worst coin
Great token, solid tech, solid dev team, very fast and cheap transactions
till they release the next billion coins on your ass
Are those really the actors? Was E coin supposed to Ripple?
and the next billion, repeat 50x or so lol
Trump wasn't the real enemy (a distraction just like we see now) - it was the banks/ripple that are the true enemy face.
> Ripple gains thread
Post em lads wew
Fuxk off fagface
Top is ben Bernanke and some Ripple shill
Bottom are the actors.
Scene came before the Ripple shit show
Anyone have the pic with the eagle calling for the new world currency in 2018?
Also XRP holder since March, stay poor faggots
Thank you have a Ripple
bitcoin since 2013. enjoy holding your centralized high supply garbage before it crashes and burns.
why can't they just make ripple way over valued?
Its faster than bitcoin
Salty that when XRP goes up BTC will become an alt?
Enjoy China bringing the ban hammer due to the fact BTC is slowly destroying the ecosystem. PoW is shit
your face when you realize this is bullshit.
that would be too simple, user
>your face when you realize this is bullshit.
fak forgot to tag the fag
Just bought 100k.
fucking autistic fidget spinner autism turbine cuck centralized bank coin God damnnit.
never bet against the Jews
Defend the 20 xrp cost to create a wallet.
It decreases as the value of XRP goes up. Used to be 100 XRP.
Its a protection mechanism to discourage multiple wallets to be made just to spam the XRP system. Same reason why each transaction costs 0.00001 XRP
tfw said years ago that normies don't care about muh decentralized crypto and all it takes for big banks is to make their own coin and use their advertisement budget to shill it
They don't want a crptocurrency that's usable user. That's why the bilderberg group has sabotaged bitcoin by refusing to up it's blocksize. They control the current financial systems and want to stop crypto from disrupting it as much as possible.
is stellar in the same boat as ripple in most regards?
All the infighting directly caused by these kikes allowed Ripple to happen.
you're an idiot.
adam back is a fucking cypherpunk. do you understand?
>people are incorruptible
bought 300 at .17 cents and then another 700 at 70 cents
feels good
bought in at 4.50AUD
Its k tho cause I bought like 40AUD worth so idgaf
Long term hodl, it'll be a 7 dolla token in a month or two.
Best fucking performing asset the past 12 months. I've made $50k on this shit. Stay salty ripple haters.
78k here on Ripple alone.
My dick is diamonds.
XLM shares the ripple tech but is decentralized and will save us all. praise be
Daily reminder that the hate for XRP stems purely from envy, as it actually functions as a currency... while BTC shits it's pants anytime you try and do anything useful with it.
you fucking pleb. XLM is less decentralized than ripple
>XRP stems purely from envy
yea I figured I'd check it around the end of the year. I just grabbed it and transferred it to a personal wallet & will leave it there.
I trade with other crap
"Muh. Itcorns"
80% of the hashpower of your shitcoin is in a communist nation you insufferable retard. Tell me more about centralization.
Try harder, faggot. While you're waiting 4 fucking hours for one BTC transaction, I can send XRP 3,600 times.
Stew on that you little bitch.
>he thinks I'm a corecuck
Ripple is backed by mathematical proofs to verify jack shit and all distribution comes from one firm that just willed xrp into existence. Learn what traditional banking and fiat currency is then get back to me, okay champ?
>he thinks XRP is equivalent to fiat
They hate us 'cuz they ain't us
>created out of nothing, literally numbers generated by Ripple and sold to retards like who, who have no fucking idea what a crypto currency is, or even fiat for that matter
>mining a process in which economic actors can contribute to the network via validating transactions in a distributed decentralized manner, miners are rewarded for validating transactions and securing the network
Global, compliant, secure, fast. XRP. For people with important business to do.
true. tecnically not even a coin.
Fiat: inflationary
XRP: deflationary
I don't give flying fuck about "mining". It's an obsolete method of obtaining/creating currency and a complete fucking waste of energy.
Hey rabbi, watcha doin?
Daily reminder that NO BANKS are planning on using the ripple technology, much less the XRP token. Literally none.
not really. people will soon realize ripple is not even a coin in the bitcoin/crypto sense. its closed source too which means it could be spyware designed to steal all your other real coins and you have no way of knowing that.
I know you don't give a fuck about mining, brainlet. It's apparent you're too stupid to understand or even at least attempt to learn why mining is vital to securing the network or why proofs are why crypto is what it is. Just keep buying dem ripples doe dey gon be worth as much as dem bitcoins are today.
(((protection mechanism))) sounds pretty scammy and jewey to me.
>nonexecutable data is going to steal muh bitcorns
the fucking delusion....
>It's apparent you're too stupid to understand
No, I literally just don't fucking care. I'm in this to make money, shitlord.
Bitcoin and all of it's clones are obsolete tech. Obsolete tech never stands the test of time. Ever. So fuck off with your ideological bullshit.
so what you're really saying is that you are poor.
Use it to send another person a payment or just transfer money; it feels so nice and futuristic. This shit moves at the speed of information, like a future currency should..
>hurr durr fuck off with your ideological bullshit, stop using logic and reason!
>banks are good!
>big government is god!
>centralized monetary control totally hasn't fucked over mankind for the past 300 years
You don't seem to understand, there is no long term gain for you in these centralized systems. I can't convince you, you're not actually going to go learn why crypto is important. Ripple isn't a crypto. Keep sucking banker cock bootlicker.
