The lead dev of DBC is a creepy SJW that supports IOTA white genocide. SELL NOW!!!!!
when this is the best fud Veeky Forums can come up with i wanna mortgage my house to buy more
>blockchain meme
>ai meme
>machine learning meme
>good logo
shit will moon no matter what
DBC confirmed $10 EOM of this rate
Unironically this, Chinese will pump the fuck out of it when it gets released on bigger exchanges.
Lead dev? Nah, BrainGangGoodGuy is the best user on this board from Missouri. The DBC dev cannot even compare to BGGG.
I am not a Dev and I cam back to check in on my BRAIN GANG but the thread is done.
Yu can find me creepy my friend but I am no sjw or far right. I am me, and you are you and no matter you beliefs I am not going to judge.
SJWs want to convert you, I just ask you find love peace and happiness without hurting others. I just happen to know that love peace and happiness comes from loved ones caring for people and people caring for you.
Not a Dev, just a man that has a dream and sees whats important.
Friend thats a little steep hehe but invest a bit I truly feel its going up to the moon BRAIN GANG FOR LIFE!!
They will my friend BRAIN GANG UNITE!!
Hello my BRAIN GANG friend!! checking in on yall and shooting back to my family.
love peace and happiness to yall while I am out even OP hope you find out what I found out in life.
I don't get it, why is this shitcoin supposed to moon?
I like you.
Gonna meme DBC to 50+ by EOY I can see it already.
Hey man, how was dinner and watching tv with your family? I'm ready for another wholesome BRAIN GANG feel good /comfy/ thread.
hey dude!
hope all is well with you and your family :D
really hope everyone here is having a blessed day :)
DBC for life !!!
#positivity #goodvibes
You remind me of those really positive pajeets trying to get you to be part of various pyramid schemes... y-your not a pajeet are you?
Aw shit he's autistic pull the coin kucoin.. jk you're an alright dude. Brain gang on flex.
I like your positive attitude! I'm positive I need you to send me some DBC :)
holy shit stop spamming every fucking thread
Pajeets can never be pure. By their very nature they are tainted. This guy is pure.
it's chill. if they ever get big, I have screencaps to spam liberal news sites with. "Is Brain an Alt-right coin? Veeky Forums comments found from Associates of Brain"
Yeah into my buy order
Anyone? I already doubled my investment, I just can't see this going much higher any time soon.
It's supposed to be listed on Huobi soon and us Brainlets here are expecting Chink FOMO. It's not sure when this listing will happen exactly, though. For all we know it keeps getting delayed indefinitely.
>sjw hipster as fuck myself who supports white genocide and redneck prohibition