.
I was just about to defend dadi, but this is damning.
should I invest in SONM instead?
Idk about that but Dadi is pathetic. It still might not affect anything though lol.
a tiny amount of plagiarism != scam
fucking moron
"tiny amount of plagiarism" If anyone is stupid enough to rationalize like that they are past help.
yeah and i'll be past the moon thanks to this ICO. you will be making no money because muh plagiarism meme. have fun
asking for 30 million on an ico but not be able to write your own whitepaper... is smell confido 2.0
Try doing a "tiny bit of plagiarism" for a university paper and see how long you stay enrolled
it was like 1 page. you act like the whole thing is copied. stop being melodramatic.
I'm actually conflicted right now.
The plagarised part is actually very little and I think it might have been too convenient for them not to copy and now they're facing the consequences.
The hype is so high that this might not even change things. I really have to think about this one.
well that's the thing. we aren't in (((university))), which is where you fags learned that plagiarism is on the same level as murder. get over it, good goys.
>literally full pages copied
be real about this
it was more than 1 page. That one page was just 100% copied and a lot of other were just rephrased.
I knew this shit was a scam when I saw how much the crowdsale was shilled on biz. Never seen that much shilling for one here. And the fucking referral codes too.
Getting ready for the Dadi raped me memes
Nice! Just bought 100k
Of SONM ofc
damn shame i know, just bought 100k
I know you're trying to help, but you are also a super n00b. do some research before reading one article and assuming its the word of god
Dude the founder fucking admitted it and is in full damage control mode.
I'm out. Daddy is fucked.
I'm out fuck that, this was going to be my first ICO too oh well.
is he serious?
Gonna be some panicked Raiblock devs when they realise one of their own just fucked up his reputation.
If you guys want a legit ICO, check out Teleport Token's. Rent drones to normies, if you sign up then you get 50 tokens worth 5 USD.
is this a fucking joke? you don’t need blockchain for that shit
He joined in December to take care of website design and marketing. Raiblocks devs are now hoping they had never hired the guy. They are probably better off removing him immediately and cancelling any partnerships they may or may not had planned with DADI.
I mean, I hope they do, because I hold XRB and I don't want to get JUSTED because of this mess.
You should tell these other guys that too
Irrelevant. Hype and investor ignorance will make this moon.
That's a lead SONM dev btw
Fucking hell I decided to throw 1k into this like 30mins ago.
I wonder what type of hype litigation and a lawsuit will cause?
Hahah shit is about to get real
how do devs act like this?
I remember IOTA's dev talking shit to literal investors and people interested in the project for asking hard questions.
Its like, what in gods name makes you think this is a good idea
daddy no
No partnership with Raiblocks anymore. DADI is DEADI.
ok now I admit it, DADI is getting rekt
RIP DADI. Press S to spit on DADI's grave
Lol they still do this
And it seems like they may actually kick him out from the Raiblocks team as well. That guy and his shitty ICO are fucked beyond belief.
>I'm seeing that now
What the heck?
For a legit, solid alternative to this coin, invest in RLC. Their top 5 team members have PhDs in CS. They know what they're doing.
Read up. Get learnt.
Shit tier FUD
God dammit, why are you doing this?
You are an aelfi coiner or whatever the fuck it's called, aren't you?
dadi is going to be the biggest ico of Q1 2018 and your fud will not stop it.
I'm in 4 groups and everyone is buying dadi on minute 1.
>err XRB
Holy shit XRP moon confirmed!!
You literally can't throw 1k in this yet.
Why are you larping, fucking faggot?
I meant at the ICO in ~15 days you retard.
Ditto on this. Compare Iexec to Golem and SONM and (((Dadi))) and you'll see that iExec comes out waaaaay on top.
> t. bought 496 RLC today @ 18k sats
If you are lucky enough to get into the ICO, you're going to want to put waaay more than that into it. Guaranteed 10x on listing.
Given the current revelations, I'll pass
>founder admits to copying and is hostile to responders
>Veeky Forums will defend this
Just kill me now
Ouch the amount of shilling by dadi pajeets rose a red flag already, this confirms
it's actually a felony in some cases