>no long term gain
I bought this shit at 4 cents. It's currently at $2.60.
Do the math and stay salty.
>nonexecutable data
the fucking low IQ retardation
Ripple is not crypto it's literally centralized fiat marketed as crypto. You might as well use fiat and banks, it's all so pointless. I agree PoW has issues, however coins like Monero use Asic resistant technologies to stop this insane power wastefulness. It's because regular computers can not compete that this shit is happening in the first place.
>in it to make money
>doesn't care how the tech works
>but calls the tech obsolete
The coins aren't even stored on your PC dumbass.
Yea... no............ enjoy your bags
FIAT: Inflationary
XRP: Deflationary
Try again moron.
yes because its centralized just like your debit card. whats so futuristic about that? having a bank in your back pocket (decentralized crypto) now thats futuristic.
Does nobody realize why Bitcoin and crypto in general became so valuable in the first place? Ripple isn't a true crypto
Im literally just in XRP because of my 20 XPM wallet, jew mode
>dey done only made them up once dey can't do it again
Fucking relying on trust you stupid fucking cuckboi. LEARN WHAT CRYPTO IS
>test of time
bitcoin less than 10 years old. ripple much less than that. you are beyond retrded
>ideological bullshit.
i love how normies get a small taste of "wealth" and all of a sudden you cant tell them anything. they know it all because now they have superman complex. listen to me gaylord. you are nigger rich and thats all.
I love how everyone hated the banks and the whole point of crypto was to cut them out of the picture. then ripple moons and everyone suddenly like "what's wrong with banks?"
fuck you homos
>isnt a true crypto
Windows 8 is less than 10 years old, you still using it dumbfuck?
>The coins aren"t even stored on your PC dumbass
And you think that's a good thing?
BWAHAHAHAHA! Fucking brainlet...
How about your cell phone? Is it 10 years old? C'mon smartass! Speak up!
>windows completely started over with each edition of windows
>probably thinks bitcoin and other cryptos don't undergo regular updates as well
>thinks the internet he's using right now is the same from the early 90s
no but i'm still using your mother faggot
Look at all these people in this thread mad as hell they missed the ripple run up.
Have a cute robot!
What was the last major revision to bitcoin you fucking assclown? Do tell why after 8 years it's still a slow, unscalable piece of dogshit.
and what does any of this have to do with your idiotic comment about muh "test of time" your fucking low IQ dimwit.
bitcoin is still actively being actively developed dumbfuck. the last commit on github was 7 hours ago.
I don't even have bitcoin you moronic ape. Bitcoin is old tech. I was responding to your brainless comment about "test of time" what does any of this and cell phones and windows 8 have to do with that? did you skip your meds?
>bitcoin or other cryptos
I know you're a dumb faggot, but learn to read. I'm not a Corecuck. Bitcoin was intentionally cRippled by Kikestream to cause network congestion. Which is why Bitcoin Cash forked off, not that you know what a fork is.
>what does this have to do with test of time
Are you fucking retarded m8? You admit you don't use an O/S or a cell phone that's 10 years old... but a 9 year old cryptocurrency that can't actually act as a currency to save it's fucking life is "teh future".
Fuck outta here, moron.
Think of your gains when your kids are enslaved by illuminati fidget spinners
Bitcoin Cash is a piece of shit as well. jesus christ....
This, blockchain like any other technology is double sided. It has the ability to free us from this or enslave us in even more horrific ways.
Yeah, just ignore the part about why Bitcoin runs like shit and focus on the effect of it in which nobody was arguing in favor of.
Bitcoin runs like shit because it's only capable of 7 transactions per second. It's an obsolete design. Period.
Look you retard. I haven't admitted anything. This is all delusions in your tiny brain. The only thing I admitted to is that I don't have bitcoin because it's old tech. But ripple has not yet withstood the "test of time" you absolute moron. You are temporarily rich. ripple WILL NOT withstand the test of time, made up currency never does. Crypto will survive and ripple is not crypto.
If you are bored then please make the blue ripple fidget spinner with 3 blue dildos!
Bitcoin is 8 years old. XRP is 5 years old and the faggots at Ripple have been controlling the supply and artificially inflating the price since then. They still hold 60% of the tokens fuckwad shitforbrains
Why didn't it scale up, retard? Learn what's happening in this space.
Guys I'd like to interject for a moment.
We made back our loses!
Now we going to moon as soon as bitcoin crashes (again)!
Outside of the ideological reasons that ripple is shit, here is some basic math for you retard.
>ripple is supposed to replace bank wire transfers.
>ripple can do in a few seconds what wire/swift payments take 1+ days to do. great!
>$15T is transported in wire/SWIFT daily
>86,400 seconds in a day.
Assuming that ripple takes over the ENTIRE FUCKING MARKET and takes 3 seconds per transaction
>$15,000,000,000,000/(86,400 seconds per day / 3 seconds per transaction)=~$500M
in other words, XRP's market cap of $120B is at best 240x what it should be. at best.
>but muh test of time
If you are holding its because you put in 100$ or some dumb shit like every other fag on this site. Anyone using real money would have taken profits from this coin at the correct times and option in at the right times. No ones is watching thier USD balance swing this hard with REAL money.