>double my money
>still feel unsatisfied
Double my money
Comparison is the thief of joy
thank fuck i bought sonm instead of this shit
Just set goals. Don't become a degenerate gambler
>x10 my money
>still at 1500
because you underperformed the market dumbfuck + 10,000% or gtfo
>5x my money
>still at 7k
the only choice is to double it again
I have x10 my initial investment. Started in August 2017.
Still unsatisfied. Still regretting all the good coins that I've sold too early.
Is this normal, Veeky Forums? How can I enjoy all these gains?
I will double it for you. Going in on XLM and ADA rebound and then selling when it recovers. Overpriced but ill ride it.
Still the same amount of btc I had when I started in September
>x9 my money
>still at 20k
That’s amazing tho bro.
I've doubled my initial investment but desu I'd be disappointed if it doesn't 15x in two years...
That's fucked up, right? I'm fucked up
Shut up soy boy act like a fucking man.
>mfw I have actually 100x from 1k to 100k but now im too much of a pussy so I barely gain anymore, afraid of buying high on everything
halp, im always 80% btc now
youre a smart man, this alt bubble is bound to end soon
I hit 20x yesterday, but now back down to about 17x, feels good but I don't think it feels real enough to me yet and still feels like I,could easily lose it all. Started in June last year
>50x my money
>still unsatisfied
up to 100 smackeroos then kiddo that's not bad keep your head up
>have 1000 dollars 2 days ago
>widdle my choices down to SIA and BAT
>eventually pick BAT because it seems like a much more practical idea
>SIA 3x's in 2 days while BAT loses 10% and bitcoin goes up
man ive never made a multi-thousand dollar mistake before in 2 days
crypto is so fucking rough on your psyche
I won't be happy until I hit a million, it's just the way it is in this fucking game
>Be me, a poor fag
>Start this gambling phase and put in 400
>120% gain in about three weeks thanks to BrainGang, REQ and VeChain
It's been stressful as fuck so far, but we're all gonna make it OP.
>x300 my money
still at -$4.51
holy shit fucking poorfag kys
Alright young boys listen up closely because I'm going to give you a bit of a life lesson here:
A lot of men think, "If I just Make x amount of money ill be happy. If i can just buy x car and live in x house, and have a hot enough wife, ill be happy with my life."
Thats the masculine error of thinking. The feeling that you "made it" as a men will never come. You will always be in the constant struggle of wanting to better yourself and never be happy with what you currently have for an extended amount of time.
Mark my words.
And to add onto it, the only way to be happy is to accept your current situation and be happy with what you have at any given time.
I don't care. Constant improvement is the only meaning of life.
I've gone from 40k to 160k and it's not nearly enough.
>Invest for the first time ever in Dec
>Buy 1 ETH at ATH
>Market crashes, down 30%
>Oh well I'll just trade alts to recover losses
>Miss XRP moon despite having it at one point
>Miss TRX moon despite having it at one point
>Holding ARK and XMR bags while other coins moon
hate this game
However, it is nice to have goals to define as "making it" sort of as a checkpoint for bettering yourself.
you will make it with xmr guaranteed just be patient
you fell for the staking and tax evasion meme
It's not enough until I can never work again and afford a decent house and lifestyle
set target goals to have satisfaction, user.
all i want is to be able to cash out enough to pay my student loan bill (23k) and then still have 20k left to continue this with.