Very comfy, generating GAS, bright future, easy life.
just bought sonm, think its gonna moon hard this week
GTFO this is comfy NEO thread
safe bet.
Sold half my stash for Ripio, i'd suggest you do the same
But how much Neo do you need to hold to feel comfy? Generating $.000001 doesn't seem worth it.
i have 150 which give me about 1 GAS a month. not enough to retire but that GAS will pay for all sorts of goodies each month for me soon enough :^)
2300 neo, getting one gas per day avg
same here buddy
is cardano going to kill NEO once and for all?
wew that was an easy play.
neo was at 100 while gas was at 32. easiest buy of my life. i told biz but no one seemed interested
What has Cardano shown? Very overrated coin at the moment.
Fucking colonel klumpf and his band of rural retards screwing up our world with this new fangled GAS shizzle
is not updating unclaimed gas amounts?
Fffffuck, I don't have $23k to drop on this but I would like some dividend or well shitty gains train here I come choochoopoo
lmao 2300 neo is about 230k, for fucking 1 gas which is about 40 dollars. DO the math u could fucking take out 40 dollars from 230k from 15 years after that is when you will start seeing any returns on the intial investment, the only thing this has going for it is the fact that the price is gonna keep rising. But as of right now its a very shitty investment to buy 2300 neo
Well as of right now yes it's pretty shitty but the price of GAS will only continue to rise over time. If you got in early though you'd be sitting pretty. I'm hodling 1500 NEO and that comes out to 0.45 GAS per day. 8.1k USD per year. Not bad right now but wait til GAS is a few hundred bucks senpai
One GAS a day club! Hello fellow ants.
GAS and NEO will be over $200 soon so if you earn almost 0.5 GAS that's $100 a day, enough to live from.
Think it makes sense to keep acquiring NEO as a long hold?
For sure, NEO is a solid long term coin and can easily go x10. And actually has a product compared to ADA or TRON in top 10 right now.
wtf does this mean?
NEO is the safest hold of 2018, and likely the best store-of-value instrument most Veeky Forumsfags will ever have access to. Dumb money's lack of interest in it is an advantage for holders.
>the only thing this has going for it is the fact that the price is gonna keep rising
cash out now and get a day job. you're not made for this, and will end up ruining your life being this fucking stupid.
Definitely. All the new ICOs coming out are brilliant and have awesome teams developing. I'm personally stoked for NEX. Gonna be a game changer in the decentralized exchange game. All of the ICOs under NEO actually get screened so it's not just a wide array of vaporware like with ETH. Not to say ETH hasn't had good coins/tokens but the majority are shit.
>muh $30bn whitepaper
By then your NEO will be worth even more so the fact remains that your investment return percentage wise will be shit whether GAS is $1 or $1000 you fucking aspie.
Stay poor faggot
What I meant to say was that buying in now won't yield you as large a return on GAS as if you had gotten in during the ANS days. Unless you have a huge sum of money to dump which most don't.