HAHAHAAHAHAHA which one of you faggots panic sold TRX at 750 sats. Literally back 1000+ sats in 10 seconds.
HAHAHAAHAHAHA which one of you faggots panic sold TRX at 750 sats. Literally back 1000+ sats in 10 seconds
why did you buy this shit? jesus h christ
Holy fuck the site crashed on me I couldn't fucking buy but the lowest I saw was 848 retarded normies KEEP SELLING AHAHHAHAAH
people that panic sold on suicidewatch. holy shit this is the most brutal whalegames ive seen.
Kek what a flash crash.
What kind of retarded whale sells in a dip though. It's literally back up to where it was when he sold within a few minutes.
it's fluctuating like crazy right now, it could go either way.
That was me, and I sold because this project was too retarded for me to hold so I just market dumped to make everyone else panic sell too.
Lol cope harder faggot. Was so obvious that the dump was inorganic. The whale that was dumping was literally killed by another whale.
This is why you invest in high volume coins. Some douchebag whale cant dump it as hard as LINK after SIBOS. If he does, another whale will wreck him.
I hope you kill yourself when this reaches $1.
under 1000 sats now, lol
that kind of fluctuation in price seemed organic to me based on what I saw this week, but thank the fucking lord I fucking held strong. Whales almost got me. I will keep this in mind for next time user thx for opening my eyes
Is Justin resigning?
After that streaming the chances of it going to $1 are minimal
1030 sats. Literally the same during the BTC bullrun earlier today. 750 and 1030 sats are fucking huge in percentage.
Stream was a disaster. No way it's reaching a dollar now. ABANDON SHIP
I sold at 12k and made 10k this week. Keep laughing I’m onto the next coin that will 50x within a week. All in. And fuck Veeky Forums I’m not telling you faggot what it is
so one bad stream and now its gonna never go to $1? are you guys just fucking around or actually retarded?
What was so bad about the stream anyways, I was at work and just got home as it flash crashed.
Asians are going to buy this up because most of the user base Tron is tapping into is in Asia. Based on what he was talking about I heard 100 million + user base for all the partnerships. Why are westerners so got damn retarded?
Dead cat bounce you retards enjoy the bull trap
Love me some panic selling and flash crashes. Managed to grow my stack a lot more. Thx anons.
I think it's mostly westerners
He's not a wonderful speaker, at least in English. Comes across as a bit unprofessional I suppose.
HAHAAHAHAhAAHAH 1116 sats already
Just an uncharismatic chink speaking in a foreign language.
>Uhh... So... De... Uhh... Decentralization... Uhh
Also a lot of retards thought he was going to announce Alibaba, which he didn't. The sheer amount of normies that bought into this coin makes it extremely volatile. They have the weakest of hands and the hardest of FOMO
There was only some jitter so the words got mixed sometimes, literally beyond that nothing was bad about it. Actually gave me hope for the platform anyway, just these dumbass normies selling too quick because they cant hodl well.
pls tell user...
How the fuck did it give you any hope? He just kept saying "decentralized," "Twitter," "unnamable partnerships"
I'm literally 100% into TRX, but I just can't understand what's good about it?
Like I expect it to go up just because of FOMO all the way to $1, but basically they have no product and a mumbling chink.
It is. So is ADA. So is Ripple. First I wanted the normies to fail, now I join them. They give new meaning to the word FOMO.
>chinese fellow can't speak english well
>better sell
I hope these weak handed turbo brainlets fucking kill themselves
Also Alibaba partnership is definitly happening sometime in the future. Just to early for that now, he doesn't want to blow his load early, start with the small announcements like Obike and move up as his coin value increases
Calling it now, .30c before morning.
Except Ripple has a solid team, is partnered with big banks and it actually fucking works.
TRX vision is way too big for what they are.
its back at 1120 sats again what a surprise.
Pray you’re right my friend
congrats on you $.03 capital gains user
Same thing happened on much smaller scale with DBC. Their team tweeted to CMC in broken English and some retards panic sold. It mooned right after. Divine retribution. These chinks are going to make us rich and normies will help by panic selling us their cheap coins.
Still a shitcoin.
he's lying, he's hoping someone is dumb enough to suggest something
Tron bots are the most fucking brutal bots ive seen.
>panic sell
>see its going back up
>buy back in
>unintentionally made a profit
Lmao notronners watch the whales that accumulated a shitload of TRX at 750 sats pump this to $0.3
what would be an honest EOY guess for tron?
>he still thinks the Ripple coin is necessary to use the Ripple network
>he still thinks banks even need to use the shitcoin people are paying $3 for
Banks do not use this shit. Get it through your head. No one in their right mind understands why people are paying so much for that coin. It's absolutely a house of cards waiting to crumble.
Hard to tell but definitely $0.3 to $0.5 end of month
This is literally gonna happen tonight, to force the normies to buy back in. Whales have no hearts, chink whales have a black hole in its place.
1 dora
Do normies even realize they're being manipulated by whales? Tron is the most obvious scam I've ever seen. Why do normies believe in it so much?
Are Asians our greatest ally against the Norman menace? Are they, dare I say it (((our guys)))?
ever hear of an A B C correction n00b
welcome to B
prepare to eat fucking mulch
EOM - 11 cents
EOY - 5 cents
.05 we've seen this before
it will slowlly deflate to shit
until it has a product
unless it is that one coin that can excite people with hype forever
gtfo and take your gains from a shitcoin and be proud
This reminds me of Link FUDing.
Who would spend their effort hating on a coin so badly. Every coin I don't care for I just don't enter the threads. You know what this is. People who desperately want to buy in on a dip, because they know the potential.
We need a twitter thread tomorrow when the normies wake up.
(((THEY))) hate anything that isnt ripple
Chinks have always been relentless when it comes to fucking people over, foreign or domestic. The normans weren't prepared. I'm glad to work along side them and profit from it.
I totally agree, but I also think TRX has one more x2/x3 in it for now. Normies WANT this to succeed, and as soon as Justin gets them back into FOMO mode with his "announcements" the price will skyrocket again. I'm getting the fuck out after that.
Hahahahahajajajajajhaha 1200 sats lol @ the panic sellers
my 50k tron bags bought for 1400 don't need dip user
I made a lot on it and I'm still with nice profit but seeing a lot less than what I made is pretty shit obviously
>trx rising again
Fucking panic selling FOOLS
If we go past .25 prepare for another FOMO
I wonder if it's all according to plan